O29.⁷⁵: 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙝

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y/n l/n
Helping out felt like both a blessing and a complete, and utter curse sometimes. There was always that feeling of accomplishment after being able to help out so many, but y/n didn't expect to make herself busy every single day of summer break. It consisted of club training, motorcycle licenses and fortune telling. It was absolutely draining, but at least it gave her more 'feeling proud' points to herself.

Finally, the last day came around, and Saiki had been pestering the girl about going out on a date. Both were exhausted, so they could use the time off and alone together. y/n was busy rushing around her apartment, after cleaning around the whole day. Dust was collecting, and she had spare time before Saiki would come pick her up.

'Now for the outfit...' She hummed, pulling open her closet door. He had planned to take her out to another country; maybe Korea or somewhere in the Middle East, but that plan backfired when Kurumi told him that Yuuta would be staying with him for the day. 'Babysit him for the day, his mother is busy! If you do well, I'll buy you more coffee jellies!'. And how could he say 'no' to a treat like that?

So their plan drastically changed to going to a festival nearby, where Yuuta wanted to watch Cider-Man Ramune perform. y/n didn't mind though, she loved the small child. Even when he screamed about every little thing. 'It'll be a bit warm, so I guess I'm going with another sundress.' Monologuing to herself had become a small habit of hers now. Comparable to Saiki using 'good grief' every second sentence.

Now there the angel was, attempting to pull on a light, short, flow-y sundress. It ended up looking much more charming on the girl, than expected. 'Right. Now I just need a bag and shoes.' She brushed down the skirt of her dress, exiting her room.

'Hurry up already.' The unexpected voice appeared from the living room, the figure that belonged to it, sat on the couch. "EEK!" y/n squealed, jumping back behind the corner. "What the hell are you doing here?!" She shouted, balling up her fists. 'Don't yell, you'll make Yuuta scared.' Saiki stared.

y/n was too in shock to realise the little boy sitting in Saiki's lap, playing with his Cider-man figurine. "Well you can't just barge in like that!" She scolded, stomping her way towards them. 'Well you were taking too long. Is that supposed to be my fault? You look pretty, by the way.' He quickly added in, eyes following her movements. "You can't just say that and then compliment me!".


It only took a bit more pestering and playful arguing until the trio were at the festival. "Hurry up Milkshake Maiden! We're gonna miss the show!" Yuuta pulled her hand, making her stumble forward. 'Don't be so harsh.' Saiki said with a stern voice, helping y/n stand up properly. It was a fight between the two boys for the girl; the younger trying to drag the 'Milkshake Maiden' away to find the main stage, and Saiki trying to hold his girlfriend back.

"Calm down Yuuta! I'm sure we won't miss it!" y/n assured, both arms sore from being pulled back and forth. He simply cried back in response, tugging harder. "Sorry Kusuo! I'll run forward with him! We'll meet you there, yeah?" Letting go of his hand, Saiki was now left alone, watching as the two rushed off. 'Good grief. He stole my girlfriend.' He huffed, pacing himself slowly.

"Saiki?" A voice from afar called out. Freezing up, the psychic immediately knew who it was. 'Keep walking and pretend you didn't hear it.' He told himself, now speed walking ahead. "Wait- Saiki!" A blue-headed 'beauty' came speeding forward, now matching Saiki's pace. "What are you doing here?" Teruhashi smiled, walking by him with her arms behind her back. 'Go away.' He ignored her, and continued walking.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now