O51: 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧, 𝙎𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢

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saiki kusuo
Time had finally passed. Finally. An on going job Saiki had to painfully endure. It was finally all over. Time could move forward, and for once, Saiki could grow up. Years and years of experiencing different chaos with the same people wasn't to Saiki's liking to say the least. If he was being honest, he didn't remember much of the scenario. Surely he stopped the eruption, but his mind went blank every time he tried ro recount it. 'Maybe a power overload.' He suggested.

The boy had left Kuusuke to investigate the items, and the mysterious 'person' from 'another timeline'. That's if there ever really was one. Kusuo found it stupid. Sure, he had experienced a lot of peculiarities in his life, but different dimensions and timelines were too much for him. "Okay, what about something different? Instead of timelines, maybe the person just vanished suddenly. They just don't exist in this universe anymore." Kuusuke then theorised. 'Why would they just leave like that?' He questioned, crossing his arms. "I don't know. Maybe it was your powers.".

He didn't want to suddenly take a blame. He immediately grew a guilty pit in his stomach, a sudden pang in his heart. Could the cause of his own pain and confusion, be himself? Did he... kill someone?

But that was not the problem now. His problem was his new class, in which he hoped for more peace and freedom. Saiki finally decided to place the pin in momentarily, and disable his powers. It felt odd at first, but the first thing, was that it felt nice not needing glasses. The green shades did make things look a bit odd. Also, it was extremely hard for Saiki to dodge situations, as he couldn't read minds; at least the positive to that was that his mind wasn't suddenly clouded with thoughts that weren't his. One downside, was he was easily scared, everyone approaching him giving him a big shock, as he wasn't expecting them.

It was a huge change, but something he could handle. What didn't change, was his class. He just had to manage to have absolutely everyone back in his class again. Nendou, Kaidou, Teruhashi, even Toritsuka, you name it. What was most awful, was that he was seated to none other than Teruhashi, in which he didn't need mind reading to know she still liked him. 'Good grief.', as Teruhashi beamed at the new fact.

When lunch came round, PK's psychics had a 'mini meeting', just in an empty, random room they could find. Walking in, Saiki found Aiura and Toritsuka, who were lowly whispering to each other. Their faces displayed confusion, but also stress. "What do you guys want?" He questioned, walking over to them. "Well, first, do you really not have any powers anymore?" Toritsuka asked, looking upset. Saiki nodded. They both had a moment of shock, but quickly died down. "How are you coping?" Aiura asked, motioning for him to take a seat.

Doing so, he shrugged. Saiki didn't like talking much. "Gee... I was hoping for something more but whatever. Anyways," Aiura rolled her eyes, "I wanted to ask you about something, but without your powers I don't know if you'll be able to help honestly." Aiura muttered, bringing out her bag. "What is it?" Saiki questioned. Aiura took a deep breath, before pulling out her crystal ball and a load of papers.

"Here's all my documents, receipts, and what not of from what I make by telling fortunes. I have to keep track of what I make, when I use it, all that." She explained, spreading out the papers for the two boys to see. "So what's the problem?" Saiki asked, seeing as Toritsuka didn't need to. "It doesn't add up." She simply stated. Seeing Saiki also confused, Toritsuka spoke up, "Well, she said how it's not possible for her to make that much money on her own. But no one worked with her. She checked, and she did get that money, but didn't take it all. So we're wondering..." Toritsuka muttered. "You're wondering who took the rest of the money? Doesn't that mean you just worked with someone, but you forgot? What's the problem?" Saiki didn't think he needed to be involved in the conversation any longer.

"No! You're not getting it. I've never worked with anyone, and I don't have memory loss. If I made profits, why wouldn't I take it all? I didn't just lose that money. And not just that, my crystal ball is acting up. Or at least, I think it is?" She sighed, now placing the ball on the table. "Obviously, I asked where the money could've gone, but it shows me nothing. It's completely blank. It could at least get a clue or two." Aiura complained. "Then your crystal ball is just not working. You're wasting my time." Standing from his seat, he was immediately pulled down by the wrist.

"Just wait! There's one more thing... But I don't know if I'll sound crazy for it..." Aiura admitted sheepishly. "Not only on my crystal ball, but everywhere else, I've been seeing images and hints of..." Aiura couldn't continue, she cringed at herself as she didn't want to sound like an eighth grader. "Of?" Saiki raised a brow. "Of angels. When I asked my crystal ball the first time about the money loss, it showed me a pair of Angel wings? At first I thought it was a bird, I mean it could still totally be! But, everywhere I go, all I see is angels.".

"And I'm the same!" Toritsuka butted in. "On TV, video games, my porno magazines!" - "You didn't need to add that last one!" Aiura scolded. "What? It's just the truth...". That was when Saiki got interested. Taking his seat, he truthfully told, "I'm the same." And finally, they all let out a relieved sigh. "Thank god! I thought I was going crazy." Aiura muttered. "And it just doesn't feel like a coincidence, right? It feels like it's a sign." Toritsuka said, arms resting on the table. Saiki slowly nodded, looking down at the pocket watch in his hands.

Yes, he kept the pocket watch. He felt silly keeping it around, but he felt an urge to keep it at all times. It made him feel safe, but also felt like a morally right thing to do? He didn't really understand either. "What's that?" Questioned Toritsuka, pointing at the object. "That's the thing..." Saiki muttered. "I don't know." Placing it on the table, he let everyone inspect it. "What? You just found a broken watch?" Aiura questioned, noticing the missing '12'.

Saiki was quick to shake his head. "I didn't take it. It found me first, and won't leave. No matter what I do. I had it as soon as I fixed the eruption." He answered, taking the item back. "It's not the only thing I have. I have plenty more random items I've found, but I don't know where they're from." - "That's the same with me!" Toritsuka exclaimed, pulling out a reusable lunchbox from his bag. "You know I never pack lunches, no one does for me." - "Yeah because you leech off everyone else." - "Besides the point. I have this, and this note here!" On a faded yellow sticky note, read 'Eat well for once! :)'. But no signage. "I-I mean it's sweet but... Creepy?" Toritsuka muttered, slipping the note back into the empty lunch box.

The three now sat around the same desk, which held a series of random and unexplained items. As they all stared at each other for a moment;

They realised this was work for more than just a psychic.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now