O19: 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚

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saiki kusuo
The class was lively with everyone chattering around about some 'House of Fortune-telling'. Two students weren't paying attention though, and that was y/n and Saiki. They let their awkwardness die down, and went back to being the iconic duo who were so opposite of each other, but always so close. They were like fire and ice. Of course, they couldn't help but to have the tension lingering once in a while.

y/n shuffled her seat so that she sat at the same table, and in front of Saiki, a usual thing she did. After their interaction, Saiki slowly tried to open up to the girl more, in hopes that his efforts would lead somewhere. He always enjoyed their bickering, so he kept that up. They were fun nonetheless. He tried thinking of other ways and gestures that were more romantic, but Saiki was still new to that stuff. He was a bit helpless.

"What? You went to the House of Fortunetelling Chiyo?" One of the short-haired's friend spoke out. On the other side, more people were talking about their spoken fortunes. About love, friendships, and more. As Kaidou arrived at their desks, he tried to keep his 'cool guys persona'. "Hmph. How stupid. Fortune telling is just an illusion created by a bunch of people who pretend to be prophets." He smirked. 'Wow it's pretty rare that I agree with him on something.' Saiki thought.

"Well, forget that. I have something more important to discuss with you. Come with me after school today, both of you." He instructed. Leaning back in her seat, she asked, "What for?". "Have you noticed? I sense a strange aura being given off in this town." He held a hand up, as if some power would be realised from it. "Really? How mysterious!" y/n played along. Saiki glared over at her, 'Are you serious?'.

"I think the Dark Reunion is behind it." Kaidou looked dark, but behind it all, it was just stupid. 'That's just an illusion you created.' Saiki deadpanned over to the other. "Are we going to the fortuneteller then? I'll come along!" y/n offered with a charming smile. To this, Saiki knitted his brows together. 'What do you mean you're coming along? You're not going with him to that stupid fortuneteller are you?' There were hints of anger and jealousy in his voice. "Really?! I-I mean- Uh- Yes. Meet me at the front gates after school." Kaidou coughed out, before walking away.

Saiki leaned over, grabbing her hand that rested on the table. "W-What?" y/n laughed anxiously, surprised at the sudden contact. 'I'm not letting you go out with him.' He stated firmly, his grip on her hand tight. 'It's not like a date or anything Kuu-chan! I'm just helping him out. It's what I'm made for.' She rolled her eyes, her other hand placing on top of his. 'You don't need to be so jealous, idiot. He's my friend too.' y/n chuckled. Saiki quickly shook his head, 'I'm not jealous!' He scowled. 'Yes you most definitely are.' Before he could rebuttal, Nendou popped up from the side. 'If I admit I'm jealous will you cancel going out with him?' - 'No, shut up.'

"Pal! Buddy! Have you heard? There's a fortune telling shop nearby. You know the bookstore next to it? I heard we could buy Shonen Jump there on Thursday's." Nendou looked ecstatic about the news. 'I heard about and I'm tired of hearing about it. They also shouldn't do that.' He kept his eyes on y/n, ignoring what was to the side. 'Why do you have to go? You know it's not even real anyways.' Saiki grumbled, not paying to the butt-chin that rambled on beside him. 

'Quit whining. I'm doing it to make him happy.' Saiki fumed in his seat. 'And it would make me happy if you could go out with me instead.' This childish side was completely new to the girl, and a bit out of character, but she laughed through it. 'You're so cute Kuu-chan,' She stood up to pet his head, "We can go somewhere else later, after. Just let me help Kaidou for today." She bargained, to which Saiki reluctantly agreed.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now