OO2: 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙍𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙣

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y/n l/n
As classes passed by, y/n felt herself get either a little more excited, or a little more overwhelmed. She didn't understand what was the deal with everyone becoming obsessive over her. This was neither a curse or blessing. She enjoyed the attention, it meant she was able to make friends at a fast pace. Was this the power of being the main character? But then again, being invited to a ramen date every so often was tiring. Even Teruhashi was annoyed, and y/n knew of it.

'No way! This can't be possible... She's not as pretty as me!' Teruhashi argued in her head, sulking as not as many fans were coming by to her. y/n had to throw scrap paper in the bin, but as soon as she lifted herself form her seat, ten other boys came rushing to help. "It's fine! Seriously!" y/n tried to reason, yet it was no use.

Seeing as no one was helping Teruhashi out, she used the same tactic as before. Walking over, she was sure to make her glow 10x stronger than before. "y/n! How do you like it here so far?" She grinned, stopping in front of her. Boys dropped one by one, each individual in love. "It's been amazing, everyone is so kind here." y/n responded, playing with her finger tips. "That's great to hear, if you need anything, be sure to tell me yeah?" She 'assured', before skipping off. 'Stupid. She probably fell for it! Now everyone will think I'm the sweetest, prettiest girl'

y/n sighed to herself, pushing herself into her seat. "Goodness, that's mean..." She muttered, before shaking it off. Saiki, however, heard this. His ears perked up, 'What does she mean by that?' he asked himself. He shook it off as well, he didn't need to stick his nose in other people's business, it was natural to him anyways.


School ended and y/n was hyped to eat something. All day she had been too busy to eat anything. Waiting by the gate, she stared down at her feet and played around with the dirt. "Hey! y/n!" A familiar voice called out from behind. Turning on her heel, she found three boys walking all beside eachother. They truly were a weird trio, but it was their uniqueness that counts.

"Ready for ramen?" Nendou hummed, all four now walking beside eachother. "'Mm!" She nodded happily, walking between Kaidou and Saiki. "So tell me about the Dark Reunion." y/n brought up, sounding genuinely interested. "Oh! Well... T-They're an evil organisation, and they're trying to steal my 'Black Beat', which is sealed in my right arm!" Kaidou expressed, revealing his arms which were wrapped in red bandages.

"Why are they trying to steal the 'Black Beat'?" y/n tilted her head to face the boy, an innocent look waving over her face. If Saiki hadn't known any better, he would've believed that y/n also had eighth-grader syndrome. "They're planning to make a new world with it!" Kaidou was more fired up, extremely exhilarated to talk about a subject he loved.

"Ah~ I see. Well I hope you can protect us from them! I'll even be by your side to help!" Holding a fist up, she cheered, 'fighting!'. Done with his conversation, she turned and faced Saiki. She said nothing though, and simply smiled. To Saiki's luck, she didn't try converse with him, and continued on walking. 'Maybe she is perfect.'.


"Ah~! What good ramen!" Nendou cheered, draping an arm over both Kaidou and y/n. "Let go of me!" The boy gagged, choking for breath. The girl on the other hand laughed merrily, skipping along. "We should go out more often!" She suggested. 'No thank you.' Saiki was quick to mentally respond, causing y/n to take note for herself. "Gotcha." She muttered to herself. Saiki was going to question it, but was interrupted by the female herself. "Hey do you guys want dessert?" She pointed at a store close by.

It displayed cakes, drinks and even coffee jelly! This peaked Saiki's interest, and he hurried. "I'll treat you guys to it! As a 'thank you' for being my first friends." She offered, her voice gentle. "Really?! Let's go!" Kaidou sprinted in without hesitation. 'You could say thank you at least.' Saiki scolded in his head. With Nendou's arm still over y/n, the last three walked in.

The four took a seat in a booth, menus waiting right for them. "What would you guys like?" y/n asked, scanning the items. "Hm... maybe a strawberry shortcake." Kaidou mumbled with his head buried into the menu. "I'll take a coffee jelly." Nendou nodded, tossing the menu back down. 'Me too.' For the first time, y/n heard him speak. His voice was low, and extremely quiet. But it was nice to hear it at least once. "Alright! Wait here, I'll be back." Piling up the menu's, she rushed off to the counter.

"So what do you think about her?" Nendou asked first, leaning over with his arms on the table. "She's very pretty! And nice too!" Kaidou admired, looking at her from afar. 'And she's the only one who believes your Dark Reunion idiocy.' Saiki closed his eyes, crossing his arms. y/n began giggling to herself, making all three look at her. She jumped, not meaning to do so, and to cover up she shyly waved.

"What about you, pal?" Nendou poked. He gave a shrug and continued to stay silent. Nendou didn't like the answer though, and persisted. 'She's okay.' Saiki finally voiced through gritted teeth. "Oh- okay." Accepting the answer, he sat back down.

"One strawberry cake for Kaidou, two coffee jellies for Nendou and Saiki, and one ice chocolate for me~" y/n hummed, placing down each food item. Various 'Thank you's were thrown around, and everyone began eating at their own pace. Saiki was the first to finish, leaving no stain in the cup. 'Must like it a lot huh?' y/n thought to herself, sipping on her own drink.


saiki kusuo
Everyone was now home, and Saiki could rest; partially. His parents were still always pestering him now and then. Saiki still had one mystery to solve though; and that was who is y/n? She seemed a lot smarter, so the reason for him being unable to read her mind because she's absolutely clueless, was thrown out the window. He didn't want to compare her to Nendou.

Her personality change between each person was confusing too, but he noticed it. She was kind to most, but in the end, acted as if she had known them for years. For example, she was completely child-like with Kaidou, but kept her distance with Saiki. Could it be she disliked him? Now that thought was offending. She would also react in weird ways he couldn't understand.

Last of all, his x-ray vision wasn't working on the girl. The longer he stared, the longer absolutely nothing happened. It should've felt refreshing to him, as his powers weren't getting in the way of anything, but at the same time it made him deeply confused. Was she even human at this point? Was there some sort of protection barrier? She was definitely a psychic of some sort. He'd find out first.

Sitting at the edge of his bed, a hand placed by his chin, Saiki tried thinking even harder. It was clear she was no ordinary girl now, but what was the odd thing out from her? Certainly not her looks, and not too much of her personality either. y/n was sweet in Saiki's opinion, she knew how to keep her boundaries, and that was most important to him.

He gave up after a few minutes, falling back down onto the bed. As his body slowly sunk him, he tried keeping his mind as clear as possible. But the thoughts of everyone around him and within a 200 metre radius was beaming. He let out a sigh and told himself it was time to sleep.

Tomorrow would be another mystery.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now