O27: 𝐀𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐠!

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saiki kusuo
He could already sense what was to come. His grandfather had it all planned out, wanting to take the family ( + y/n ) on a trip to the amusement park. Given the choice between hot spring and the amusement park, his logic was that the teens were still really 10, and would only enjoy the amusement park. They were already on the car driving off. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Kusuo scrunched up his nose, a behavioural thing he picked up not too long ago. Their car was a 8 seater; two seats at the front and three in the middle and back. For obvious reasons, Kusuo pushed himself with y/n to the back. 'Give it a chance, we might like it more than expected.' y/n shrugged in response.

They stopped at the front, and were greeted by what could only be described as, a disaster. The front walls that surrounded the park were dirty and chipping to pieces, it didn't help that there were crows lying around. Broken pieces of equipment and costumes lied around, all worn and broken. "Uhm... Did I come the wrong way?" Kuniharu asked, gripping the steering wheel. "This is the place." - "This is it." - "This is the place?" - 'Oh no...'.

"Wow! I haven't been here in ages!" Kurumi squealed, all exiting the car. y/n felt her heart drop as she walked past a broken head, part of a costume. "Is this place safe?" Kuniharu entered behind, hesitantly. 'How should I know.' Kusuo followed behind with y/n. "I wonder if it's been twenty years." Kurumi smiled, pointing over to the individual things she remembered. "The run down sign... The Ferris wheel that's always out of order... The roller coaster pillars that are so rusted they look like they're about to break..." The excitement in her voice was extremely contradictory to how the others saw things. "They haven't changed a bit since I was here twenty years ago!"

'In no way shape or form is that a good thing.' y/n gulped, watching a group ride past on the roller coaster. 'I wish they had changed it...' Kusuo felt just as uncomfortable. "Is this place really safe?" Kuniharu asked again, still unsure. "Well, the roller coaster is running and they seem to be open for business, but..." Then, a bolt from the ride fell right onto his head. "...Shall we go home?"

"Say, Honey, maybe we should give up on the amusement park and go to-" - "Here I got free passes." The grandparents were back, tickets in their hands. "Kusuo, y/n, you can ride anything you like!" Kumi offered. "Wow, thanks! What should we ride?" Kurumi asked. 'The car that takes us home' Kusuo glared. Kurumi then latched her hands onto y/n arm, pulling her close. 'Gee, they're serious when they say you're apart of the family.' Kusuo scoffed.

They made their way over to the closest roller coaster, with Kurumi saying, "We gotta ride a roller coaster first, right?" - 'No we shouldn't' - "Uh- I'm positive it's going to break soon..." - "Nonono! Let's not ride that one!" The group, except for Kurumi were extremely exempt on the idea of riding the worn out ride. "Don't worry! I rode it all the time as a child!" With no time to argue, the four sat on the ride; Kusuo and Kuniharu at the front with Kurumi and y/n behind.

''Don't worry!' She said, and yet we had to sign a waiver about injury and death...' y/n gripped as hard as she could on the safety bar. 'Just... don't die on me.' Kusuo sighed, feeling more protective as he had to sit in front of her. "Kusuo, should something happen, don't worry about me." Kuniharu began, looking towards Kusuo with the sot serious look he could pull off. "Help you mother." it was clear he wasn't joking. 'Riding a roller coaster shouldn't require this type of resolve.'.

As a psychic, all sorts of roller coaster rides were already pretty boring for Kusuo, as he could already levitate. The same logic could be applied for y/n, but she still had emotions and was partly-humanish; how couldn't a scary ride, on the verge of breaking down, not scare her? Finally at the peak, all that was left was to drop.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now