O48: 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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y/n l/n
She never wanted anything. Ever. Personally, at least. What was she supposed want anyways? As an Angel, you had everything; knowledge, powers given within critical moments, wings. What more could a person possibly want? Maybe, just perhaps, friends, a lover, a family; emotions.

y/n was never a particularly selfish person, after all it was her job not to be one. You were just supposed to be an Angel, plain and simple. You weren't supposed to have emotions exactly. You were just supposed to care for people. How hard is that? And when you're done, well, y/n wasn't actually sure about what would happen. Most said you'd move onto a proper afterlife, careful crafted for all each individuals needs, wants and likes. A paradise essentially. Some others suggested you'd become a new Angel with a new identity, and continue helping out more people.

y/n suggested that you could become human again. Since the start of her angelic birth, there were endless possibilities of the world both above and below. Watching over the millions and millions of people and creatures everywhere on earth, she too wondered what it was like to be one of the many, walking and living about. As she lay on the cotton clouds, her body ever so gently drifting upon them, she had admired the love below.

There was never a day where she didn't stare in awe at everyone below her. The love between partners, mothers giving birth to their first child, siblings sharing their loving rivalry, friends celebrating with every chance they get, families adopting new pets, old couples holding hands until the very last moment; all of it. y/n had watched all of it. She watched as they cried with joy, holding each other so close, as they hurt their cheeks from smiling too hard, as they gained hiccups after laughing for too long.

Reaching her hand out, stretching it to the best of her ability, she hoped to grasp onto some kind of feeling they were experiencing. But what was it? Up above, y/n could do nothing but watch them interact with each other, leaving her to sit there alone. Only until it was her time to do her job. An Angel's job; a curious type of job to say the least.

To be an Angel, it relied on nothing but kindness, knowledge and fearlessness. Not even that, it required nothing but to know how to help out. Regardless a life or death situation. Most of the time, it wasn't even helping out people, occasionally they had to help out animals from danger, plants from dying, buildings from falling, toys from breaking. All for the sake to feel at peace, for everyone to feel at peace. And how hard was that?

When you have no strings attached and a pair of wings, going around the globe to help people of all ages, races and genders was what needed to be done. It wasn't uncommon to experience some peculiar cases. Some Angels had to help with post break ups, families losing their beloved pet, confessions; heck, even giving birth. No matter the situation, it was up to the Angels, y/n, to help out. What made it all worth it was the smile you receive at the end of the day. When they hug you tightly, suffocating you in their warmth. When they can't even muster out a 'thank you', because they're too busy crying out of joy.

y/n absolutely lived for that. She lived for other people. Not that she minded really. After all, that was technically the point of her existence. She just hadn't realised how cruel that sounded. 'Born into existence to serve the life on earth'. y/n wouldn't of ever realised that's how it would sound to others until Saiki Kusuo had pointed it out.

'Isn't that laborious? You don't even get anything in return.'

Even so, she had to defend her title and honour in any way she could.

"Not at all! I love it. I love helping people."

She did. She really did.

'I still find it odd. Do you even get a life of your own?'

It was complicated. But nothing that y/n couldn't answer briefly. She wasn't supposed to be talking about the topic to anyone else anyways. So it's not like she had answers on hand, ready at all times.

"I... I mean technically, yeah! I don't even know why you're asking."

Scoffing it off couldn't count as an answer. Feeling a pit of guilt and confusion bubble up in her stomach couldn't count as an answer. Nor could her eyes dropping down to blankly stare at the hands in her lap, as she sits in silence, wondering if she was even telling the truth. With the buzz in her heart and a pocket watch in her hands, that was the only thing keeping her going. Watching everyone experience everything, y/n wondered when she could help people experience everything too.

As her hand, reached out to the earth of all love, pain, hurt, anger, joy and familiarity, y/n realised. She realised she didn't like living for other's lives.

She liked living in hopes one day she could have that type of life.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now