O41.5: 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬

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y/n l/n
Letting out a breathy laugh, the three all dropped down bags of groceries onto y/n's apartment's wooden floors. "What a day." f/n huffed, dragging his feet towards the kitchen. "My favourite was when we had to get the kite out of that tree for the little one." - "Oh yeah, and it ended up not even being their kite." - "We let that kid steal a random kite!" They all burst into a fit of laughter, all clearly tired. "They're all coming over for dinner, right?" m/n asked for reassurance, helping f/n put everything away. "Yes! Uhh, Kusuo, Kaidou, Nendou, Aiura and Aren. Didn't think a big crowd would be comfortable in this space. But we can always see the others another day." y/n hummed, quickly stumbling in with the rest of the bags.

"Well then, we have about three hours until they get here. Shall we get to cooking?" m/n suggested. "Yes ma'am!" Both y/n and f/n shouted simultaneously. Earning a chuckle and an eye roll back, m/n put on an apron. "So what should we cook? I'm thinking curry and rice. If you must know, I'm the absolute best at making those." m/n winked. "Would it be too must to also cook Yakitori?" f/n suggested, wanting meat and vegetable skewers. "It's a whole group, we should be cooking a feast!" m/n shook her head, crossing her arms. "Any of them have any allergies?" f/n quickly asked, tying on his own apron. "Nope, not that I know of." y/n answered. "Let's make extra food for them tomorrow as well. Give extra to Mera for us. Oh! I should make some cute Onigiri for them also!" m/n exclaimed, like a lightbulb had clicked in her mind. "Like the cat shaped ones? Those are the best." f/n agreed. y/n let out a gentle sigh, watching her 'parents' work away, hands moving just like professionals. Every so often they would crack a joke, making all of them laugh. It hurt y/n just a little, to know that this was temporary. "Well? Are you going to help us? Or are you gonna drool at the ingredients all day." - "Oh, ha ha. I'm coming.".


The dinner table was now glimmering with foods of all sorts. Decorated nicely, the three were sure not to leave any imperfections. They placed jugs of different drinks; water, juice and soda. Each plate had its respective tissue, knife, fork and spoon. "Don't you think that's a little much..." y/n watched as the two elder's attempted to light a candle which was to be placed in the centre of the table. "Shh... Any movement and the flame will go out too quickly..." f/n muttered in a low voice. "Right...".

'RINGGG!' Signalling the first few guests, the doorbell had rang. "Perfect! Get the door y/n, we'll be here to greet them." m/n nodded, ushering her to the door. "Okay, no need to act all weird. Seriously, they're fun people, and respectful. You're gonna weird them out by being overly nice." y/n snickered, jogging to the door. Unlocking and swinging the door open, y/n was greeted by the first three friends, Saiki, Nendou and Kaidou. 'Thank god, it's been so long without you and too long with them.' Saiki huffed, walking in first. "Woah~ Your house is so nice!" Kaidou immediately complimented, slipping off his shoes at the front. "Hey buddy! How have you been?" Nendou asked, pulling y/n into a bone-cracking hug. "He- Ooft! Nendou! Too hard!" She squeaked. 'Let go.' Saiki glared, placing a hand on Nendou's arm. "Oh. Sorry about that." He frowned, carefully letting y/n back onto the floor.

"Hey guys!" Both the parents had come to the front, going in to greet the students. "Hello Ms. l/n, Mr. l/n!" Kaidou was the first to bow, with Saiki silently following. Nendou simply waved... Right after picking his nose. "You idiot! Have some respect!" Kaidou whisper shouted, hitting his arm. "Huh?" Nendou asked dumbfoundedly. "Oh no, that's okay. Would you guys like to come in and take a seat?" They laughed it off, leading them into the dining room. y/n and Saiki looked at the others leaving, before looking at each other. Relaxing their shoulders, they engulfed each other in a hug. "How was your day today?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper as they held each other. 'Boring. I should've helped you out instead.' He responded, dropping his head into the crook of her next. Giggling, y/n shook her head, "That would ruin the surprise of m/n's and f/n's surprisingly amazing cooking then. Come on, let's go." She said, letting go of him, and instead taking his hand to take him where the other's were.

"Cat shaped Onigiri!" Kaidou exclaimed, ever-so gently holding one up to inspect it closer. "We hope you enjoy it, we thought you guys might like it." m/n smiled with warmth. "It's amazing, thank you so much!" Kaidou bowed once more. They all took their seats, y/n next to Kaidou, and across from Saiki, who was beside Nendou. m/n and f/n sat together at the end of one table. Conversations slowly arose from the crowd, about school, wacky stories and general interests. It wasn't long until Aiura and Aren came in together as well. "Welcome! Let's eat!".

The night went along smoothly, with the parents to leave the teens to converse. "It's amazing how they managed to make all this, honestly." Aiura spoke up, taking in a spoonful of curry. Laughing, y/n waved her hand, "Thank you, I'm surprised myself." She joked. "They even made extras for us for tomorrow lunch! They're seriously the best y/n." Aren admired. "It's weird how this is the first time we've met them though, it must suck not to have them around." Kaidou frowned, sympathising. "Ah, it's nothing really. It's for important manners anyways, and I can clearly manage on my own." She assured. Though her words, Saiki saw the hurt on her face. Underneath the table, he tapped her foot with his own. He gave a face of, 'Are you okay?', to which she answered with the sweetest smile he'd ever seen.


The next day had come, and not much had happened. It was like any other chaotic school day, though y/n had brought the extra feast with her. Mera was most grateful for that. The parent's interview went smoothly, the teachers explaining y/n's good grades, behaviour and involvement within the school. Absolutely no complaints, just as y/n was hoping for. As they all headed home, they were all aware of what was to come. "That might've been one of my best weekend's ever honestly." f/n admitted, opening the door to the apartment. "Same here, never really did something like this. It was like a group project honestly." m/n laughed, taking off her shoes and going into home slippers. y/n nodded, crashing onto the couch. She kept silent, not knowing what to do now. "Well, we best be off as soon as next sunrise hits, God always has to keep us busy you know?" f/n stated, hands on his hips. "Could we... All keep in touch?" y/n requested, looking up.

m/n knew exactly what she meant, almost feeling the same. "But of course, here, my phone number and email. I hope this should be enough?" She asked, writing it all down on a spare piece of paper. "Mine too." f/n walked over, waiting until m/n was done with the pen and paper. As soon as they were all done, they all looked each other, a pained, yet content look in their eyes. "Call us up if you ever need us okay?".

"We're your parents for whenever you need."


this kinda made me sad:(
ANYWAYS, as always, I'm so sorry for not posting in almost a month whxbsn
I've been busy as the end of school is nearing! but I promise as soon as holidays come up, you bet I'll be posting like no tomorrow. I hope this double update, and the final part to this arc fulfils you all!
and .... 263k READS???
thank you all so much, from readers since April to very new readers; you all mean the world to me <333
have an absolutely amazing day, and wash ur hands!!

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