O43: 𝙇𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙮 𝙋𝙞𝙘𝙣𝙞𝙘

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saiki kusuo
"When was the last time we all really hung out? Just peacefully and for fun!" Aiura exclaimed, hands slamming down onto one of the school desks. "True! Let's go eat ramen!" Nendou involved himself in the situation. "Erm... Maybe something other than ramen." Aiura sweat-dropped. "I'm down to hangout! That's is... The Dark Reunion doesn't come to attack me..." Kaidou muttered the second part quietly to himself, but everyone heard, causing them to stare in confusion. "Anyways, let's just invite everyone, and we can all discuss what we'd like to do!" Aiura took the initiative for everything. "I'll go ask Chiyo, Mera and Teruhashi then!" y/n stood from her seat, the rest nodding in agreement. 'You seriously want to invite them?' Saiki asked, raising a brow. 'They're friends nonetheless, it'd be more rude not to invite them!'.

As she left, Aiura, Nendou, Kaidou, Hairo, Saiki and Aren were left to discuss their plans. "So no ramen?" - "No." - "Arcade?" - "Maybe, I'll put that to the list." - "Ice skating!" - "Sure, we could try find a nice skating rink." - "Ice cream, it's been so long since I've had one!" - "Karaoke would be fun." - "Remember last time when Nendou sang..." The group discussed amongst themselves, adding as many possible ideas to the list. Not long after, y/n came back with the three girls.

"Hey guys!" They waved to each other, bringing seats in the circle, to all face each other. "So here's all the ideas we have jotted down; arcade, ice skating, karaoke, beach, shopping, ice cream-" Aiura was immediately cut off by an excited Mera. "Food! Let's go eat together!" It didn't take long for drool to start pooling at her chin. "Food? Then let's have a picnic!" y/n quickly suggested. A chorus of 'ooh's' and 'yes!' rang throughout the group. "Then it's decided! A picnic it is then." Aiura smiled towards y/n, who gave a quick thumbs up back.

"If we're having a picnic, what sorts of things should we bring?" Kaidou asked, leaning on the back of his chair. "Any snacks, drinks, maybe games, you guys can think of." y/n answered with a shrug, sitting down in her own seat. "Oh! I'll bake cupcakes for you all then." Teruhashi added in, a lovely smile on her face. "Oh~ She's so perfect, isn't she? I bet her cupcakes are even better." The guys in the class chorused, now suddenly all involved in the conversation. 'Good grief...' Saiki deadpanned, wanting the attention away from the group. "Speaking of baking then, I was thinking about making macarons myself!" y/n stated excitedly.

However, this excitement was more seen as competition to Teruhashi. 'Seriously? After I offered to bake cupcakes, she tries to one-up me with macarons? How pathetic!' She squealed in her head, smoke coming from her ears. 'Must everything be a competition with you?' Saiki glared. 'It's only because she knows I'm close to you.' y/n smacked her teeth. 'And 'Miss Perfect' just needs to be with you rather than anyone else.' She grunted, crossing her arms. 'Don't tell me you're... mad? jealous?' Saiki began to tease. 'Neither. Let's just talk about this damn picnic.' She quickly avoided the question, knowing she was already caught. 'You're cute when you're mad.' - 'I swear if you don't start talking about the picnic.'.

The discussions included the following: location, date, weather, clothing choices, and of course, food. However, it was obvious what Mera was focused on. They agreed on four days time, on a Saturday, all praying it would be a sunny day, yet not too hot. They didn't need to pray though, they had Saiki after all.


A day before the picnic, after school, y/n decided to try her attempt at macarons. She had quickly realised it was no easy recipe. "Crap..." She muttered to herself, seeing the butter all melted on her fingertips. 'Why is this so messy?' She asked in a cry, wiping her hands on a clean towel. On her laptop displayed what was titled 'extremely easy macaron recipe!';
the extremely was, however, extremely misleading. Even measuring out ingredients was becoming a chore, sugar accidentally spilling all over the counter top.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now