O54: 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙊𝙡𝙙 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨

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y/n l/n
Jittery hands as shaky as her heart, y/n let out a long, long breath. She stared at herself in the mirror, before she began a quite unusual morning routine (or rather, ritual); open and close both hands for four times, pat down every surface from her neck to her knees, brush through hair with fingers at every angle and open eyes widely with her fingers. It felt weird... being human. What was it 'supposed' to be like anyways? Even Saiki couldn't answer that. Speaking of which,

'Are you ready yet?' The psychic questioned, knocking at the bathroom door. "Y-Yeah... I think I am." She nodded firmly, giving herself a reassuring smile. 'I look... pretty.' She admitted, her fingertips grazing across her blemished skin, her slightly messy hair and her scarred body. She wasn't perfect, oh god no, perfect doesn't necessarily exist. But she was perfect for her own body. She just fit.

Exiting the bathroom, now all nicely dressed in their uniforms, Saiki offered his hand and a gentle smile. 'I can read your mind now. And I agree.' He suddenly stated, to which y/n broke out in a blush that rushed from her chest to her cheeks. "You can what?! C'mon this isn't fair anymore!" She whined, one hand grasped with his, the other now pinching at his shoulder. 'Not my fault.' He snickered, 'You're the one who chose to become a human from an Angel'. Saiki remarked in a snarkish manner. "And what? I don't regret it one bit. And I know you don't too." She was absolutely right.

The path to school felt so new, yet distinctly familiar. She had taken that route almost everyday, and yet today felt so much more different. Maybe the way she walked change. She did slouch a little more than usual, honestly. As the two walked hand in hand, the girl's eyes darted across the landscape they walked past. 'Are you reminiscing?' Saiki noticed, looking at the other. "Everything feels so... different?" She murmured, not sure what to answer. "Maybe it's because I have feelings of my own, like, my own!" She realised, eyes brightening, opening up like big saucers. Saiki immediately turned away and his his face into the back of his hand. 'Good grief. Who allowed her to be that... cute.'.

'Alright, so when we get there, I'll just distort everyone's memory and bring you back into it. Don't worry, I'll leave out the Angel bit since I guess that doesn't matter.' Saiki nodded, squeezing her hand. y/n immediately shook her head with no hesitation. "No. Not this time." She spoke with clear cut words. Raising his brow, they stopped in their tracks and faced each other. 'No? You want to be the new girl all over again? And have to go through everything?' He questioned, feeling dumbfounded.

She didn't even have to think for a second before nodding her head with the brightest smile. "I want to do things my way for once. Not with a fake persona, not with any powers in hand, just me. I want to control my life for once. Can you help me do that, Kuu?" With her beaming aura, saying 'no' was practically impossible at that point. His shoulders relaxed; maybe this was for the better anyways. 'Of course. Of course I can help.' He nodded, now taking her back on their journey to school.

"I can't wait to see them again. You think they'll like me this time around?" She giggled, in a happy-dazed state. 'No doubt about it. I didn't have to think twice before falling in love with you again.' The pinkette boldly stated, looking over his shoulder to look at the other. "You little-!" She hissed, pushing his face away. One thing she would never change about her, was her flustered-ness. How could you not break out in an embarrassed blush after all a psychic says?

At the entrance of their class door, Saiki gave her hand a final squeeze. 'I'll head in first. The teacher is probably expecting you outside.' Saiki let go of her, his hand now reaching for the door. "Wait!" She whispered, grabbing onto his sleeve. Glancing at her face, all he saw was worried. "I just- What if it doesn't go well? What if the 'new me' is completely bad and-" Saiki cut her off. 'I'd fall in love with every version of you, in any lifetime. I can tell that they'd do the same. Trust me, okay?' y/n couldn't help the tears that welled up in her eyes.

"Thank you." She weakly uttered, a shy smile wavering across her face. 'I'd say that even if it weren't for this situation. I'll see you in the seat in front of me, then.' He returned to her the biggest smile that he could muster; a favourite of y/n's. They let go, and now y/n would wait for an all-too-familiar situation that would feel way too different. "You must be our new student, please come in."

"Quiet down now class!" The teacher abruptly entered in, getting the bustling class to find their seats. "We have a new student, please welcome her." Walking in right behind came, to Saiki, a familiar face. And a stunning one at that; definitely prettier than Teruhashi to the psychic.

Gasps came from various sides of the room, even a few 'Oh!'s. Though we've heard this before. Stopping at the front of the classroom, she gave a bow and introduced her name with a proud voice and a glowing smile,

"Good morning! My name's l/n y/n, it's a pleasure to be here. I hope we can all be friends!"

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now