O25: 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲...

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y/n l/n
After the school trip, everyone was exhausted, and all everyone wanted to do was lounge around and relax. As the weekend came around, most students were relaxing by themselves, working, or staying home with friends. y/n happened to be finished from grocery shopping, now making her way back home. She had run out of her usual stock, but also wanted to bake some cookies as a gift for the Saiki parents.

The day was gloomy, with the sun hiding itself behind clouds and the wind blowing aggressively. 'Gee... I should've brought an umbrella...' She grumbled, noticing the sky change into a darker colour. She had to rush home before any rain could come. y/n seemed out of luck though, as the bags in her hands weighed her down.

She rushed forward, trying her best to avoid crashing into people. Not long after unfortunately, water droplets started pattering down, one by one. 'Crap.' Before the rain could get any heavier, y/n jogged to seek shelter under a large tree. 'It's not like I can just teleport, people will see.' y/n looked around, trying to find somewhere else to go in the mean time. Letting out a defeated sigh, she pressed herself close together, holding the bags of groceries in front of her.

She thought to wait it out, but looking at the situation, it would most likely only get heavier. Impatiently tapping with her index finger, y/n thought of more ways to get out of the situation. 'Oh! Maybe I'll text Aiura!' Dropping her bags down gently, she slipped out her phone from her skirt pocket.

'Huh? What're you doing here?' Before she could text her friend, a strawberry head popped up in front of her. Looking up, she felt relieved. "Kusuo!" She beamed, picking up her bags. He stood before her, a blank look on his face, his figure under an umbrella. "Could you maybe... Walk me  home?"

'How stupid are you to forget an umbrella in this type of weather?' The two were now off, heading to y/n's apartment. 'Come to think of it, I've never been to your place. You're always crashing at mine.' Saiki glanced over. "Oh, you're right! Well trust me when I saw it's very nice. Much cleaner than your room." y/n smiled cheekily, nudging his arm making them trip over sideways slightly. 'My room is clean, you just mess it up.' Saiki countered.

'Anyways, give me a bag to hold.' He demanded. "Wha-? No, I'll be fine." She assured, holding the bags in front. 'Just let me. Why are you so stubborn for?' Saiki reached over, brows knitted together. "As a woman in these modern times, I am able to do things on my own, without the help of a man!" y/n proudly announced, with her head held high. 'You're really- Just give it to me you idiot.' He snatched a bag before y/n could argue any more.

"Well, we're close by, it's only a few streets down." She informed, standing right by him to avoid the rain. "So where were you going until we ran into each other?" She questioned. 'I was going to get more coffee jellos, but that can wait.' He responded with a curt nod. Surprising him, y/n let out a loud gasp, "You put me over coffee jelly?!" She grasped onto his arm, shaking him back and forth. 'Let go of me! And of course! Don't be stupid.'.

The two were now finally inside her apartment, taking their shoes off at the front. 'It really is much neater than expected.' He inspected, walking over to place the bags on the table. "I told you so." y/n hummed back, dumping herself onto the couch. Then, a loud cackle erupted from outside. Jumping in her seat, y/n held a hand to her heart. "Holy- Can you really go back outside with all this thunder and rain?" She asked, sliding to the other side of the couch.

For a psychic, it would've been easy for him. He would've simply teleported back, but he desperately wanted an excuse to hang out with her longer. Staying silent, he sat beside her on the couch. "Hm? Well I guess you're staying then." She shrugged, not questioning it. "Do you wanna watch a movie or something? We can always just turn on the TV and watch whatever's on there." She suggested, stretching herself across the couch. Without a verbal or mental answer, Saiki nodded.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now