O37.5: 𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝘼𝙜𝙚 𝙅𝙪𝙢𝙥

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saiki kusuo
'This is unbelievable.' Saiki grumbled, 'There's no doubt, this is...', looking down at a manga book which displayed all sorts of old, yet popular animes, 'The golden age of Jump!' Saiki gasped. 'You're still a kid at heart. I think you mean it's actually November 22nd, 1994. Somehow we've gone back in time and I got roped into this.' y/n sighed, looking at the menu of the ramen restaurant they were located in.


'y-y/n?!' Saiki stared over to the confused girl, who had her arms crossed. 'How are you here?!' He asked, astonished, rushing over to her. 'You think I know? One minute time was moving smoothly for my next task, and then all of a sudden I pass out and now I'm here. Which clearly, isn't the 'normal here'.' She answered, holding up her pocket watch. He was always happy to see the girl, but this time he felt relieved.

'We're not in the present.' Saiki stated firmly. 'Yeah. I figured that out as much. But how? I'm not a psychic, I'm not usually able to go to the past.' y/n questioned sarcastically, letting out an exaggerated sigh. 'Whatever, though, there's nothing we can do about this. We just have to fix the mess you made and go back home.' y/n crossed her arms, waiting for Saiki's next instructions. "Oi. Do you want to get ramen too?" Forgetting that Nendou's dad was there, they decided just to follow his lead and work it out from there.


"Excuse me! Can I get a bowl of miso ramen!" Nendou's father ordered. "Hey, what are you guys getting?" He leaned over to ask. 'They're so alike, it's sort of scary...' y/n silently spoke to Saiki. 'They're exactly clones.' - 'Well, the scar is on a different side.' - 'How can you even notice?' - 'I'm supposed to, it's an angel's job.'.

'Back to the story; if that's Nendou's dead father, then I've made a terrible mistake. I've changed the futures of the two people who were supposed to meet.' Saiki's panic arose just as before. 'What's more, they were your parents.' y/n added. 'Originally, my dad met my mum by saving her from getting harassed by Nendou's father. But because I stopped Nendou's father, everything fell apart.' Saiki briefly explained the situation to y/n, who was waiting to order something. 'If my mum and dad never meet, that means I'll never be born.' ('Me too!' -Kuusuke) 'This is bad. I need to get them to meet again!'.

'Hm... Maybe I'll get what he's having, miso ramen, is it?' y/n pondered. 'Oi! Are you not paying attention? Is this situation not serious to you?' Saiki glared over to the distracted girl, who seemed more than calm. 'We're talking about you, Kuu-chan. You're the smartest, strongest person I know, physically. I don't need to see the future to know that you'll be able to fix this. Have a little faith in yourself.' y/n's words gave him peace. 'I knew I could rely on you.'.

'Well, this is no time to be sitting around!' Standing up, Saiki picked up Nendou's father by the collar and dragged him off.


At a cafe store nearby, y/n and Saiki were stalking to find the father's whereabouts. 'There's Dad!' Saiki pointed to the young man sitting alone, drinking a beverage. 'Guess he's not leaving any time soon.' y/n mentioned. "Hey, I didn't get to eat my food." Nendu's father began complaining, confused on by they were peering behind a corner. 'If I can just get my mum to come here...'.

"Is the cutie from before really gonna come here?" The father questioned. "Also, I wanted to ask you something." He further continued. "What are you guys?" His abrupt question shocked the two. "Where exactly did you come from?" - 'Did he figure out we're from the future?' The pair looked at each other, not knowing what to say. "I mean... You guys are foreigners, right?" He pointed at them with a cheeky smile. "No one from Japan would have pink hair, and your features are too pretty!" - 'We were kidding ourselves.'.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now