O24: 𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 & 𝘽𝙞𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨

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saiki kusuo
The next day was only as chaotic, but extremely fun. All students boarded the bus, travelling to multiple stops. First was the pineapple farm. Mera enjoyed it there, eating as many samples as she could. "You're head kinda like a pineapple" Kaidou told Nendou. Toritsuka was being perverted, so both y/n and Saiki ignored him.

Then, it was the aquarium. It was actually quite fascinating to y/n. Nendou pressed himself up against the glass; wasn't a pretty sight. All the fish gathered around Teruhashi, thinking that she was a mermaid. Kaidou conversed with a few fish, mentioned something about 'living in darkness'.

But, they finally had reached the golden spot, 'Emerald beach'. It was busy and crowded with people and tourists of all ages. The view was amazing though, and the weather was just perfect. "Woah! This is a foreign country for you, right pal?" Nendou continuously mistook the trip as an overseas one. "The girls are sure taking their time." Kaidou muttered. Nendou, Saiki and Kaidou were waiting outside for the group of girls to come out. Hairo and Aren decided to go buy a few cold drinks and snacks else where.

"Hm? What's that crowd for?" All three heads turned to the large group of boys waiting outside the girl's changing room. "It's true that Emerald Beach is pretty, but this'll be on a whole other level!" One of the boys spoke. "Yeah! We definitely can't miss this!" Another nodded. "This is why we went on this school trip!" - "Here she comes!".

Exiting first, was none other than Teruhashi Kokomi. The glow around her radiated even more than usual. She was wearing a two piece, light blue bathing suit. The bottom had a skirt around it, and the top had a cute bow at the front. "Thanks for waiting!" She beamed. Every single male student wailed, feeling 'blessed' at such a sight. And just then, the beach was enveloped by enthusiastic applause.

"Sorry, I had a hard time finding the locker!" Teruhashi apologised, walking up to her group. "No worries! We didn't wait at all!" - "That's right! No problem!" They both flushed, their bodies stiff. 'Tsk. So this level of skin exposure won't get Saiki to say 'Oh!' huh?' Though she was smiling, Teruhashi was also fuming on the inside. "Well then, shall we go? Everyone's waiting, right?" She suggested.

"Well, Yumehara, Mera, Mikoto and y/n aren't here yet." Kaidou pointed out. "Hm? I saw them in the locker room earlier." Teruhashi raised a brow. 'And why is y/n coming with us? Shouldn't she be going with her own group? Seriously.' Teruhashi grumbled, being sure to keep her smile on though. 'Good grief, it's disgusting how she thinks.' Saiki glared, before looking back at the bathroom. "Hey! Yumehara!" Teruhashi called out.

Back inside the changing rooms was Chiyo, sitting on the cold, hard surface floor.'I-I'm getting cold feet...' She wrapped herself in her towel, staring down at the floor. 'I can't go out there after Kokomi!' She told herself. 'No, it'll be fine! Get a grip Chiyo! You're at your best weight. You're swimsuit is perfect too, right?' Standing up, she threw her towel away. "I'm not gonna lose, even to Kokomi!" She finally exited the changing rooms, calling out to the boys. "Thanks for waiting!" She wore a simple,yellow two-piece swimsuit. No one seemed to notice though, as everyone had gone back to doing their own thing. The shocked look on her face was priceless.

"Now it's just the last three, huh?" Kaidou looked up at Nendou. "Hm? Yeah."He nodded back. 'Huh?! No reaction?! Have they already moved on?!' She yelled in her head. She didn't even get a reaction from Kaidou, so she felt more disappointed.

"Sorry! My swimsuit is a bit small so I had trouble putting it on! Mikoto even had to help me!" Out came both Aiura and Mera. Mera wore an old-school, blue one-piece, and Aiura sported a colourful, pink two-piece set. Boys started to crowd them once again, "Mera's kinda busty, isn't she?" - "But look at Aiura!" - "That old-style school swimsuit is amazing!" - "Pink is totally her colour." With all the attention on the two, Chiyo had officially lost all her confidence.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now