O31: 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙮~

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y/n l/n
Making her way back home with Saiki, they both overheard a pair of girls fawning over a cat. "Come over here, you pretty-whitty kitty!" One cooed, the other trying time pet it's head. y/n chuckled, eyeing them as they walked past. "Taking care of it just like a king, I see." She pointed out, before asking, "Kusuo, dogs or cats?". His response was the same every time, 'I couldn't care less.'. "Ugh, your answers are so boring. C'mon, don't you find either one cute?" She nudged.

'No. No matter how 'pretty-whitty' the cat or dog is, they all look like flesh to me. That's before it turns into bones.' He explained, eyes kept to the footpath in front of him. 'So then tell me, would you rather the bones of a dog, or a cat?' Saiki asked. "Alright... I get what you mean then." She huffed, admitting defeat.

'There are also those who'd choose one based on their impressions of them.' He began, 'Like, "Dogs seem smart", or "Cats rub up to you". But those are just groundless preconceptions.' Saiki stated emotionlessly. "Big words. This subject must be important to you." y/n teased, looking up at his annoyed face. "But tell me, why are they 'groundless preconceptions'?". Using forced-telepathy, Saiki let the girl hear the cat's true thoughts.

'Don't touch me so casually, you female homo-sapiens.' Though the cat was smiling, it wanted nothing more but to bite off the student's hand. 'That's what he's actually thinking.' Saiki shrugged, taking her hand to walk away from the scene. 'Since I can hear animal's thoughts using telepathy, I don't have any impressions.' He said, gently interlocking fingers with hers.

'Between summer and winter, I prefer winter.' - "Oh! Same." - 'Mushrooms or bamboo shoots? I prefer mushrooms.' - "Hm... Neither are for me." - 'But between cats and dogs, the question is too broad to answer. It's just like being asked if you like the name Sato or Suzuki.' - "Well, that's up to the reader's preferences."

They continued walking past buildings, finding their way back home. But right in the corner of Saiki's eyes, he spotted a small, yellow figure between the two buildings. Halting, he quickly pulled y/n back to re-check. Staring back at him was a cat, with a red bandana around his neck. All three stared at each other for moments, not knowing what to do or say.

Saiki slowly pulled away, going to continue walking back with y/n. "Hold on- Can we just leave it?!" She sputtered, being quickly dragged away. 'Wait! Wait! Don't go! Hey, you! Human over there! Stop!' The cat frantically screamed out, trying to get Saiki and y/n back. 'Good grief. Why is he here.' Saiki sighed. "You know the cat?" y/n raised a brow, shaking his hand off so she could run back. 'Seriously, he is such a cold human...' The cat frowned. 'He sees a cute animal like me in a bind and totally ignores it.'.

As much as he wanted to walk away, he couldn't leave his girlfriend like that. Following by, they were now again both in front of the stuck cat. 'Hey, if you're lucky, I could take a liking to you!' The cat tried proposing, staring back at the girl. 'It's not worth it y/n.' Saiki tugged at her sleeve, slowly pulling her away once again. 'Hey! Wait! Wait!' The cat cried out again. "Wait, seriously, do you know this cat though?" y/n asked, tugging her arm back. 'No.' - 'Yes! He does!'.

"Kusuo! Don't lie to me!" He forgot to take off the forced telepathy, so whatever the cat was saying, y/n heard too. 'Good grief. What a pain.' He sighed, giving in and walking back. 'What's wrong with him... Could it be that he's a dog person?!' The furred animal thought. 'I was neither, but now I'm leaning towards being a dog person.'.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now