OO8: 𝙁𝙡𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙨

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aiura mikoto
Aiura; the soothsayer was still trying to figure out the mystery of an unseen aura and who her soulmate was. But her main focus was her soulmate, she didn't transfer to PK for nothing.

She brought other a student, Sawakita, to the roof. As she waited, she pulled out a yoga mat and began to do some extreme stretches. Sawakita was an ordinary guy. He would only be seen in the background of the manga.

He bursted through the door, a cheery smile on his face. "I'm here Aiura!" He called out, but stopped once seeing her in an awkward position "Hm? Oh, you made it!" She smiled back, standing up from her position. "Sorry for calling you out here all of a sudden." Aiura apologised, scratching the back of her neck. "Sawakita, was it?"

"Give me your hand." She ordered, holding a hand out to him. Misunderstanding, a deep blush rose to his cheeks. "Huh, why?" He asked, but before he could say anything else, she took his hand. "Just do it. Come on!". "Hey wait—" Sawakita froze on the spot, expecting something else to happen. 'Is she gonna put it somewhere? Somewhere on her?!' He stared down at her breasts, but Aiura didn't seem to notice.

Instead, she started aggressively rubbing an eraser on his palm. He yelped in pain, trying to pull away. "OW! OW! OW! What are you doing?!" He cried, looking back up at her. "Yikes... What a let down..." She groaned, not answering his questions. His palm was bright red and had rubber shavings all over it. "Sorry, you can go now." She wasn't really sorry.

The quest to find her soulmate was more difficult than she thought. Taking the cap off a pen with her teeth, she flipped open a small, lavender diary. The boy left confused and hurt. "Guess he wasn't my soulmate either." She muttered to herself, crossing off his name in the book. She had written a list of every single male in the school with the initials 'SK' or 'KS', and she was going around trying to see who it was.

Next on her list was Saiki Kusuo. He knew about her plans, and was trying to avoid her for as long as possible. If he could hold her off for long enough, then maybe she would finally leave. She entered the classroom looking for him, but Saiki swiftly slipped passed, going to the bathroom.

Aiura now found herself back at the rooftop, sulking. "This would be so much easier if I could see auras..." she sighed to herself, closing her eyes. The door suddenly opened, viewing a friendly Chiyo, or 'Chiyopipi' as Aiura called her. "Let's go home Mikochin!" She smiled. It was the end of the school day, yet Aiura was still looking.

"Chiyopipi, I can't find any trace of my soulmate." She frowned, her voice low. Moving in, Chiyo looked at her notebook. "How many do you have left to check?" She asked, curios. "Eighteen." The lime-green haired girl responded, annoyed with the answer. "Do we have so many people with KS names?" Chiyo chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Mm, I'm including the SK names too." She told, turning to look at the smiling girl.

The smile faded when she realised this could also mean 'Kaidou Shun', the boy Chiyo was doting over. "Does this include Kaidou Shun then?" She asked, her aura turning black, an annoyed expression on her face. "No, I already checked his aura, so I know it's not him." She assured, taken back by the sudden change of mood. "I'm sure Kaidou already has someone else as his soulmate!" She went back to a happy-go-lucky girl, beaming with glee. 'I don't think it's you either, Chiyopipi' She thought, pitying her friend.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now