O37: 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞

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saiki kusuo
"Kusuo!" Kuniharu, Kusuo's klutzy, awkward father made his way over to him. "Do you know what day it is tomorrow?" Kuniharu asked, his wife, Kurumi, by his side. They both shared flustered, red faces. 'This year again?' Kusuo wasn't really bothered to play into their weird antics. 'It's that, isn't it? Your wedding anni-' "The answer is...!" - 'Just say it.' - "It's our wedding anniversary!" They said in-sync. "Which also happens to be the day we met!" Kurumi beamed. 'I know.' Kusuo deadpanned, in a manner which showed he had heard this same sequence a thousand times.

"It's been nineteen years since we got married. And twenty years since we met!" Kurumi informed merrily. Gently clapping, Kusuo sarcastically spoke, 'Yeah, congratulations.'. 'Anyways,' Halfway out the door, Kusuo knew what would happen next. "Hey, wait a minute Kusuo!" Kuniharu stopped his son. "Don't you want to hear about how your mum and dad met?" - 'No.' He was quick to answer. 'I'm tired of it.'.

"What?!" Kuniharu was shocked by his mean behaviour. "You wouldn't be here right now it weren't for that day!" He scolded. 'Right, I'm going to bed.' He nodded, ignoring his comment. Kuniharu felt down, frowning. "You always listened to it before..." He muttered.

"Before, huh..." Que a flashback scene. 'Yes it all happened twenty years before today. The day the two of us met.' - 'Hey, what flashback are you starting here?!' Kusuo glared, shutting off his scene. "Oh, sorry, I just..." - 'If you want to tell it so badly, the walls a fine listener.' Kurumi took this as another sign to start another flashback scene. 'A wall... Yes. We had to overcome countless walls to get married.' There was no escaping. 'Stop trying to go on your flashbacks already.' Kusuo grunted, annoyed. 'That was twenty years ago.' - 'Fine, do whatever.'.

'November 22nd, 1994.' Kurumi laid her head on Kuniharu's shoulder, as they both reminiscence about their past. Kuniharu was 19 at the time, and as much as he would tell you, he wasn't at all smart, athletic, or attracting all sorts of attention at school. And no, he was not friends with Kimutaku (A Japanese celebrity).

The story is told to Kuniharu's point of view; He found a young, innocent girl getting harassed by a punk. Then, he saved her, by giving the punk a 'good smack'. They both fell in love, just like love at first sight. Kuniharu instinctively though, 'I'm gonna marry this girl!'. Kurumi thought the same, but was also immensely creeped out by how he was staring her.

Though they were telling their story, Kurumi noticed how Kusuo was already gone and asleep. It was past midnight, and as they sipped on their wine, they inched closer together. Their spicy scene was interrupted by the TV turning on to show the face of their eldest son, Kuusuke. "Congrats, you two!" His cheeky face greeted them, along with a wave. They sat in their awkward position, looking back at him. "Y-Yeah." - "I think you should give up on having a third. I don't think the world could handle it after Kusuo and I. Besides, when y/n becomes your daughter-in-law, the family would be even more hectic." - "Cut that out!".

"What's going on Kuusuke? It's been so long." Kuniharu asked, the two moving to face him. "Did you call us just to wish us congrats?" Kurumi asked. "Not even close." He responded. "I wanted to talk to Kusuo." - "He's asleep right now. Is something wrong?" Kuniharu asked warily.

"Well, do you remember when I fixed Kusuo's control device last time? Turns out one of the pieces I used was defective." On the TV screen showed elements of the hair piece and long paragraphs of information. "Nothing's been out of the ordinary though." Kuniharu mentioned. "That's fine, but..." - "But listen, today's our wedding anniversary! And it's been twenty years since we-" - "Oh, sorry, the connection is-" - "Hey, don't run!".


A new morning came around, and Saiki was lying comfortably in his bed. The amount of sunlight wasn't so comfortable though. Opening his eyes, a bright blue sky and light clouds appeared before him. 'Hm? They sky?' Sitting up from his bed, he took his time to inspect the area. 'This is my room...' Finally, it came to him. It was his room, separately, on a tree.

'Hold on just 9 seconds.'

'First off, where am I? My room, but outside, and in a tree. There's a high chance I teleported my room while I was asleep. I don't sense anyone around either. Ergo, the best course of action is... Revert my house back to normal.' Just like that, 9 seconds had passed.

'But first, I need to scout out the area. I can't find my house. It should be around here though. What? This looks like my hometown,' From his bedroom, he looked over the town, 'but there are some unfamiliar parts.'. He jumped down, making his way through the town. He had to figure what was going on. 'I'll take a closer look.'.

"Damn it!" He stopped in his tracks to listen to two students nearby. "Guess you can't buy the Saturn today." His friend shrugged. "I should've played it safe and bet on Narita Brian." The boy sulked. "You're only short 170 yen too." The friend sympathised. 'What are these guys talking about?' Kusuo asked in confusion. Everyone around him was dressed quite differently to what was normal, and talking about things he didn't exactly recognise. Walking whilst eyes darting all around the place, he bumped into a hard chest.

'Ouch!' - "That hurt!" Looking up, he found a familiar butt-chinned face. 'N-Nendou?! Who knew the day would come where I'd be happy to see Nendou.' But, 'Nendou' has walked right past. Jumping right back to Nendou, Kusuo was shocked, 'No, something's wrong! Normally, this is when you'd go...', in his mind he played out, '"Hey pal. What a coincidence. Let's go get some ramen.", 'Isn't it?'.

But it wasn't the same. "What's with you? Need something?" The identical Nendou asked. 'Do you really not know me?' Kusuo asked, exasperated. "If you do, can you wait?" Pointing behind him, Kusuo turned. "I'm about to go put the moves on that smokin' hot babe over there." Looking over, the figure looked a tad-too familiar.

'No, it can't be!' It was Saiki Kurumi; his mother, in a school uniform. Snatching a newspaper from a stranger, he checked the date at the top corner. It read, '1994 (Heisei 6) November 22 (Tuesday)'. 'This isn't the same world as always. It's the past!'.

"Aw dang, there she goes." The butt-chinned man pouted, watching her leave. 'This isn't Nendou. It's his dead father!' He finally understood the complex situation. 'That's right! Twenty years ago on November 22nd was when Mum and Dad first met!' Looking over, he found his plain-looking father walking by. 'I knew it! That's my Dad!' He exclaimed, watching them.

However, both Kurumi and Kuniharu had walked past each other. 'Huh? They passed right by each other. Dad was supposed to save Mum from some punk, but there's no one like that h-' That was when Saiki realised his ultimate mistake. 'It was you?!' He turned, shocked, staring at the dumbfounded Dad of Nendou Riki. 'You wouldn't be here right now if it weren't that day!' Kuniharu's words rung in Kusuo's mind.

"Hey, I'm starving. Let's go get some ramen." Just like Kusuo's friend, the father asked to go eat the classic dish. 'I've... I've made a terrible mistake.'

'That isn't very like you Kuu-chan.'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now