O14: 𝙈𝙞𝙡𝙠𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣!

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saiki kusuo
Saiki treated everyone the same. Humans, animals, fictional characters, etc. but there was one type of person he couldn't stand; little children. They were cute when they wanted to be, but one wrong move and they start bawling their eyes out like no tomorrow. How fortunate for him that he had to take care of the neighbour's child, 'Yuuta Iridatsu'. He was a tiny child, with teal hair and massive, gleaming eyes.

"Cyborg Cider-Man No.2!" He kept yelling repeatedly, running all over the house. 'Keep it down. Stop running.' Saiki knew his orders were useless, so he sat in silence on the couch. "Hey! Let's do something Cyborg Cider-Man No.2!" Yuuta begged, tugging on his sleeve. 'No.' He stared down at the younger child. 'Someone please help me...' He closed his eyes momentarily, still feeling his arm being tugged. 'y/n is supposed to help people, right? Then where is she–' - 'Right here. Open up Kuu-chan.' Her voice sounding lifeless to imitate the psychic.

He choked, flinching. "Huh? What's wrong Cyborg Cider-Man No.2?" Yuuta asked innocently. Saiki quickly shook his head, making his way to the door. "Who is it? Who's there? Do you know them Cyborg Cid-" - 'Be quiet!' Saiki butted, unlocking and opening the door. "Hey Kusuo~" y/n waved, appearing to hold another bag of sweets. "Cyborg Cider-Man No.2..." Yuuta stared up at the female with awe.

"Hello there, and who might you be?" She asked softly, crouching down to his height.
"I-It's..." Yuuta reaches forward, placing his small hands on both of her cheeks. "IT'S MILKSHAKE MAIDEN!" He suddenly screamed in excitement. y/n bursted out into laughter, already taking the hint and playing along. "How did you know? Are you my fan?" She asked, dropping the bag down to pick up Yuuta. 'Are you seriously playing along with his games?' Saiki picked the bag up for her, ushering her into the house. 'You don't have to be such a party pooper.' y/n spoke back.

"You're Cyborg Cider-Man No.2's new sidekick! You appear in the fourth season!" Yuuta explained, having all the information ready in his head. 'What happened to No.1?'
y/n questioned, walking back over to the couch. 'I asked the same thing.' Saiki shrugged, placing the bag down onto the table. "Yes I am!" y/n nodded merrily, sitting down with Yuuta in her lap. "Can we watch it! Please!" He begged with puppy-dog eyes. "Ah~ How could I say no! Do you have the DVD?" y/n asked, letting go of the boy. "Of course I do! I have all my Blu-Ray discs here!" He hopped off, running towards his small bag.

'Dedicated fan huh?' y/n joked, watching the boy pull out a few dvds in its box. "Here Cyborg Cider-Man No.2!" He handed over the pile of discs, leaving Saiki to do the work. 'Which one am I supposed to put in?' He asked, an annoyed tick-mark appearing. 'The fourth season, duh.' She stated as if obvious. "What are you doing here Milkshake Maiden?" Yuuta asked, jumping back onto her lap.

"Well Cider... Cyborg..." She already forgot the unnecessarily long name, leaving Saiki to butt in to help. 'Cyborg Cider-Man No.2'. "Right! Cyborg Cider-Man No.2 and I are going to hang out! That's why I'm here." y/n answered. "WAH~ Are you going to fight the Baron Cola together?" He cheered, eyes adverting to the TV as the show started.

The storyline was confusing, and filled with bad acting and blatant advertising. Now they were at the climax, where Cyborg-whatever was almost losing. But not just yet!!!

A mysterious figure jumps into the frame, giving the enemy a good kick. "Woah! Who's that?!" A male extra exclaimed, hands over his mouth. The heroine's face was covered with a poorly edited shadow, but she continued to fight. "Is that-?" - "That must be her!" - "MILKSHAKE MAIDEN!" The crowd yelled all at once.
"It is I! Milkshake Maiden to the rescue." She winked at the camera, holding a thumbs-up. The similarities of appearance between y/n and the 'Milkshake Maiden' were uncanny. No wonder why Yuuta assumed that was who she was.
"Milkshake Maiden! Thank god you're here!" Cyborg Cider-Man No.2 jumped to his feet, running over to the girl. "Let's defeat this evil monster together!" And of course, as all cliche action movies end, both hero's defeated the ultimate boss, with everyone clapping for their success.
'Get your very own Milkshake Maiden drink in all stores today! Flavours come in Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, and more! Buy now before they sell out!'
On each cup was a different character design of the Maiden, allocating to the flavours. They also slid in a promotion of the popular Cider drink.

"Wah~!" Yuuta cheered for the tenth time. "That was so cool!" His eyes were even wider than before, glued to the screen. 'I can't believe you actually looked like her.' Saiki turned over, looking at y/n with defeated eyes. 'Of course! After all I'm in the Milkshake Maiden!' She joked with a wink. "Hey! Miss Milkshake Maiden! Can you show me your powers?!" It was y/n's turn to have her sleeve aggressively tugged on. "O-Oh- Well-" It wasn't like she could shoot out chocolate out of her hands when she liked. There wasn't exactly a power for that. That was when the lightbulb in her head clicked.

"Just wait here! I can show you something!" She smiled, lifting him off to then sit beside Saiki. 'What are you doing?' Saiki also stood, but y/n pushed him back down. 'Trust me! It'll be really cool!' She have a thumbs up, exactly like the character did during the movie. 'For some reason I don't trust you.' He said sarcastically, watching her disappear behind the corner.

"What do you think she's gonna do Cyborg Cider-Man?" Yuuta asked Saiki, crawling over to be right by him. 'I'm not sure myself.' He replied, looking down at the ecstatic kid. "Ready-?! Drumroll please!" She promptly yelled, her hand appearing from behind the wall. Yuuta slapped the couch below him, out of beat. Saiki found himself gently drumming his fingers on the side of his leg.

"Ta-da~!" She jumped out, now in a different outfit. It was the exact of the Milkshake Maiden's! The costume was a cute, layered dress; like something you would see in a magical girl themed anime. The skirt was mid-length, and ruffled. Her sleeves were puffy, and she sported a few bows that were all around her. It was extremely unusual, but y/n felt cute in it. "MILKSHAKE MAIDEN!" Yuuta sprinted over to her, before wrapping his arms around her legs. "But your hair! It's different!" He pointed out, seemingly stressed.

"Oh- right- well..." Quickly using a hair tie, y/n brushed her hair back into a half-up-half-down style. "Is this better?" She asked, crouching down to him. "Mm!" He nodded, reaching out to play with a bow on her sleeve.

Saiki froze in his seat, watching the two interact. 'Was this seriously happening?' He asked himself, mouth ever-so-slightly agape. The outfit was... cute? He wasn't sure how to describe it. It was a girlier version of a cosplay Sailor Moon. 'What do you think?' y/n's words cut out his thoughts and his intense gaze. 'You've been staring.' She mentioned, standing up from Yuuta. 'You look weird.' He responded, head turning back to face the TV that was playing the home screen of the movie. 'Yeah, I'm sure you think that~' She rolled her eyes right back.

"Milkshake Maiden can you turn into change into the Cherry Vanilla version?! It's my favourite!" Yuuta said whilst jumping on his feet. 'Does he have to call me that every time?' She glanced to Saiki, before smiling back at Yuuta. "Of course!" She agreed. It was hard to get a clear look of what the outfit would be like, but using Yuuta's memories, she did with what she had.

'Let's hope I get this right...' She bit her lip and looked down at her outfit. There wasn't a proper way to do this; y/n just waved her hand over pieces and they changed with a flash! So squeezing each ruffle, each bow, each layer; Saiki and Yuuta watched in awe. The design was pretty much the same, given that the designers were most likely lazy. Except y/n had, what could be called, a longer cape for the skirt, and thigh-high socks. "How is it Yuuta?" She spun around, showing off the outfit.

"AMAZING!" Was all he could scream, going up to pull on the skirt. "I'm glad you think so!" She said through laughter, turning her head to watch him run around. 'What about you Kuu-chan?' She questioned, looking back at him. To be honest, he wasn't sure where to keep his eyes on. The dress? He didn't want to seem inappropriate and make the girl uncomfortable. Yuuta? The child's screaming was already enough to bear. The television? Now he didn't want to seem rude, and as if he wasn't paying attention. 'It's... You look nice.' He nodded firmly, only keeping his eyes on her for a split-second.

'C'mon, I know you can do better than that.' She snickered, picking up the little kid. "Can you come over more Milkshake Maiden?" He asked, gripping into the accessory in her hair. "Sure thing, I'll be sure to also bring milkshakes." She agreed happily, taking him towards the couch. Saiki watched their interaction. 'Maybe she would make a great mother.' He quickly shook the thought away. 'What the hell?' He asked himself. The psychic leaned back into the cushions, observing with a soft smile.

'You're too kind for your own good.'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now