O45: 𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙍𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙮

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saiki kusuo
Since a young age, Kusuo, and his brother, Kuusuke, always had a rivalry and even, a 'contest'. Kuusuke being the one to create his limiter (the cute pink pins in Kusuo's head), had created a second, unnecessary hairpin. His left being to limit his ability in order to keep Kusuo under control, and the other, when lifted off his head, the entire world would know about his psychic abilities; a trigger. From this, Kusuo would instantly be the most famous person. Children would stop dying in poverty, war and crime would decrease; half of the world would belong to Kusuo. Though, that made him sound too much like a 'demon lord'.

Kuusuke's only reasoning to create such a trigger was that it would be 'unfair to release his powers to the public without his consent', as if this trigger would make it any better. So from then on, it became a challenge; if Kuusuke pulls it, he wins, if not, the latter. Ever since, Kuusuke had not won once. Tragic story, we know. However, this backstory had lead to the series of events in which only cause more chaos than Kusuo and y/n needed.

Toritsuka had not attended school for a whole week, and as much as everyone else loved it, it was still a worrisome fact. "Where is the pervert? It's been a week now." y/n muttered, hanging out with Saiki and Aiura. "What? That idiot's missed a week of school?!" Aiura exclaimed, honestly have not noticing his absence. 'I can't pick up his thoughts.' Saiki shrugged it off, but y/n had immediately knew something was up. Anything involving Saiki would never just go smoothly. "Then..." Aiura mumbled, 'Yes, he could be dead.' Saiki's abrupt statement made the two freeze up. "Could you not say that so... heartless?" y/n sweat-dropped. 'Or...'.

And there Kuusuke was, in his laboratory filled with too much technology, and definitely, dangerous material, watching his screen of a camera watching the three's conversation. "Oops, guess we've been found out. It seems Kusuo has discovered us. Are you ready, Toritsuka?" He had a scheming smirk wiped across his face, looking down at his new 'companion', sitting with a mechanical headpiece over him.

"Ready? I was about to start on my own, I was so tired of waiting." The purple-head joked, lifting the headpiece from himself, before placing a replica of Kuusuke's headpiece, onto himself. "Finally. I can crush him." He suddenly became a typical television villain, evil in his eyes. Kuusuke had been working on Toritsuka to hold only hatred for Kusuo for the past week. Straightforwardness became Toritsuka's weak point, making it easy to manipulate him. Kuusuke was positive it would be quite the handful for Kusuo to handle.

Now, Toritsuka found himself in a new, open room, quite large with white, metal walls; a battleground for what was to come. Or at least, what was expected to come. But this is a comedy-based anime, 'epic, brutal battles' should never be expected in the first place. Suddenly, both Kusuo and y/n appeared in the room, y/n loosely holding onto his arm. 'Great... I can tell this is going to be a pain.' y/n bit back a chuckle, not exactly expecting to see such a cool-looking, evil Toritsuka. 'Good grief. What are you doing?' Kusuo asked, looking unimpressed. 'What did he do to you?'.

The answer was a sarcastic laugh and a response, "I have no idea what you're talking about. This things great!" He pointed to the headpiece laying on top of his purple locks. "I don't have to listen to your annoying voice." He then stated in a threatening manner. "What a change in character. Wasn't he begging for you to be his 'psychic teacher' at one point?" y/n raised a brow, one hand on Kusuo's shoulder, and the other pointing towards Toritsuka. "That was the past. I've become strong. Let me show you! Using the spirit of a first-rate martial artist!" Using his power, he found a ghost to take advantage of.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now