O50: 𝘾𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧

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saiki kusuo
The following events to occur were quite funny to say the least. Saiki, capturing himself in an awkward position with unbeknownst tears streaming down his face, was now being interrogated by his friends who had just made it up the mountain. Was it Toritsuka's job to get them as far away from the volcano as possible? Yes? But did anyone ever really trust him? No, and absolutely not Aiura.

Turns out Toritsuka had grown extremely suspicious to the group, even Nendou, as he spurted out one too many 'good grief's. But after saying a few more, the others believed it. It felt quite shameful to Saiki for them to accept it so easily, to say the least.

That wasn't the only trouble though, as Saiko found his way to the group. As well with wanting to show off to the 'poor plebes', he had taken them in to his helicopter, and roamed around the area. The ferocious rumbling had caught their attention, thinking it was some treasure hunt. How wrong they were.

So eventually the group had arrived at the destination. It was quite the emotional event, actually. Catching Saiki in an awkward position, he now had to explain why there were suddenly two Saiki's; forgetting that Toritsuka looked like him to the group. The 'twins' excuse worked for a split moment, until the countless other clones had suddenly popped in, much to Saiko's dismay, and so the group only pressed further questions. But Saiki wasn't ready to answer them. Aiura felt awkward too, not knowing what the boy would answer with.

The conversation had then suddenly shifted into a very emotional one, with Nendou suddenly speaking heart felt words. Something along the lines of 'friendship', and 'trust', and how Saiki didn't need to tell them his secret, and he would wait until they're ready. Surely enough, the rest of the group agreed, even Saiko, who said he was willing to speak. The conversation had honestly brought a smile to Saiki's face. They were interesting friends, but they were good friends. He knew he could trust them. So maybe he would tell him his secret after all.

Just not today. Doing the first thing he thought of, he erased everyone's memory of the past moment, and teleported himself out of there. In that way, the group were still at the mountain, safe, and Toritsuka would still act in as Saiki himself. The psychic needed the rest after all, and he was sure to get it this way. "I can't believe you're trusting Toritsuka, twice." Aiura scoffed, making her way to her own hotel room. 'I'll just erase their memories again then.' Saiki shrugged it off.

Dropping himself into his bed back at the hotel, he laid in a star fish position, finally letting his body relax for once. He let out a loud breath, warmth escaping from his mouth. 'Good grief...' He muttered, rolling on his side. Surprisingly, the pocket watch had stuck by him the entire time, the chain tangled around his fingers. Frowning, he brought the object closer to him, carefully inspecting it. 'What idiot has a watch with missing numbers?' He muttered, his thumb gently grazing over the missing '12'.

Before he knew it, the boy had suddenly started crying, tears uncontrollable. 'Huh? What is wrong with me?' Using the back of his hand, he immediately began wiping them away. He couldn't question himself as he had no answer. Why was he feeling this way? 'Probably the work of the Dark Reunion.' He joked, sitting up to dry his face. It was truly a surprise at the sudden action.


Finally home, Saiki found himself in his room with his brother, who was recounting the entire situation. "And now what? You're going to continue to hide your powers?" Kuusuke questioned. But Kusuo firmly shook his head. 'I'll tell them. When I put this on.'. It was the poop shaped, psychic power compressor; once placed on, all psychic abilities were to vanish forever. "So you're finally going to use it?" Kuusuke chuckled, arms crossed.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now