O23: 𝙉𝙤 𝙥𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜!

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y/n l/n
'Seriously...? I don't need another person to make me confused about my feelings.' y/n had been grumbling the rest of the day as they were going to the hotel. Love was already a complex concept, and an angel like her wasn't supposed to be feeling this way. She was separated from Saiki's group, and truth be told, she was relieved. If she had spent any more time with him, she would officially start to dysfunction. She never understood why Saiki was still so persistent on courting her, they both knew how it would end.

Aiura noticed her changed behaviour, and asked the girl about it. "It's about Saiki, isn't it?" She chuckled, placing down her belongings on a table. "You caught me." y/n sheepishly laughed back. "Well, what's wrong?" y/n went silent for a moment, as they both unpacked their bags. "I'm... not sure; of anything really." She let out a half-hearted chuckle, slumping down in her seated position. "Hm... Well don't you love him? He loves you too. So what's wrong?" She frowned, making her way to her. "I told you before, about the whole 'me having to go back to heaven permanently' one day, right?" She peered up at the green-head.

Realising the situation, Aiura comfortingly caressed her arm. "I don't know when that'll be, so it could be tomorrow for all I know. I just..." She paused. "I don't want to bring that pain onto both him and I." Heaving out a long, tired breath, she leaned against Aiura for a hug. "I'm sorry..." Aiura petted the side of her head, as she held her friend in her arms. "I know what will make you feel better! Let's go take a nice, relaxing bath after dinner!" She suggested, pushing her away, shaking her by the shoulders. Her eye's seemed to brighten by this idea. "Let's do it!"


On the boy's side of the baths, there were no one else but Takahashi and his two other goons. "Now this is what a school trip's all about!" They snickered to each other, sinking themselves into the hot water. "Peeping!". "Murata!" Takahashi turned to his friend for info. "Actually, I came once before to check things out." This left two others in shock. "To Okinawa?!" - "The hotel swaps the men's and women's baths each day. I have a good grasp of the other side too." He proudly smirked. "What an obsession!" Takahashi exclaimed. "Yeah... I can't even find the words..."

"But it'll all be well worth it when..." He pointed at the bamboo wall which separated the baths. "We get a look at them!" By them, they referred to the 'goddess' Teruhashi, and the angel y/n. The image of them bare made the boys drool. "The best place to peep is under that light." He informed, pointing over at the light further in the corner. "We'll take turned peeping by sitting on each other's shoulders." - "Sitting on each other's shoulders buck-naked?!"

The third friend shook his head, taking out three gadgets. "I've got three of these. Take one." They were extendable telescopes. "All right! Let's do it! 'Steamy Reality Scope'!" They chanted. Lifting the device up, they intended to see a 'hot and steamy' view of the girls, but instead they saw Nendou.

They jumped back, disgusted and shocked. "Why are you showing up on our scopes?!" Takahashi screamed to a clueless Nendou. "Let's try again! 'Steamy Reality Scope'!" He called out again, all three lifting the scopes over the wall. They only got the same results; a confused Nendou, who was now standing behind them. "What are those?" He questioned, looking right into the lens. "Why?! What's going on with these scopes?!"

'No peeping.' An angered pink-head sat in the bath with a towel on his head, Kaidou doing the same beside him. Saiki was furious at their attempts at a perverted action. At y/n too. Though, regardless of the person, peeking was just wrong. Maybe that was just Saiki's excuse though.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now