O12.5: 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣

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y/n l/n
Kurumi was now looking back and forth from the young girl and her son. 'Oh no! I'm so sorry Kuu-chan!' She cried in her head, slowly breaking down. He shook is head, and made his way over, sitting across from y/n. "It's okay, I already know." y/n nodded casually, trying not to scare the mother anymore. "H-Huh?! How does she know Kuu-chan?! Is she... your girlfriend?!" She was already jumping to conclusions, making both kids flustered. He balled his hands into fists under the table, quickly shaking his head. "No, we're not dating!" y/n waved her hands, trying to calm down the elder.

She slapped both hands over her mouth, before running away. "Is your mother... usually like this?" y/n asked, trying to sound as respectful as she could. 'Yes.' He looked away, hands still tightly clutched together. The thought of dating y/n made him confused; over everything. She had only been around for a few months, but the two have already grown close. If they weren't play-fighting over something in their minds, they were simply just sitting by each other, chilling. 'What's on your mind?' y/n leaned over ever-so-slightly, tilting her head. Saiki peered up, shaking his head, 'Nothing.'.

'So... What do we do about your mother? Where did she even run off to?' y/n scanned the room, taking in what was around her. 'She just went to the kitchen. She's trying to cook and forget about what happened.' Saiki responded, finally letting go of his grip. 'Why is she so shocked over it? Does this usually happen?' She frowned, turning back to look at him. 'She's terrible at keeping secrets. Even the rest of the group knew at one point; I had to erase their memories...' Saiki rubbed his forehead, remembering the unfortunate memory.

'Ah... Now that I see it, I kind of expect her to be like that. She's very cute and friendly though. An opposite of you.' She stated thoughtfully. Saiki was close to fighting back until the door opened once more, revealing a middle aged man with a mop of light-brown hair. "Oh! Are you Saiki's friend?" He asked quickly, feeling his heart warm up. 'He's finally coming out of his shell!' - 'No I'm not.'.

"Yes! Hello sir, I'm l/n y/n!" She quickly stood from her seat, bowing. "How polite~" He cooed, 'Why is someone as nice as her friends with Saiki?'. y/n couldn't believe he dissed his own son, it was quite funny. "Papa!" Kurumi appeared back to the main room, greeting the father lovingly. "Mama!" There were hearts all around them. 'How cute...' y/n sat back down, watching the couple interact. 'It's not cute, it's kind of repulsing.' Saiki rolled his eyes. 'Don't be so mean! They're very nice people.' She reached over the table to slap him lightly, resulting in him slapping back.

Kurumi realised the girl was still there, and ran back off. "I'M SORRY KUU-CHAN!" She cried out again. "E-Eh? What happened?" Kuniharu asked, confused and dumbfounded. 'She accidentally told y/n that I was a psychic. And she was only here for two minutes.' He answered in a nonchalant manner. "HUH?! YOU TOLD THAT GIRL YOU'RE A PSYCHIC ALREADY?!" His father dropped his bag onto the ground, a dramatic appearance on his face. "ARE YOU HIS GIRLFRIEND?!" He yelled out. Both y/n and Saiki flinched. 'No!' Saiki grunted back, answering as soon as the question was asked. 'They're so... alike...' y/n referred to both of his parents.

"We're not dating sorry, I'm just... like him!" She explained as best as possie, watching the male breakdown into what could be considered happy tears. "Like a... psychic!" She Lied with a smile. "Damn it... As soon as I though Saiki finally had a chance at love..." The elder cried, walking off to be with his wife. y/n couldn't hold it in any longer and bursted out into laughter. 'And what are you laughing at?' Saiki spat. 'It's funny how they're surprised at you making friends, kind of sad don't you think?' She laughed, wiping a tear from her eye. 'I didn't want to make friends in the first place.' He grumbled, turning away.

"Hey~ don't be like that!" She suppressed her laughs, standing to lean over. She ruffled his head, an unexpected action for the boy.
'W-What are you doing?!' He slapped her hand away, using his other to fix his hair back into place. "I'm just teasing, I'm sure you'll get a girlfriend sooner or later." y/n shrugged, rubbing her hand. 'I don't want a girlfriend!' - "Boyfriend then?" - 'No! Why are you even talking out loud?' - "Am I not allowed to?" - 'Your voice bothers me.' - "Maybe this is why you don't have a girlfriend Kuu-chan!" Their quarrel ended with Saiki staring at the girl with unsettled eyes. 'D-Don't call me that!' He stood from his seat, ready to hide in his room. "Why not Kuu-chan~ Your mum uses it and it's quite cute!" y/n teased, following his actions by standing.

'I don't like it.' He began to walk off, so y/n quickly grabbed her bag and followed along. "C'mon~ you use my first name, why can't I use yours?" She reasoned, slinging the bag over her shoulder. 'Then use Kusuo instead.' He refused to look at her, opening the door to his room. "But that's too long to use." y/n groaned dramatically, suddenly finding a door shut in front of her.

On the other side of the door, Saiki leaned against it, finding it hard to breath. 'What is this childish nonsense...' His burning ears were bothering him, but he continued to listen to the girl who was on the other side. "Kuu-chan~" She teased, knocking a few times. He heard a sigh come from her, so he assumed she gave up. Instead, her figure appeared right in front of him; she teleported. Saiki let out an unknown squeaky sound, pressing himself back onto the door. "Sorry for intruding! Just thought that this was the easiest way in." She grinned, lifting herself up on her feet slightly to reach his head. 'Can you not do that?' He glared, feeling her hand rub against his scalp.

"Oh whatever do you mean?" She hummed sarcastically, turning to walk around his room. "Wow... this place actually looks cosy." She nodded, impressed. Taking a seat on his bed, she leaned back on two arms. 'Who said you could sit there?' Saiki walked over. "Who said I couldn't?" She retorted back with ease. 'Hey didn't you say you changed to fit however a person liked you to be?' He asked, taking a seat in his chair by the wooden table. "Hm, yes."
y/n nodded, eyes roaming all over the room. 'Then why are you so annoying?' This question made y/n both laugh and become offended. "Maybe you should ask that yourself. I am the person you would most like, idiot." y/n's eyes locked onto the other's. 'Huh?' He asked, purely confused.

"Well... to explain shortly; you think you like ordinary people, because that's who you want to be. It doesn't necessarily mean your 'perfect person' is ordinary. Like how someone who likes blondes, may still end up with a brunette!" She compared. "You could say you like someone who's sarcastic, and kind of mean, because that's your kind of humour. If you have any- You prefer someone who knows how to distance and keep boundaries, when they should talk and shouldn't. Also someone who has similar experiences as you, do as for me, we both hold unique powers. If you haven't realised it by now..." y/n chuckled lightly, a sneaky glimmer in her eyes.

"I'm kind of your perfect person Kuu-chan."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now