O15.5: 𝘽𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙩

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saiki kusuo
The psychic's plan was to get his brother and Teruhashi apart. It would've been annoying if they got along. However, it never seemed that god was not on his side. "Wow, look at this crowd!" Kuusuke cheered, walking ahead. 'This year is off to a horrible start.' Kusuo glared at the back of his brother's head. 'It could be worse...?' y/n tried cheering the boy up, but her efforts were useless. Kuusuke walked ahead, with Teruhashi slightly behind, Kusuo and y/n stayed right behind, beside each other.

'Why is she even here... She's always with him! What does he see in her, that I don't have. I have everything!' Teruhashi was fuming, y/n could see the steam coming from her ears. 'It's all your fault. In order to get out of this situation, first off...' Kusuo began, looking up at the two others. 'Why did his brother have to come with us too? This is too much of a crowd! Well, in any case...' And for the first time in forever, they agreed on the same thing.

'We need to be alone!'

Though, Kusuo was more on the fact that he wanted to seperate them in general. He'd rather be alone with y/n over Teruhashi any day.  'Do I have to be apart of this? I can feel Teruhashi cursing at me in her head.' y/n shoved her cold hands into her pockets. 'You're not making me go through this alone.' He mumbled, pressing his lower-half of his head into his scarf.

"By the way, are you two finally going out?" Kuusuke turned, staring at the three. Teruhashi assumed that he was talking about her, mainly because she forgot the other girl that was there. Her usual response would've been calm, charming. "Of course not. We're just friends! I think Saiki would mind if you say things like that." She would supposedly beam, scratching the side of her head gently. Though, since it was the psychic we were talking about, she was flustered and all over the place. "WHAT?! O-Of course not!" She rambled, "We're just friends! Do you mind?!" She bowed.

Kuusuke simply laughed, closing his eyes. "I see! But sorry, I wasn't talking about you. I was asking y/n." He pointed towards the other. y/n looked up from the ground, surprised. "S-Sorry...?" She asked. The girl wasn't really paying attention, she was having another fight with Kusuo in her head. "Are you two dating? You've been awfully close these past months." Kuusuke repeated. Kusuo and y/n had encountered this question countless times, so her response was more calm. "No, we're nothing like that sorry." She bowed, giving a closed-eye smile.

"Well that's unfortunate. You would make a great wife. If he doesn't work out, y/n, you can come to me." The blonde offered, placing a hand on his hip. 'G-Great wife?!' Kusuo stepped forward, without hesitation. He didn't even realise his actions until he felt two small hands from y/n, hold his arm back. 'What are you doing?' She asked, browns furrowed.  'So-Sorry...' He choked out, pulling his arm back. On the side, Teruhashi was out of it.
'A-Awfully close... Huh... y/n as Saiki's wife... Huh...' She smiled, no life behind her eyes.

"Sorry you got the wrong idea." Kuusuke went back, seeing at Teruhashi had a few loose screws. "It wouldn't be a surprise if you weren't dating though. You two are no good together, after all!" He shrugged. 'What is he getting at this time?' y/n stepped back, sensing something would go wrong. "You're worlds apart!" Kuusuke said through smiles.

Teruhashi felt herself regain her ego, lifting two hands, "Oh no, that's not true! You don't need to say that about me. Saiki has a lot of good points too." She assured. 'What was that?' Kusuo grunted. But Kuusuke has a blank stare as a response. "I know he does." He started. 'You think I should lea-' y/n whistled, getting cut off. 'NO!'.

"That's why you're no good for him." Kuusuke continued. 'Ouch.' y/n's eyes widened at his honesty. "Did you think I was complimenting you? I suppose it's only natural. With your looks, you probably lived your whole life being fawned over. But Kusuo is on another plane. He's more special–" Kuusuke kept going on without any pauses or hesitation. 'Hey. That's enough.' Kusuo pushed forward, trying to stop his brother. They all knew it wouldn't end well.

Teruhashi was on the verge of tearing up. 'I... I know why I have a hard time interacting with him. He hasn't said 'Oh...' once since he met me. I've never met someone with zero interest in me.' As they continued walking, Teruhashi's head filled with anger. "Hey, there's no need to scowl like that! I was just teasing her. Everyone looks like monkeys to me, so I don't see things like beauty." Kuusuke said sheepishly to his brother. Kusuo went forward, dragging y/n along with her. 'How long until Teruhashi blows up?' y/n asked, trying to laugh through the awkward situation. 'She doesn't blow up, her fans do.'.

'I've never felt so humiliated in my life. He'll pay.' Teruhashi schemed, clenching her hands into fists. Then, tears poured from her eyes; they were glittering. "I... didn't mean it like that!" She sobbed out. "Oh, sorry. I guess you have a knack for acting too?" Kuusuke was extremely calm in this situation, not knowing what would come next.

Every male within the whole area turned to glare at the boy. They slowly stomped over. "What's this? Are people crowding around us?" He frowned, looking at everyone. 'Not us, you.' Kusuo corrected. 'The ultimate beautiful girl technique, Angel Tears!' She secretly smiles through the tears. 'I feel offended with that name.' y/n rolled her eyes. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Everyone that crowded around began attacking. Kuusuke had to escape on a helicopter. Lord knows where it came from.

"Huh? Looks like we lost your brother!" Teruhashi said, unapologetically. "Guess we'll have to go on without him." Her smile was sickly. The blue-haired continued to send quick glares at the other girl, which did not go unnoticed. 'Now I just need to lose one more person.' Both Teruhashi and Kusuo thought, unfortunately, not thinking about the same person.

'May I... leave yet?'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now