O17: 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜

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y/n l/n
Ever since the pink-headed psychic asked her that question, it has been in and out of her head all day, all week. Of course, in the past she had thought about it; but it wasn't realistic. There would be multiple difficulties, and y/n wouldn't be able to handle that.

Class seemed quieter than usual, or maybe it was just y/n daydreaming so much that every other noise just cancelled out. The loud, repetitive sound of the bell rang in her ears, signalling class was over. "Thank god I was about to fall asleep..." She heard a student from the back mutter. Now that it was break, students could freely talk and do whatever. y/n kept to herself, still in her seat. The question was back in her head, and she never gave a proper answer to the boy.


"Uhm... Well... Honestly I'd love to. Seeing everyone else be in love and in relationships, it always makes my heart swoon. But... I could never be in one." y/n smiled sheepishly, staring up at the moon. 'Why not?' Saiki questioned, cautiously. "It's mostly on my part. I'm sure I'll tell you about it soon though. Just... not right now." And with a shrug, their conversation ended.


Saiki easily noticed how the girl was being much quieter than usual. It was like a routine. As soon as the bell would ring, y/n would turn around, sit by his desk with him, and occasionally another friend would come by to annoy him about something else. But y/n was sitting eerily still, staring down into her lap. 'Are you okay...?' Saiki asked, staring at the back of her head. y/n jumped, and looked at him with a nervous smile. "Uh... Did you wanna go to the roof to eat?" y/n then suggested. Saiki frowned, but agreed. Even without reading her thoughts, he knew something was up.

The two made their way to the roof, alone and in silence. There was no bickering, no mental fighting, no teasing. Saiki felt lonely without it. On the way, a few other students noticed their travel. Unfortunately, one of them was Teruhashi, who secretly fumed in the back. As much as she wanted to interfere, the swarm of fanboys came to her faster. 'I've noticed my group of fanboys have slowly started to disappear... I wonder why.' y/n pondered, holding her food in her hands. 'Shouldn't you be happy about that?' Saiki raised a brow. 'I really am, trust me. I was just wondering.'

Saiki actually knew the answer to this, after all, he could read the minds of everyone (except Nendou). With how often they were hanging out with each other, everyone assumed the two started dating. Since Saiki wasn't really a popular topic, not as many rumours went around. Sometimes the boy would feel jealous of y/n, as she had selective mind reading. Saiki was stuck with everyone's voice in his head.

Travelling up the stairs to the roof, y/n was as quiet as ever. Saiki wasn't sure what to expect as soon as they would reach the roof. Opening the door, a fresh breeze immediately hit their faces. "Hm~ Feels nice." y/n nodded, walking over to the railing. She chuckled to herself, which Saiki noticed whilst closing the door. 'What's so funny now.' He made his way beside her. "Remember the night Chiyo almost died? And then I had to reveal to you guys about my secret? What a crazy night..." She shook her head, sitting on the ground.

Saiki followed her actions, sitting crossed-legged. The two began eating, just in their own peace. 'Is there something you wanted to say, you seemed... distressed.' Saiki knew she wouldn't be the first one to bring up the conversation, so he did. 'You're much more observant than I realised.' y/n pressed her lips into a thin line, staring through the bars of the railing. 'It's about the question you asked me. The night when we had to be magic assistants.' She started, closing up her bento box.

'Did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry if I did.' His eyes flickered down. "What's with you? You sound too formal!" She tried laughing out to lighten the mood. "I wasn't uncomfortable, you don't have to worry about that. I just... wanted to answer." She shrugged. 'Well then, I'm listening.' Saiki nodded, shuffling closer.

"I want to fall in love. Really. It's something anyone wants. Being able to hold hands, go on cringey dates, cuddle with each other, everything! When you feel your heart flutter whenever you're around them, and when you can feel the little electrical buzz when you touch each other's hands... It seems so simple to achieve... But it's so unrealistic for someone like me." Saiki wasn't expecting for the girl to go on a passionate ramble. He never viewed love in that way, he always wanted to be alone. That was until he met her. 'Why, why is it unrealistic?'.

"You know, I'm an angel! My purpose is to help others, I shouldn't be falling in love with people. It only means I could get them in danger too." She pulled her legs towards her, resting her chin on his knees. "Also... I'll have to go away. I travel from place to place whenever it's needed. I'll never be able to stay with a person forever. And don't get me started on this stupid locket!" Pulling out the black chain with the clock, she chucked it on the ground in front of them.

"As much as I try tell myself to look at the good side of things... Some point in my life I'll have to go. Nothing is forever with me. What happens if I'm in a relationship, and then I suddenly disappear! It's just... unfair." She grumbled, shoving her head down. He had never seen this side of y/n, it was new. Dare he say, refreshing. She was passionate, emotional. "But that's enough about me sorry. What about you Kusuo? I know you liked being closed off and all... Do you want to fall in love?"

He stared down at his hands, before moving his eyes to her face. He wanted to inspect all her features. The hair that drifted down her back, which shined a nice hue of h/c. Her eyes would always glimmer with excitement, regardless of the situation. And her lips. The way they moved with each word they spoke. And when she smiled, they looked even cuter. After a while of his intense gaze, y/n started clicking in his face. "Hey! Earth to Kuu-chan! You gonna answer or not?" She laughed, flicking his forehead.

But in one smooth move, Saiki leaned on his hand, using it to lean over y/n. With determined eyes, he spoke,

"I want you to fall in love with me."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now