O28: 𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙚

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saiki kusuo
This had been the one time Saiki was angry at himself for not having any sort of dating experience. The most he had was Teruhashi's constant annoyance, Chiyo having an odd interest in him that one time, and Aiura claiming that he was her soulmate. 'As if.'; he would think. If anyone was going to be his soulmate, Saiki would make sure that it would be y/n.

He told her that he would win her heart, which yes, that had happened, but he never thought about what comes after it. He had no one to ask about it. His parents? They were an in-love train wreck. Even he found it scary when they were mad at each other. His friends? None of them had dating experience either. None of the other psychics were exactly the best at love either. Toritsuka only had his 18+ magazines. There was a possibility Aiura could give advice, she vaguely knew things about soulmates and relations.

Groaning in his pillow, Saiki had himself beat over it. 'This is unlike me...' He told himself. He was lying flat on his stomach, on his bed, just arguing to himself. The psychic didn't know what he should've been doing after making the relationship 'official'. 'A date...?' He asked himself, turning his head to face the wall. 'What do I even do?' This was the one time he genuinely wanted to know something. After moments of pondering, and ending up nowhere, he resolved it to one person; Aiura Mikoto.

'Meet me at the cafe at 12.' He texted out, giving vague instructions. 'Which? Cafe Mami? What are we doing?' It didn't take long for her to respond, but he left her on opened. 'She can figure it out herself.'.


Saiki sat impatiently at a booth, tapping his fingers on the wooden table, in a synchronised motion. He was waiting for both his coffee jelly and Aiura's arrival. Whilst doing so, various thoughts flew in and out of his head. 'What should I do on a first date?', 'Does it need to be fancy?', 'No! I should do something she likes...', 'What happens if either of us lose feelings?', 'No. That won't happen. I'll make sure it won't.'. So caught up, he jumped at the feeling on a hand gripping his shoulder.

"Oi. What do you need to suddenly?" It was Aiura, tired eyes and a frown on her face. 'It's about y/n.' He stated plainly, eyes following her body moving to sit in front of him. "What about her? She's not gone is she?!" She jumped to the worse case scenario, slapping her hands on the table. 'No...' He froze, thinking about what would happen if she actually left. Saiki quickly shook his head, brushing it off. 'What do I do?'.

Aiura sighed, loosely holding a menu in her hands, "You gotta give me more than that. What do you want to do with y/n?" She asked. 'We agreed to date.' Without leaving time to explain, Aiura starting coughing, slapping her chest. "SERIOUSLY?! YOU FINALLY CONFESSED?!" She squealed, now clutching onto the menu tightly. 'Shut up, you're being loud. And... yes, sort of.' He snarled.

"Here's your coffee jelly! And hey Mikoto! What would you like to order?" Mera came by, placing the dessert in front of Saiki. "Oh hey Mera! Hm... Just get me a Strawberry Sundae thanks." Mikoto nodded, waving the girl off. "Anyways, that's excellent news! It took you two long enough. Who confessed first?" Saiki realised she hadn't known the full situation, making him squirm in his seat. 'It doesn't matter.' He began eating his jello, continuing to ask, 'So what do I do?'.

"As in, what do you do for a date? Or what do you do in general? I thought you were better at relationships than this." Aiura snickered, leaning her cheek on her palm. 'I hate people. I've never been in a relationship.' He shortly explained, already half-way through the dessert. "Well, obviously you gotta take her on a date. What does she like?" She questioned. 'Annoying me.' - "That doesn't count." - 'Why not?'.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now