O22: 𝙊𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙬𝙖 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚!

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saiki kusuo
Around this time of year, a jolt of excitement runs through every school. "I can't wait!" A female student cheered, running up to her friends. That's because it's time for one of high school's main events; a school trip. "I've never been to Okinawa before!", "I've never even been on a plane before!" Classmates were going on to each other, every individual ecstatic. PK academy were going to take a 3-day trip to Okinawa, and this information alone was big news. "I wonder if it's hot there." A male student asked. "Obviously! It's a southern island!" His friend responded.

'Good grief... I can't understand the appeal of trips at all. I can go to Okinawa and come back within three minutes.' Saiki complained. 'Well most normal people don't have the power of teleportation. Let them be happy.' Reaching over, y/n flicked his forehead. Slapping her hand away, Saiki glared, 'Have you even been there?'. 'Hm... Probably. I've been to many places, so my memory's kind of jammed.' y/n shrugged.

Passing by, Hairo asked, "Saiki, y/n, did you decide on your group for the trip? It has to be a total of six. Three boys and three girls.". "Mmhm! It's not a completed group yet, but I'm planning to go with Mikoto and whoever else." y/n nodded diligently. 'Let everyone else decide. I'll go with whoever's left.' Saiki shrugged, not really caring. "Then Mikoto and I should go with you!" y/n tapped. "The only ones besides you who are undecided are... Nendou and Kaidou." Hairo checked his clipboard. 'I guess the best wasn't saved for last.'.

"Three boys, so it's perfect! I'll tell the school you three are a group. And for you y/n, I'll be sure to find you another girl to join you." "Who are you and Aren going to be with?" y/n asked. "We will be together and another student. Now please excuse me!" With his answer, he then left. 'Gee he works harder than I do.' y/n chuckled, admiring the boy. 'No. He's too much.' Saiki frowned, poking her hand to grab her attention. 'What, are you jealous now?' She jabbed back. 'You wish.' He said, pulling his hand back. 'Don't need to.' She snickered.

Outside the classroom, two female students were staring at the couple. It was Teruhashi and Chiyo trying to find a way to slither into Saiki and Kaidou's group. "Looks like Saiki is going to be in a group with those two after all." Chiyo closed the door, a firm, determined look on her face. "Just as we thought." Teruhashi let out a breath of relief. "The question now is, how we're going to join their group." She placed a hand on her chin. "We should hurry before y/n and Mikoto join their group first." Just hearing the angel's name made Teruhashi angry.

"But I feel embarrassed to ask them." Chiyo huffed. "Oh, that's right! Why don't we ask Mera to do it?" Teruhashi suggested. "Chisato is absent right now. I heard that she's working to earn money for the trip." The other countered. "I see... That sounds tough." Teruhashi pouted. "I got a postcard from her yesterday. See?" Pulling out a card, it was of Chiyo, holding a massive fish, captioned:
'I wanna go to the school trip no matter what!
- Chisato Mera
P.S Tuna are super heavy'.

"Tuna?!" The blue-haired exclaimed, holding up the picture. "I-I see... Then what should we do?" She asked again. "Why don't you ask Kaidou?" She nudged. "N-No! I mean!" Chiyo's face burned with bright red. "Oh right, you like him!" Teruhashi cooed. "No I don't!" Chiyo was awful at lying. "Fine then, I'll go ask Nendou since he's right over there." She pointed.

Running up to him, she called out, "Hey, Nendou!". It didn't work however. Her usual swarm of fanboys crowded around her, asking her to join their group. "Teruhashi!" They screamed simultaneously. "Would you like to join our group?!", "Why don't you join my group?!", "Hey! Don't be sneaky!" Bombarded, Teruhashi was stuck. 'I can't say I'm gonna join Nendou's group in this situation.'.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now