OO7: 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙍𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡...

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y/n l/n
It was another not-so-casual day at the PK academy. y/n was relaxing at her own seat, Kaidou, Nendou and Aren were talking as usual (and bothering Saiki), and most of the class were obsessing over Teruhashi. However, some even found themselves obsessing over
y/n. The blue-haired girl absolutely despised this. It hurt her ego to bits.

Aiura decided to become closer to y/n, holding her crystal ball in her hands. "Yo~" She smiled, pulling a seat over to sit by her. "Hey!" y/n greeted her back with an equally happy smile. "Woah, what's that?" y/n pointed at the blinged out item. "It's my crystal ball, tells me a lot of what I need." She explained, placing on the desk, using a little cushion underneath it. "Like what?" The other questioned, her cheek resting on the palm of her hand. Saiki felt like this would be a recipe for disaster.

You see, Saiki was still trying to uncover the mystery of who y/n is. In other people's eyes she was just another perfect, little 'angel'. Almost everyone loved her, if not, envied. She was kind-hearted to everyone, always did her best, and was beautiful. Some would say she was on Teruhashi's level. But as a psychic, there was more to her than just 'being nice'. She would change her persona, be able to resist extremely difficult situations (for a normal person), and oddly enough, his powers would never work on her. Sometimes he thought he was looking too deep into this; maybe he was right and she's just weirdly kind.

"Well, I'll be back in a bit. Gonna run to the bathroom." y/n hummed, pushing herself from her seat. "Alright~" Aiura waved her off, making her way back to her original seat. "So what do you think of her?" She asked, as she passed by Saiki's seat. 'She's alright.' Was all he responded through telepathy. Only Aiura and Toritsuka knew about his psychic abilities, but a certain h/c girl was going to add onto that.


The hallways were not too empty, just a few students littered here and there. In the second-year hallway, some boys ended up trailing behind her, following. y/n cowered down, 'What the hell...'. One of them even pulled up enough courage to go converse with her. "Hey l/n! How was your day?" He asked politely, walking right beside her. "Not too bad, it's just started. And what about you?". Whispers were heard around, most of them jealous. "Damn it I was going to talk to her..." - "Who does he think he is?" - "She's as beautiful as ever~".

y/n knew how Teruhashi felt, except she knew the other enjoyed the attention. The two continued to talk, ending up on the first-year hallway. By then, even more boys were trailing behind her. "We should make a y/n fanclub!" - "A cult!" - "A support group!" - "We should ask her first!". Sweat dropping, y/n continued walking, as fast as she could. 'This is getting out of hand...' She grumbled to herself. The boy had left, needing to go back to his classroom. So now she was by herself; with about 25 boys trailing behind.

'What's this? Is Teruhashi here?' She heard a voice ask. It was a female's, quite high pitch and cute. y/n passed by a class, but just as she did, the door slid open. She jumped, not expecting the loud noise. "Sorry! I didn't see you there~" A girl squeaked. y/n turned her head to see a blonde first year. She was definitely cute, with multiple hair decorations in her pigtails, big eyes, and a soft complexion. "It's alright." y/n assured, smiling at her.
"O-Oh..." The stranger stopped, in a trance.

Before the first year could speak, more boys piled in. "l/n! Over here!" - "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" - "Do you need me to do your homework?" - "I'll take you out for dinner tonight!". The crowd around the door multiplied by the minute, and both y/n and the blonde weren't having it. 'Is she... Is she another Terushashi?! No! I can't be the third cutest, I'm supposed to be the first!' She though, earning a hidden scowl from y/n. 'Maybe she isn't as cute as I thought...' y/n tried waving off the boys, asking to open the pathway.

It wasn't just for her though, even the blonde was trying to get out. "Excuse me!" y/n called out, pushing through, leaving the girl behind. "I need to go through please!" She pleaded, finding it hard to breathe through the cologne of the boys. "Yes, me too!" The blonde pouted cutely, posing with a finger at her mouth. Her face fell though, when she realised all the boys were following y/n and still not crowding around her. 'What is this?!' She fumed, stomping over to y/n.

Now, they were both in the bathroom, free from the crowd. y/n stared at herself in the mirror, thinking over at the situation. It was getting more hectic by the day. "Hello? Sorry to ask, but what's your name?" The same girl from before tapped y/n's shoulder, tilting her head. "Oh, hey." y/n turned, pulling a hand out for her to shake. "l/n y/n. And you? You're also a first year right?" She asked back. Feeling a hand slide into hers, the blonde spoke up. "Rifuta Imu, and yes, I'm a first year!" She suddenly 'chuu-ed', acting as cute as possible. 'I need her to know how cute I am! She will not pass me!' Her thoughts were crowding y/n's, and all she wanted was to use the restroom.

"Right, it was lovely to meet you. But excuse me, I must use the bathroom now." y/n nodded sheepishly, walking back into one of the stalls. Rifuta huffed, fixing up her pigtails. 'Okay! Time to get all my fans back!' She hyped herself up, exiting the bathroom. The same boys from before we're crowding around, waiting for their return. "You guys~ You didn't have to wait for me!" She pretending to blush, hiding her face in her hands. "Oh... Where's l/n?" One of them asked, throwing off Rifuta's confidence. y/n was still stuck in the bathroom, not wanting to go back out.

"I just want to teleport out of here..."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now