O30.5: 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?

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saiki kusuo
Located in absolutely the middle of nowhere, Saiki stood by, lifting up three massive boulders. "You're not throwing that at me, right?!" y/n screamed out, a few ten metres away. 'No, not yet.' He answered nonchalantly. "What do you mean 'not yet'?!" She sweat-dropped, holding her hands up in defence.

Splitting up the boulders into pieces, multiple rocks of all sizes floated above Saiki. 'You can dodge, right?' He asked. Without giving time to answer, they were thrown her way at a ferocious speed. "WAIT-" Wings splashing out from her back, y/n zoomed up into the air, high enough to dodge the flying rocks. "KUSUO WHAT WERE YOU THIN—" another Boulder was thrown her way.

Flying in the opposite direction, she was now panting. "I thought this training was for you!" She groaned, flying back down. 'It could be for both of us.' He nodded, teleporting in front of her. "You're a little–" - 'Don't swear.' - "Don't throw giant rocks at me!" Saiki shrugged it off, and teleported back. 'Throw them back at me then.' He offered.

"I don't think my powers can work like that." She rolled her eyes, picking up one of the pieces with her arms. "Whatever... This better stretch you out!" With a hard grunt, she threw it as hard as she could. Surprisingly it flew with intense speed. 'You're much better than I expected.' He inspected, easily stepping to the side to avoid getting hit. "Seriously?! Dude..." She slumped down, hands on her knees. 'Do you not do training like this?' He asked with a teasing chuckle.

"I do training for being nice, and helping people! Not throwing everything I can at them." She glared, picking up a much smaller piece to throw. Being lighter, the piece was thrown at a faster speed, with more precision. 'But what if you end up needing to?' He asked, dodging. "And in what situation is this needed?" She panted out, throwing two more pieces. 'Self defence?' - "Self defence my ass."

'Were you not the one who suggested this?' Saiki lifted another boulder, splitting it apart. "I was thinking pushups, running up and down a few times, jumping jacks. Heck, even hand-to-hand combat!" She gulped down, hard, with her dry throat. 'Oh. You should've just said so.' Appearing right in front of her, Saiki stood in a stance, ready to fight the girl. "You're seriously the worst."

Now both students stood in a position with arms lifted, either one ready to hit the other. 'This won't hurt you, right?' He asked cautiously, brows knitted together. "You're worried about this part, and not two minutes earlier when you were throwing boulders at me?" She snickered, tying her hair back. "But no, I'll be fine. As long as you don't use many of your crazy powers, I'm sure I'll survive." - 'I don't like the way you worded that.'

Rolling her eyes, y/n shook out her arms, ready. "Let's do this, Mr. Psychic." Throwing the first, unexpected punch, Saiki had barely dodged. 'Woah- You're much better than I realised.' He admitted, jumping back up from his crouch. "H-Huh? Did you think I was that weak?!" She scoffed, now pouting. 'No, of course not. It's just–' Before the boy could finish, another hit was thrown his way. "No excuses! Just fighting now." y/n huffed, missing again.

This went on for minutes on end. It looked like a choreographed dance; movements swift and quick, yet so destructive. Occasionally there would be a harsh hit, bringing down the opponent, but they would stand right back up. Neither one gave up. To someone without their amount of physical strength and durability, it would've been torture. Yet in fact, it was just child's play to them. "Are you even trying?" y/n taunted, kicking his side as hard as she could. 'Are you?' He sneered back, his arm blocking her leg.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now