O29.5: 𝙏𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘽𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠

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saiki kusuo
The two were making their way to the Occult Club's meeting spot; A house that would also serve as a temple. 'My Summer break is already ruined.' Saiki grumbled, walking hand in hand with the other. "I think you're forgetting the fact that I'm not even in the Occult club, and yet I'm coming..." y/n muttered, glancing over to the other. 'It's your fault for agreeing.' - "I don't have a choice!".

"Hey Saiki! y/n! You're late!" Turning the corner, they saw the group, with Toritsuka waving them over. Letting go of her hand, Saiki sped-walk over and pulled on Toritsuka's cheek as hard as he could. 'You were the one who started it all.' He glared, ignoring his cries for him to stop. "Kusuo! No!" y/n scolded, coming up from behind. They all greeted each other, y/n sharing a hug with Chiyo, and finally meeting Arisu.

Entering into the house, they were immediately greeted with large statues all around. "Oh wow..." Chiyo let out, all six standing around. "Well, this isn't my house though. My dad knows people at this temple, so they're letting me live with them." Toritsuka scratched the back of his head, trying to act cool. It didn't help that his cheek was pulled out due to Saiki's abuse earlier. 'I bet his dad kicked him out.'.

"This is my room. Please come in." Opening the door, the group were revealed to a much nicer room than expected. It was very modern and clean. 'This is kinda stylish...' Both Kaidou and Chiyo thought. 'How do you like my bachelor pad?!' Toritsuka though, proud of himself more making himself look 'cool'. 'Temples don't need a bachelor pad.'.

'My beloved Arisu! I'll call out all my 108 earthly passions and hit your heart 108 times!' He though, blushing at the sight of her. 'Are your head and cheek okay?' Saiki sarcastically commented. 'This is the first time Toritsuka's really been in love like this... I'm not sure how to feel.' y/n coughed, looking over back and forth from Toritsuka and Arisu.

'This is my chance!' Interrupting, Chiyo was at the other side of the room, scheming to herself. 'A night under the same roof with Kaidou... This is the chance of a lifetime!' Suddenly catching eachother's eyes, Chiyo and Toritsuka now knew of each other's plans. They nodded, before sharing a handshake. 'Did they just use telepathy?' - 'Please no.'.


Midnight entered and everyone was standing around in the forest behind the temple. "Many people go missing in this forest." Toritsuka explained, holding a lit candle. 'I'm too tired for this.' y/n yawned, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. "The ghosts of a murder-suicide family appear at night and take people away to the nether-- OW! OW!" Trying to have dramatic effect during his story, the candle below his chin ended up burning him.

'Epic fail.' Saiki noted motionlessly. "This is no place for having fun." Arisu spoke up, holding her hands close to her chest. "I send many terrifying, deep-seated grudges." She whimpered. 'She sounds like the psychic mediums I often see on TV." Saiki nudged, earning a quiet snicker from y/n.

"I was born into a temple, remember?" Toritsuka suddenly appeared in front of her, winking, with glitter around him. 'That doesn't exactly mean we're safe.' y/n and Saiki sighed at the same time. 'JINX!' y/n quickly slapped him on the shoulder before he could react to anything else. 'Good grief, you're so childish.' He glared, rubbing his sore body part.

"Let's start the test of courage! We'll transverse this forest path in pairs." Toritsuka explained. "Why don't we go with the flow and make our own pairs... Like this?" He slid over, hand on Arisu's shoulder. "Good idea, then we don't have to waste time on deciding pairs." Chiyo also had her arms over on Kaidou's shoulder, 'claiming' him.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now