O26: 𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚²

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y/n l/n
Lying to the Saiki parents only got more difficult. Telling them that her parents were on 'another' business trip for the eighth time that month wasn't becoming believable anymore. That is, if you were smart. The parents were too hung up on the fact that y/n was ultimately 'lonely' and 'extremely' sad, that they forgot she had used the same excuse multiple times in a row. This was fortunate for her, as it meant she didn't need to tell more people about her secret. However, it meant she was dragged in multiple of the Saiki's adventures.


"Please join us y/n! We don't want you to be lonely over the spring break!" Kurumi held her in a tight hug, trying to hold back tears. "You really won't be a bother! We're your family now too!" Kuniharu, on the other hand, had tears pooling down his cheeks. 'W-What do I do?!' y/n was flustered, unsure on how to handle the situation. 'Just join us, it'll be easier for you and me.' Kusuo clicked his tongue, watching from the couch.


So there y/n was, on a trip to visit Saiki's grandparents. She had a rough idea on them, seeing them through the family member's memories. "We're here!" Kuniharu yelled out, as they pulled over at the first stop. "The air is always refreshing here!" - "It's really been a while." The air was cold, but it woke them up from the long trip. They rode the train for an hour and a half, then had a 2 hour flight , then back on a train for another 2 hours, and then rode the bus for 45 minutes.

"Wah~ The mountains are so pretty here!" Her eyes gleamed at the view. "Don't you think, Kuu?" y/n nudged, her eyes still on the mountains. 'I don't care.' He shrugged back. Over at the edge, Kuniharu stood with his hands together. "What are you doing Honey?" Kurumi asked, walking up behind him. "What am I doing? Well, I'm thanking this land for nurturing you." He winked back. "Oh stop it Honey!" She blushed, hearts flying from around her.

Kusuo couldn't even watch them. 'That's repulsive.' He rolled his eyes, turning to face the other way. "You just have terrible taste for romance." y/n whispered, slapping his arm. 'What, you like that stuff?' Kusuo raised a brow. "Well- Relationships in general. You don't have to be so judgy." She huffed, crossing her arms. 'Whatever... I'll thank the land another time then.'

"At any rate, this place is really far." Kuniharu pointed out. "When we go home, why don't we have Kusuo teleport us?" The father suggested. "We can't. My parents don't know about Kuu's powers." Kurumi shook her head. "Besides, a long journey can we fun when it's just us family together." She smiled sweetly. "That's tru-" Suddenly, his son appeared behind them. "Huh? Kusuo?" Kuniharu questioned.

'y/n's hands were cold, I went to go get gloves.' He explained, visibly slipping on the clothing item for her. "O-Oh. thanks!" y/n squeaked, embarrassed by the action. "You're totally spoiling the mood here." Kuniharu glared to his son.

"We're home!" Kurumi called out at her residence. "Welcome! Wow Kusuo! You've grown, and who's this cute girl here?" It was Kusuo's grandmother, Saiki Kumi, greeting them at the entrance of their home. She looked much younger for her age, really shocking the female visitor. "Hello ma'am! I'm l/n y/n, please feel free to call me y/n!" She politely bowed. "Oh you're just adorable! You must be Kusuo's girlfriend, I assume?" She waved, with a bright smile on her face. "N-No! We're just close friends." She responded bashfully.

"Well come in please, Honey!" The group walked further into the house, with Kumi calling out for her husband. "Kuniharu and the other's are here! We also have an extra guest!" She announced. 'She's the nice one. The other one is the pain.' Kusuo muttered to the girl. She opened the door to another room, revealing an elder man reading a newspaper.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now