O33: 𝙋𝙧𝙤 𝘼𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙩!

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saiki kusuo
'Geez... How long has it been since asvmane has posted? So inconsistent and annoying...' Placed by his desk, Saiki was waiting for the arrival of a specific girl. Bad mood as usual, there was nothing else that could change it but y/n. "Hey pal!" Instead of the melodic voice coming from an angel, Saiki just had to be greeted with a big butt-chin. 'Good grief. What is it this time?' He huffed, looking over to him. "Ramen?" Nendou suggested with a smug grin. 'Not surprised he asked for anything else.' Saiki simply nodded and shook him off. It was seeming to be a normal, average day; him wanting to hang around y/n, the nuisances and a major plot point somewhere within the chapter. That being, the class were now in their Art period.

"Hey, pretty good!" Holding up a piece of work, Aren was complimented by Nendou. "I can draw any Dragon Ball character since I drew them so much as a kid." He admitted, passing the paper around. "Do Burter next! Burter!" Nendou chanted. 'Why pick such a complex design?' Saiki judged, watching from afar. 'It'd be impressive if he could actually do it though.' y/n nudged, watching Aren quickly sketch. In no time, he held up his art book. "Burter would be like this!" He show cased his work, and it was indeed identical to the original show. "Wow, it's Burter!" Nendou's gruff voice was extremely cheery.

"I can draw too! Here's Goku!" It was Kaidou's turn to show off, though, his was much more disappointing. To put into simple words, it was a large head on a tiny, square body, with massive, bulging arms. A mess it truly was. 'Apologise you Toriyama.' Saiki sighed.


"We'll be doing rough sketches today." The teacher announced. "So the motif to keep in mind when drawing your subject is..." His voice was drowned out when Saiki decided to communicate with y/n. 'I have a hard time with art class. For example, I can draw something exactly as I see it.' Drawing the teacher in the corner of his book, the artwork came out extremely realistic. Looking over, y/n almost let out a gasp. 'How the—' - 'But if I were to turn this in, I'd probably be told off for editing a photograph.' He complained. 'It sounds like you're showing off, Kuu.'.

'So, I usually turn in the thoughtography drawn from someone else.' He explained. 'I must be honest, sometimes it sounds like some of your powers are made up.' y/n yawned. "Okay, get into pairs and draw your partner while you face each other." The teacher instructed. 'This isn't good. Portraits are difficult assignments.' Saiki sweat-dropped. 'I would try find someone with an ordinary face, but I want to stick with you. But seeing as your face has been crafted carefully by God and the Heavens, I doubt I could draw you without it seeming suspicious.' - 'Thanks, but I'm not being your partner anyways.' - 'Wh-' Turning in his seat, he saw a lime-haired girl pulling his girlfriend out from her seat.

"C'mon n/n! This'll be super fun!" Aiura squealed, excited to draw her friend. 'You're joking me.' Saiki glared, the other fortune-teller not getting the hint. 'Sorry! Your compliments were lovely though!' y/n snickered, moving her seat to face Aiura. 'Whatever.' Saiki huffed, moving around the room. He couldn't choose Nendou. Not for the same reason as y/n, the complete opposite, actually. Nendou... had a complex character design.

Kaidou was finding difficulty pairing up with someone, either the other person already had a partner, or just didn't want to be with someone who couldn't draw a thing. Saiki considered for a moment, until he saw a blushing Chiyo in the corner of his eyes. "S-Saiki, would you mind pairing up with-" Interrupting Kaidou's request, Chiyo came in. "Hey Kaidou? Would you mind letting me draw you?" She asked, sheepishly. "What? Uhm, n-no, but I'm already with Saiki..." Kaidou sputtered out, embarrassed. But Saiki was already off to find someone else. 'Good grief. Time to find someone else.' - "Hey! Saiki-".

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