O11: 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨

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nendou riki
"Excuse me senpai!" A young girl with short brown hair and warm brown eyes stopped Nendou's travel to class. "Uhm, well... I just..." she sputtered out nervously. In her hands was a letter, with a pink heart sticker closing it. "I'm Maki, a first year..." She introduced herself, looking at everywhere else but his face. "Please read this!" She tightly shut her eyes, pushing the note forwards towards him.

Nendou was now in class, lazily inspecting the letter given to him. Kaidou walked in just a little after, yawning. "Another peaceful, lazy day..." he muttered, making his way towards his friend. "Hey Nendou." The blue-haired spoke, walking up behind him. Nendou was still staring down at the note, reading it to himself carefully. "You look like someone who's grown too used to this peace." He said, before noticing his attention was on something else. "What are you reading? You can ask me about any words you don't know." He teased, placing a hand on his mohawk. "I got this letter from some first-year girl." Nendou finally answered, eyes still glued to the page.

"A letter?!" Kaidou's eyes widened, releasing his hand from his head. Pulling the letter into his own hands, he scanned the words. "What the hell did you do idiot?! Let me see that! I bet she wanted to chew you ou–" Assuming that the first-year was complaining, Kaidou fell into complete and utter shock to realise it was instead a love letter.

Saiki was next to walk in, a quiet y/n following behind. They bumped into each other along the way to class, and decided to might as well keep each other company.


y/n looked down at her feet as she walked. The morning was pretty peaceful, no interruptions. Just how she liked it. As much as she was supposed to love the world and everyone on it, her life was extremely hectic. Being able to relax was a delicacy. So far, she didn't need to help anyone; no signals from the pocket watch.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw someone step right in front of her. Ready to beam a 'good morning', y/n lifted her head, revealing it to be a pink-headed Saiki Kusuo. 'Oh... Good morning.' She spoke telepathically, sending a nod. She understood that he liked his silence too. They seemed to be quite similar. He nodded back gently, before moving his head as a gesture to walk together. y/n nodded back and that was the end of the conversation.

As they walked together, Saiki remembered that he couldn't read her mind. That left him with his own thoughts... and everyone else's in a 200-metre radius.


'What's all the ruckus so early?' Saiki scowled, walking through the door. 'Is it any different from any other day?' y/n snickered, waving 'hi' to a few others. Kaidou was continuously screaming, clutching the paper in his hands. "What is it?" y/n asked, sweat-dropping.
"y-y/n! S-Saiki! Th-Th-This is huge!" Kaidou yelled, thrusting the paper into Saiki's chest to read. "It's about Nendou!" Kaidou was losing his voice by now. 'What are you trying to say? Go get your head checked.' - "Nendou got a love letter from a first-year girl!". Poking her head behind his shoulder, the two scanned the page carefully. 'A love letter?' Saiki questioned, briefly looking at the girl who was over his shoulder. 'Do you think it's real?' She asked, pursing her lips.

'It's nothing to freak out over. She must've lost a bet.' He suggested, using his psychometric, he would confirm his suspicions. 'Well?' y/n asked, looking back and forth from the letter to him. Suddenly, Saiki broke out in the same shocked face as Kaidou's. 'Ah... So I'm guessing it is real...' y/n had a calmer reaction, actually feeling happy for the big friend.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now