OO4: 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙮 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨

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saiki kusuo
There was a sudden change in weather as it had begun to change seasons. The trio; Nendou, Kaidou and Saiki were walking to school. Kaidou has been complaining all the way through, but Nendou had heat packs stuck to his back.

Whilst walking, they happened to bump into
y/n who was right around the corner. "Oh hey guys!" She beamed. It didn't seem as if she was cold, only sporting an extra scarf on her uniform. "O-Oh!" Kaidou and Nendou fell into a trance, a blush coating their cheeks. "Suddenly I don't feel cold anymore..." The blue haired muttered, his arms dropping by his side. y/n giggled in her hand, now walking beside them.

The warmth didn't last as long as they wanted though, and Kaidou went back to complaining. "It's so cold!" He cried out, hugging himself. 'Flipping out like that isn't going to make you any warmer.' Saiki retorted in his head.

Finally making it to school, Kaidou cheered out in hope, "Let's hurry to school. They'll have heating inside." The group agreed, jogging to class as quickly as they could. Waiting by the door, Kaidou slid it open. "We're here! It's nice and warm...". Their hopes were cut off when they were viewed to a snowy scene.

Everyone was huddling up to themselves and the room was frosty. White fog clouded up the room. "...Or not! What the hell! Is this place a refrigerator?!" Kaidou cried. "Hey Shun." Muttered a voice from the back of the class. "Who are you?!" Kaidou responded back. The voice came from a purple-haired student, who's head was completely dipped into his jacket. He had an extra one on.

"It's me." Lifting his head, y/n had a clear view of his face. He wore glasses, and had a scowl on his face. "Oh, it's you, Aren." - "But man, this is the worst. Look over there." The group's eyes moved and there they saw a note; 'As the HVAC unit is malfunctioning, there is no heating.'. "What?! No freaking way!" Kaidou's screams were irritating Saiki.

y/n sighed, but made her way to her seat. Before she reached it though, she greeted a few other students with 'Good morning's and 'Hello's. She then walked over to the student who she assumed to be named 'Aren'. "We haven't met yet, have we? I'm l/n y/n, lovely to meet you." Her voice was delicate, and she held a hand out for him to shake. Aren peaked up to see who was speaking, but then let an 'Oh!' slip out. He quickly pulled out a hand to shake hers though, and was fortunately greeted to warmth. "Woah!" Bringing out his other hand, he engulfed the female's in his. "How are you this warm?" He admired.

y/n laughed, placing her other hand on his cheek, "Is it really?" She asked, hoping to warm him up. Aren froze up like a statue, not expecting the contact. In one motion, he let go of her and slipped back into his jacket to hide, leaving the girl confused. "O-okay then..." she chuckled awkwardly, moving back to her seat.

"So what's the deal? Why can't they turn it off?!" Kaidou continued to nag, the cold freezing up his finger tips. Slipping into her seat, y/n turned her head to see a freezing girl. "Poor thing," She mumbled, hurriedly pulling off her scarf. "Take this!" She offered, wrapping it around the other. The sight of her helping out a stranger brought a smile to Saiki's face; but only a mental one.

Aren and Kaidou continued to go back and forth about the broken heater, but all eventually went back into their seats. "It's so cold..." Kaidou whined, also dipping his head into his jacket. Aren slipped by and mentioned, "It's warmer by the heater there." - "We have a heater?" Excitement rose in his voice.

They went over to warm up, but was greeted by a Hairo doing sit-ups. "The heater?!" He exclaimed, shocked. "Hey Kaidou! It's a bit chilly today, huh?" Even through the frosty morning, the red-head was fired up, providing heat to the students. y/n decided to check it out herself, watching the boy exercise furiously. "Wanna do squats with me? It'll warm you up!" Hairo suggested with a proud smile.

Hairo was about to end his exercise, but students desperately wanted him to continue. "Don't give up yet!" - "Keep going!" They changed. y/n sweat-dropped at this, but included herself in hyping up Hairo.

The class went on with this, fighting over the heat packs on Nendou's back for money, Aren getting mad, and realising that students had been giving up. At first they didn't understand why they were still at school, as Nendou suggested going out to play Hooky. Aren and Kaidou scolded, explaining a famous comedian was coming in fifth period. And so the class persevered, y/n found herself joining in too.

Everyone covered themselves in as many clothing items as they could, always curling into little balls. It was enjoyable seeing them run around blindly during pe. y/n however, felt no cold at all, and was a personal heater. Saiki didn't either, thanks to his power of pyrokinesis. The two would just sit back and watch the others do their own thing, which was usually huddling in groups. During pe, the two were sitting at the bench. He turned his head and stared, 'Aren't you cold?'. y/n had a smile on her face, cheering the students on during the game. Saiki concluded that she wasn't human; how else was she surviving?

As they sat, Saiki noticed the girl slip out something from her pocket. It was a pocket watch; both the chain and black watch. On the casing was an engraving of wings, and on the back were simple designs of flowers and leaves.  Saiki kept a look out, viewing her from the side as best as he could. y/n popped open the watch, reading the time. Something was odd though, the watch read about an hour later than it should've. 'Why is it ahead of time? Has she been an hour early her whole life?'


The class went through their day, and finally it was fifth period. They could finally meet the famous 'Peanut'; y/n still didn't understand what was going on. All was going well until a student had crashed into a window. The class gasped in unison, all heads turning to the scene.

"Hey! What's the matter?!" Hairo yelled out, him, Aren and Kaidou rushing to them. y/n barely tripped in, stopping a few tables away from the broken window. Whipping out the pocket watch once more, she pushed it open, to reveal the time; which went back to normal. "D-damn it!" She spat, shoving the item back. Saiki stood not too far away, watching everything go down. 'What was so significant about the time?' He asked himself, arms crossed.

"I couldn't see in front of me, so I broke the window." The student muttered. Though his face was covered by a jacket, you could sense the guilty look. "I see. Well, it's good no one got hurt." Hairo sighed. y/n jogged up, helping the students move away. "Be careful next time..." she muttered, keeping safe from the glass.

Kaidou looked to the side, asking his friend, "What's wrong Aren?" And in just moments, the boy froze up, like a statue. "The outside cold air is blazing in!" Kaidou yelled, the wind howling in. Girls began to scream, snow piling onto their shoulders and heads. Everyone thought it was over for them. "Help me!" - "I'm freezing!"

'This is pretty extreme weather.' Saiki still felt no cold, thankfully to his use of pryokinesis. Snow continued to push its way into the classroom. Saiki wanted to do something, but concluded it would look too unnatural in the situation.

"What happened?!" A voice suddenly boomed, the door slamming open. "Hey, why is it so cold in here?!" The man revealed himself to be none other than Peanuts Euda. The class cheered out his name in unison, but everyone was still dying from the cold. "Get back from the window." He instructed, "What if the glass shards start flying in?"

A girl in the corner, covered in nothing extra, was shivering in the corner. "Are you okay? Take this." Peanuts made his way over, pulling off his coat and scarf. "But then what about you?" She sputtered out. "Don't worry about me." He responded with a heartwarming smile, "It's our duty to watch out for our younger peers." He explained, wrapping the scarf around her.

"Peanuts is such a good guy!" The class chanted out once more. y/n laughed, she had never known of this man, but she knew he would be going to a safe place in the afterlife. "I don't feel so cold anymore." A boy hummed, placing his hand on his chest. "Me neither." Another girl agreed. Suddenly, the whole class was at it. "It warmed my heart so much, I don't feel cold anymore!" Some pulled off their scarves, and ripped off their jackets. "Peanut is so warm!"

'How could you get physically warm from that?' Saiki mentally asked, dumbfounded with his peers. He had used his power to heat the area around the broken window, which in turn warmed up the wind flowing in. And for the first time in forever, he thanked his father for the idea of having a literal heartwarming moment.  Gone unnoticed, y/n whipped her head around and smiled to the psychic.

'It's not something I really get myself.'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now