O30.⁷⁵: 𝙄'𝙢 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚.

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saiki kusuo
30 minutes. y/n had been gone for 30 minutes. It hadn't even been an hour yet, but it had felt too long. His efforts were close to no use, wherever he went, the less he could sense her. But he couldn't admit to himself that she was gone. Saiki just wouldn't allow it. A normal, average day that started off with boredom and fights, had lead him to here.

Saiki was slowly giving up.

But he couldn't. He told himself that she was out there, somewhere. Maybe she was waiting by the waterfall again, whilst he left. Or maybe she went to fly for a bit, that's why he couldn't find her. Perhaps she was going for a swim, and is deep underwater where he couldn't see. It was never his intention to care for a person this much. And yet y/n changed all his intentions as a person.

He couldn't even hear her voice, but it was her presence he could feel. The warmth that radiated off her delicate skin, the pearly white teeth that dazzled with every smile, and- god, those the diamond eyes. Those eyes that he couldn't help but to fall in love with. They were pools of e/c, but radiated the whole rainbow in it. As if God hand-crafted each colour, cutting a piece from the rainbow sky and weaving them together. It was impossible not to fall in love with them.

Whenever he thought about her, it felt as if his heart would be torn out from his chest. He couldn't describe the feeling. It hurt; it really hurt. But it was a feeling he never wanted to let go of. She was a breath of fresh air, one that was so difficult to take in. Both his breath and words would get stuck in the centre of his throat, aching to get out.

He never liked the word 'crush'. The way it was written was exactly how he felt. Why, out of all feelings, was love the most painful? He sees his parents happy whenever they're lovey-dovey; so why? Why did the feeling of her slipping through his fingertips, hurt the most. It had only been 30 minutes, but those minutes were long and agonising.

He missed her voice. Her stupid voice, her stupid laugh, her stupid, stupid everything. He'd trade music to hear her voice any day. Both felt the same to him anyways. He wanted to indulge himself in her melodic laughter, sinking into those sounds. She was so exhausting. His cheeks flushed red hot, but not in a usual way it did when she was with him. His eyes welled up with crystal tears, his heart was beating out of his throat.

'Where... Where are you...' His legs were shaking, ready to break at any moment. 'Please don't tell me you're gone... Not yet...' Love, the most unpredictable thing in the world. Even when a psychic, he couldn't figure it out. He couldn't figure her out. She couldn't have left already, 'NO!'.

There was still too much time left, for her to just suddenly leave. There was still too much to do, for her to suddenly leave. There was still too much to say, for her to suddenly leave. He felt pathetic. He fell for a girl who warned him, but he still ignored it. In that moment, he wished to be someone like Teruhashi; someone adored by God. But at the end of the day, he wasn't. He was a psychic who was cursed with everything bad in the world. And God had to take away the one thing he finally first treasured.

"Please..." His voice cracked out, hot tears already streaming down his face. "Please just let me see her again. Bring her back.... Please, I'm begging." He had no other options. Deflated, he sat on the ground, dust and dirt, covering his pants. "Please God..."

"W-What are you doing Kuu-chan?"

Whipping his head around as fast as he could, nothing felt better than to see the girl herself. y/n stood behind him, awkwardly fidgeting with her fingers. "Are you alr- oOFT!" Saiki jumped towards her, arms wrapping around her body. In turn, they had both fallen to the floor, Saiki on top of her. "Ouch Kusuo..." She groaned, wriggling out of his grip to rub the back of her head. "What was that for? H-Huh?" She was too in pain to realise the boy was weeping, hiding his face in her chest.

"Kuu-chan?" Quickly growing concerned, she used her hands to gently pull his head back from her. "Wh-Why are you crying?!" She held his face in her hands, trying her best to wipe away the tears with her thumbs. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" Questions shot from left to right, like a worried mother towards her child. "C'mon, sit up Kuu-chan..." She carefully lifted him up, so that they sat up right. Seeing his face properly only broke her heart more.

"Stop crying Kuu-chan... Or else you're gonna make me cry too..." She joked, pulling him back into a warm embrace. Saiki couldn't form words, his cries stopping him from doing so. Once they had started, they wouldn't stop. A broken down Kusuo wasn't something the girl was used to seeing. As he continued, she ever-so-gently petted his head, running her fingers through his pink locks.

Just as his cries died down, he slowly departed from her embrace. "Are you finally gonna tell me what's wrong?" She asked, taking in a good look at his face. It was messy, tears staining everywhere and his hair brushed around. He stared back her too, taking in the features that he adored so much. Not being able to take it, he broke down in more cries and wails, shoving his head back to her shoulder.

"Kusuo~!" y/n laughed, returning to her previous actions. "You're such a crybaby, honestly." She huffed. "I don't care." He hiccuped, rubbing his head side to side by her neck. "Mhm, I know you don't... So can you please tell me why you're like this? You've got me really worried ya'know." y/n said bashfully, relaxing her arms around her. He shuffled around slightly and sniffled, before responding in a quiet voice, "You're the worried one? You left me all alone out here, without a notice. I thought... I thought you had left already." He choked out, embarrassed with his answer.

"Left...? Oh!" Realising her own mistake, laughter left her lips. "I'm really sorry about that Kuu-chan; let me explain myself." She hummed, "We can stay like this though, if you want." She teased. With silence as an answer, she took it as a 'yes'. "We really didn't have a notice either. Apparently, angels from different countries were called in a group at a time. It was for an annual check-up thing, that's all. I'm sorry I couldn't inform you of it earlier, I didn't know it would happen. It was supposed to be in a moments time, like a split second. And no one would even see me leave." y/n ended it with a sigh, softly pecking his ear.

She felt his hands clutch harder against her clothing, trying to hold onto as much as he could. "I'm sorry..." She repeated, heart aching from guilt. It was then she realised why time had gone for Saiki, and her leave felt so long; time seemed to run differently in Saiki's world. "Being a psychic must be hard. You experience everything so differently." After a long pause, Saiki shook his head. "It's not you're fault... but you're an idiot for not telling me about this earlier." He grumbled, loosening his grip around her. "Geez, even when you're sad like this, you'll find a way to insult me." She scoffed jokingly, attempting to detach herself from the boy. "No. Please don't let me go." He shamefully ordered, sounding much more forceful than intended.

"We gotta go home though, you big baby." Lifting him up with a loud grunt, y/n was still surprised to still see that they were in the position. In a flash, they both appeared right in Saiki's bedroom. Sweat dropping, y/n shook her head. "Seriously?" - "Shut up." To y/n, honestly, it was funny, because she knew that Saiki would only speak out-loud when he was really and truly worried. But she would never tell him that.

"You big baby."


a/n I'm so sorry this is SO ooc for him buT IDK HE NEVER SHOWS EMOTIONS SO AHHSHW
thank you all for 40k+ reads 😭💕💘💓 every time I wake up to a new day, I find this book getting more, and more love and it all seriously means everything to me. I say it SO much, but I can't even form the correct words to express how grateful I feel <33
these chapters have been requested by galaxy_kurama !!
if you want to request any concepts or episodes, go to the 'MORE' chapter or dm me! I'm open to absolutely everything :)
wrapping it up, I hope everyone has an absolutely amazing day. stay safe and wash ur hands!! <33333

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