OO9.5: 𝙂𝙤𝙙 '𝙨 𝙂𝙞𝙛𝙩

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y/n l/n
'Why? What's going on?' y/n suddenly invaded Aiura's thoughts, just as Chiyo was blabbering on about being thankful her 'death' was just a dream. Aiura jumped, sweat pouring down her face. 'A-Are you telepathic too?!' She squeaked, trying to not let Chiyo see her fear. 'Ah, I should've mentioned it earlier. But what is wrong now?' y/n asked again, but in a sterner voice. She stepped forward, taking a glance at Chiyo's face, but to y/n she saw nothing. 'It's another death mark... but it's okay. We have psychic boy and you to help out for now!' She assured, leading them out to the staircase.

"C'mon Chiyopipi, n/n, let's go home now." Aiura suggested, opening the door up for them. y/n nodded, "Man I'm starving, should we get something to eat on our way?" She asked, swinging her bag on her shoulder. "Sounds like a plan." Aiura agreed, hoping to stray away from any conversation about earlier.

"Sorry for passing out earlier!" Chiyo apologised in a sheepish manner. "It's okay, I was about to, too." y/n nudged with her shoulder, as they all walked together. Aiura kept silent, thinking to herself. Thoughts were rushing around about how Saiki may be her soulmate. y/n couldn't help but to snicker; how they were an unlikely pair though. "What's on your mind?" Chiyo asked, quite out of the blue, to Aiura. She noticed her quietness, which wasn't a usual trait of the fortune teller.

She responded with a freak-out, causing y/n to sigh. 'Maybe her acting skills aren't as good as I thought'. "UH! Hamburgers!" She lied through an anxious smile. "Are you a glutton?' Chiyo questioned, lost eyes. Aiura let out a breath of relief, her mind still on Saiki. 'Is that guy still watching? He said he'd be far away enough that his aura wouldn't butt in, but can he talk to me from far away?' She questioned. 'Most likely.' y/n answered for him, a simple smile still on her face. The lime-haired girl was not used to the mind-talking yet, flinching every time she heard their voices. 'But who are we kidding? If he could, he'd be a god–' her doubts were pushed away but a male voice this time. 'God here. Nothing to report.'

Both girls had different responses. 'I don't know how I feel about you calling yourself that.' Came from a calm angel, who continued to walk. Aiura was the complete opposite, yelling out "Oh my god, ew!", with a half disgusted - half shocked look on her face. They all then stopped, looking towards her with confusion. "What is it now?" Chiyo asked, worriedly. 'Don't flip out.' Saiki stated. He was located on a roof, quite far away, but of course he could still hear their thoughts and know of their location.

"Hey guys, anyways, want to stop by somewhere while we're here? You guys said you were hungry, right?" Chiyo proposed, looking around the area. y/n was close to agreeing, before Aiura became frantic. "What?! N-No way! No stops!" She shook her head vigorously. "But didn't you guys say-" - "It's already dark! And... it's against school rules!" Aiura began spurting out as many excuses as she could, still shaking her head. "Are you a prefect?" Chiyo sweat dropped.

'I can't believe this is happening...' Saiki deadpanned, his thoughts entering y/n's. 'And how do you think I feel?' She retorted back. Saiki never heard from the girl, so seeing her so relaxed and quite sarcastic was humorous. Not enough to crack a smile though. 'Hey, can't you use your fortune-telling to see what Yumehara's cause of death is?' Saiki questioned the other psychic, his figure still leaning against the railing.

'If I could, I would've done that already.' Aiura rolled mentally rolled her eyes, as the trio began to walk again. 'A death sign is basically a state where your luck is bad enough to kill you.' She explained, 'Like if I foresaw her getting hit by a truck and saved her, she would just run into a bomber next.' - 'What kind of state is that?' - 'So all we can do is get her to a safe place and wait for the death sign to vanish.' She finished off. 'Good grief, what a useless partner.' Saiki clicked his tongue, watching them through clairvoyance.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now