OO3: 𝙂𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙁𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨

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y/n l/n
Minding her own business, the recent new-comer had been roaming the school halls. There wasn't a specific reason, it was just lunch break. Every so often another student would come by to try converse with her, but it ended abruptly due to shyness.

Not too far away, she could hear loud chatter, but no response. A few steps further in and there she saw Saiki with a purple-haired boy. It was clear that the stranger was bothering Saiki, but he continued. She then decided to step in, it wouldn't hurt to try save him, right? "Saiki!" She waved, jogging up to them. 'Thank god.' He thought, bowing his head to greet her. The purple-head though, was more in shock.

Smiling, she offered a handshake. "We haven't met yet have we? l/n y/n." The stranger responded in a loud yell, "YOU KNOW HER SAIKI?!" He shook him by the arm. But then his shocked expression was quickly shaken off, and he coughed out. "Toritsuka Reita," he began with a somewhat charming smile. "All girls like spirit and guardian spirit stuff, would you like to know who your guardian spirit it?" He asked in a cool manner, throwing a wink.

y/n giggled, but accepted the offer. "Yes please." She nodded, waiting for the answer; but as he looked, all colour from his face disappeared. His eyes almost turned white. What happened? "A-are you okay?" y/n stepped forward, sweat-dropping. "Yeah... It's just..." Toritsuka stumbled back, himself being at a loss of words.

"Is my guardian spirit... nice?" y/n questioned. Saiki stepped back, but continued to watch the situation go down. "You could say that..." He muttered, rubbing his eyes for confirmation. "It's just a... light? A bright, massive one! Is your guardian spirit a god?" He laughed out in awe. He'd truly never seen anything like it.

Both y/n and Saiki reacted, confused. Though y/n tried to laugh it off, "A god?" She laughed nervously, scratching the back of her head. "Yes! It almost seems magical!" He continued to gush, reaching over to hold her shoulders. "You must be an angel or something!" His yells started grabbing the attention of other students; y/n grew visibly uncomfortable. "What a silly thing to say, thank you though. It was great to know-" cut off, another student popped by.

"Leave her alone, it's clear she doesn't like you." She yawned. Lime green hair with a red clip, and jewellery all over, y/n immediately became interested. She was truly beautiful to her. "Oh shut up, you know nothing! Where were you yesterday anyways?" Toritsuka retorted back, arms crossed. "That's none of your business. You must be the newbie, I'm Aiura Mikoto. I'm PK's fortune teller psychic, and I'm way better than this trash over here." She winked, pointing over to Toritsuka when she mentioned 'trash'.

y/n laughed along, but introduced herself nonetheless. "Great to meet you guys, but I think class is starting soon." y/n was ready to leave, but Aiura jogged up to her. "We're in the same class! So I'll come with you." They waved goodbye to the medium and walked off; Saiki silently following behind.

"So how many psychics are there in this school? Seems like a lot." y/n chuckled, an interested glimmer in her eyes. "Oh, it's just us two." Aiura waved her hand, shrugging it off. "Can you do anything else but fortune telling?" y/n continued to ask, hands behind her back. "Of course! I can see people's auras, and sometimes, death marks." She began, "And on my crystal ball; which I'll show you later, I can use it as a map. Pretty cool right?" It was obvious she wanted to show off, but y/n let her have her moment.

"What's my aura like?" y/n asked gently, hoping she wouldn't be asking too much. "It's weird." She began, "Sometimes I can see them, sometimes I cannot. But we'll give it a try anyways". The cause for her being unable to see auras, was because Saiki's was too big. And he figured that out. So he took the hint and hid his aura. Making a circle with her thumb and index finger, the fortune teller placed her hand over her eye and looked carefully. Some people stared, thinking it was weird to be walking and doing such a thing.

But Mikoto stopped in her tracks. "O-oh..." she muttered out, her hand dropping. "What is it this time?" y/n asked nervously, stopping with her. "You're aura... it's almost as strong as-" Mikoto was quick to shake her head, quickly walking back. "I can't seem to locate a distinct aura, but trust me when I say it's a strong one!" She hummed, hands on her hips. Jogging up beside, y/n's ears perked out. "That's a good thing right?" - "Of course! It's almost as if you have wings on your back."

y/n froze at her words, but tried playing in off. Saiki squinted, glaring at the conversation. Something always felt off with her.

"Can you see your own aura?"

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now