O10: 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞...

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y/n l/n
Flecks of the sun scattered on the wooden floor of y/n's room. It wasn't long until the sun kissed her skin too, peeking through the curtains. She let out a tired groan, as she awoke from her slumber. Whether it was a human, psychic, or angel, waking up was never pleasurable. It was an escape from bliss. From the moment y/n was created into life, her days would consists of chaos. Though, sometimes she would find it enjoyable.

It was the weekends now, meaning y/n could rest up for a bit. It was only last night that the whole incident had happened. Chiyo almost died twice, and both y/n and Saiki's secrets were revealed. Not exactly a way she wanted to enjoy a Friday night. She laid in bed for a bit, chest facing the ceiling. The girl pondered for a while, mind jumping to certain thoughts. She had to explain about herself soon, or else worse could happen. Just like Saiki, exposure wasn't what was wanted.

Peeling the blanket from her body, y/n reached over to the bedside table, snatching the black locket. Popping the delicate item open, it revealed the time, '8:17'. "Perfect." She hummed in content, making her way to the bathroom. Her apartment was empty, always quiet; the occasional sound of a neighbour or bird outside being heard. y/n lived alone. After all, she was sculpted by the hands of god, not born as a normal human.

She skipped to the bathroom, the cold wooden floor pinching at her feet. Staring down herself at the mirror, she let her face relax into a frown. With a swish of her index and middle finger pressed together, the radio from the lounge room began playing. A melodic voice rang out the apartment, and now y/n could get ready.

After brushing her teeth, hair, and dressing up, y/n decided to go out to eat for breakfast. She needed to buy groceries anyways. Living life as a normal civilian... it was a lot harder to the angel than she thought it would be. She was living a steady life, having multiples jobs on the side, whilst also having the job of saving people from time to time. The weather would be hot, but not too much that she would sweat like crazy.

So sporting a red, light sundress with sandals and a black cross-body bag, y/n was ready to enter into the town. As she locked the door, the girl quickly checked her phone for any messages or notifications. Not-so-surprisingly, she had a few texts from both Saiki and Aiura.

'Are you busy? Well, if you're not, let's meet at the cafe Mera works at. We should talk there.'
Came from Aiura; she could hear the perky, excited voice from the other side of the phone.

'Come to Cafe Mami.'
The text from Saiki was less excited, and sounded very demanding. But y/n expected nothing less.

"I guess we're going there for breakfast." y/n muttered to herself, ready for her journey. By foot, the cafe was only around 15 minutes away, which hopefully was enough time. They never set a specific time, to it left y/n to hope for the best. On the way, she stared at a few things through the windows of stores. Sometimes it would be a cute dress, jackets, or a cool new guitar, and sometimes it would just be foods.

Finally making it to her destination, y/n pushed open the door; the sound of a bell ringing in her ears. "n/n!" Aiura waved enthusiastically. She was located to the left side, sitting next to spirit medium and across from a strawberry-haired psychic. y/n politely waved back, jogging over to sit with them. Saiki slid over slightly, allowing her to sit.

"y/n! Are you really an ang-" Toritsuka was the first to speak, until Aiura slapped a hand on his mouth. "Don't say it so loudly!" She glared, removing the hand, and wiping the spit on his shirt. "Sorry..." he grumbled back in a petty manner. y/n moved around, slightly uncomfortable with the situation. Nonetheless, she answered, "Yes. I'm an angel, and I already know that all of you guys are psychics of some sort, correct?" She brought back the conversation onto them.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now