O45.⁷⁵: 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩

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y/n l/n
When Toritsuka woke up, his first sight was a jumping Kusuo. "Woah! Saiki is actually in defence mode." y/n helped him slowly sit back up, as he admired even more, "Yeah, if a normal person took a hit, they'd have no chance." He awed. "If a normal person took a hit, I'm pretty sure he'd be dead. Now help me find a way to help Kusuo." y/n ordered. Fortunately, Toritsuka, even though brainwashed to have only hatred towards Kusuo, was more than willing.

The Cat Tank did not require ammo, but rather energy, putting Kusuo to a disadvantage. After all, how long could he really teleport for? "Will you be able to dodge the next one? Or will this one be the last?" Ready to press the button to fire, Toritsuka interrupted his action. "Let me do it too." He asked. 'Don't, Toritsuka...' Kusuo was exhausting himself, too tired to think about his next move. y/n was confused with the way things were playing out, 'He better make this work...'.

"You look pathetic, Saiki. You're in shambles, what a joke." He laughed menacingly. "And yet, why..." Looking back at his original spot where he had passed out, it was completely untouched, the walls and floor even still clean. Pulling Kuusuke toward him, "Why would you still protect me?!" Immediately grabbing the pin, he yelled, "Saiki!", but Kuusuke always had something up his sleeve. Freezing up, Toritsuka fell to the floor, as did the pin. y/n was lucky enough to catch one of them. That, being the pin (y/n could always patch Toritsuka up later).

"It's just a muscle relaxant. I expected this from you. You couldn't really hate Kusuo, even when I tried to brainwash you. Now I'll just take that from you, y/n. It's not like Kusuo could catch it, any movement from him and everything would be destr-" Unexpectedly, Kusuo now had the limiter in his hand. "What? How?! You shouldn't be able to control your strength. You were out of energy." Kuusuke could not tell if he was impressed or shocked, maybe even both. y/n flattened out his hair, careful to place the hair piece back in for him. 'Exactly. I purposefully drained myself of energy in order to limit my strength.' - "Ah~ So that's why you were also reluctant in me healing you." y/n nodded, to which Kusuo thanked the girl for fixing in the pin.

"I've lost. I was so close." Kuusuke dropped on his knees, eyes lost of life. 'It was a close call.' Kusuo admitted. 'You've made me realise how powerless I am without my limiter. So let's call it even.' Reaching up, Kusuo pulled out his right limiter in one swift motion. 'Will this make you happy?' Responses from Kuusuke and Toritsuka in return were shock. "What? Why'd you pull it out Saiki? If you pull that out, the whole world will know about your powers!" Toritsuka screeched, now worried for his friend. "You won't have a normal life." - 'I don't need "normal" at the cost of causing others trouble. I've caused trouble for you too. I probably won't go to school anymore.'.

The thought of all his school mates, scratch that, school friends, brought a gentle smile to his face. A bittersweet smile. 'Tell everyone goodbye for me.' He requested. y/n face dropped, hands loosely on the boy. "Is this really how it'll end? You can't do this." y/n frowned, Toritsuka doing the same.

"It's already on the news." Kuusuke's sudden statement made them turn to face him. "Look. The panda just gave birth!" - 'What.' And now, it was time for the tiring truth to come out. Kuusuke had disabled the trigger a long time ago already. The reason being that humanity didn't even matter to Kuusuke. Though humanity was obviously important, why should he have to sacrifice his 'adorable, little brother' for the sake of humanity. That was when Toritsuka finally realised the two were siblings. y/n had to drag him away to they could have their moment to talk. "Are they seriously brothers?!" - "Shut up already!".

That was when Kuusuke incidentally revealed he created something else; another hairpin that would completely cancel his power. 'Are you serious?' - "W-What did you say?" - "HUH?!" All three reactions came to a calm Kuusuke. "Yeah, I finally finished it." And Kusuo took no thought into accepting it. He had absolutely no need for psychic powers, and it only caused him burden in his life. "Take a look. This will completely erase your powers." Kuusuke took out a jewellery box, ready to reveal the new piece.

However, the piece was interesting looking, to say the least. With a poop swirl instead of the standard pink sphere. 'So lame!' Kusuo cringed looking at the limiter, reluctant to take it. "Give me your head." - 'Wait, wait!' Kuusuke was already hovering over Kusuo, aiming to put the pin into his head. 'Whats with the design? It's embarrassing!' He spat. "It can't be helped. The materials and function dictated this design." Kuusuke answered innocently. "Want to take a bet that that's complete crap?" y/n nudged Toritsuka, who still had some fear from being chased around by her. "Y-Yeah... Uh huh!".

There was one downfall to the pin though. Once it was in, that's it. His powers would be erased forever. Unlike a limiter, the changes were permanent. "You'll be saying goodbye to your powers forever." Kuusuke shrugged. "So, will you use it?".


It was now time for the three to go back home, all exhausted from the eventful day they had experienced. It was truly a once in a life time experience. There was something else Kusuo had to do before erasing his power, so he put the right on in again. "Are you mad at me?" Toritsuka asked nervously. Turning around, Kusuo answered with, 'Not at all.', but his dark aura and hard glare said the opposite. "Your face is scary! I'm sorry! And I'm sorry to you as well y/n! Please I can't get chased around again!" He cried out, hands together in a prayer. Though the two turned around again and chuckled it off, 'I'm just kidding.' Kusuo sighed. "You're okay. Just don't ever be naked in front of me again. It doesn't matter whose body." y/n snickered, waving it off.

'I'm a little grateful.' Kusuo admitted.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now