O49:𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙈𝙚.

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saiki kusuo
Innocently peering over bubbling volcano, Saiki had no other thoughts about the current events about to occur, and his brother's advice. He revised everything in his head, in and out, over and under, forwards and backwards. He would not let another year go by like that so easily. He was tired of it, and he was sure God was also tired of watching him reverse the year like that.

Ten minutes until the eruption, and they had fallen into a problem. "Saiki! y/n! We've got a problem! I can't see the future past eruption seven." Aiura yelled out nervously, clutching her crystal ball in her hands, which her slowly turning sweaty from anxiousness. "Plus the route changed. It's not going through the ocean!" This problem had set the group back, they had to think of a solution, and fast.

But who would Saiki be if he didn't have one already. 'That's fine. Standby.' He spoke telepathically, taking y/n's hand and flying back down onto land. He took out his left hair pin, in order to use his full capacity, and ordered for one of his clones to come. It was the charming version of Saiki, with glittering eyes and a constant, smug smile. "Kusuo? What's going to happen?" y/n asked, worry written all over her face. It had honestly hurt Saiki a little to see how scared she'd become. Shaking his head, he answered, 'It'll be okay. I'll end this once and for all.' He assured, a tiny smile peeking at his lips. y/n tried her best to return the smile, but her heart kept buzzing, and it wouldn't go away.

'I've arrived at the first eruption site. Leave the rest to me.' Saiki spoke, catching the attention of the clone. '"Leave it to me."? It's us clones doing the work.' The clone remarked. 'Sorry about that, Ashio.' Saiki briefly apologised. "How do you even keep up with these names?" y/n muttered in astonishment. Saiki would do some work, but the least he could in case any injury that could possibly cause dysfunction to the clones. 'Yeah, yeah, I know.'.

'Here it comes.' The earth below them began to rumble, breaking off into chunks with bits of rocks flying around. 'I know that too!' The clone grunted, one knee on the ground, hands planted flat onto the dirt. y/n wasn't sure what was going on, the only thing on her mind were the harsh vibrations of the lava close to erupting. The clone was dispersing the lava around for the rest of the clones to help teleport the lava into space. 'That's good, keep going.' Saiki, now finding his own time, brought himself to the ground, doing the same work as the clones.

'Don't make it sound so easy. This is pretty hard to do!' The clone, Ashio, gritted his teeth, his hair flying about. "Kusuo! I don't know if this'll work!" y/n yelled, distressed, as she watched the boy struggle as well. 'It's okay.' Though it wasn't, he knew he was straining himself. Having to stop the eruption as they teleport the magma wasn't something they had tried before, this new trick, along with going against the forces of nature, was no easy task. Every single clone was struggling in their own way, trying their best to concentrate and do their task. However, they were starting to agree with y/n, 'This may not hold!' One yelled, looking up at Saiki. "What?! Are you serious?!" Aiura yelped, holding her crystal ball in one hand. "We're out of clones, what should we do?" She asked, trying her best to keep her balancing with all the rumble below her.

Biting her tongue, y/n walked past Aiura. Both Aiura and Saiki looked up at the other, who walked towards Saiki. Getting on her knees, she placed the same actions as the others, palms flat onto the earth. 'What are you doing?!' - "y/n! What are you thinking?!" The two others exclaimed. With the vicious shaking, y/n's pocket watch had fell open beside her; in a way y/n was somewhat relieved to show. It would save explaining.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now