FIN: 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞.

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saiki kusuo
"Saiki..." Toritsuka muttered, staring at the other for a moment. Upon hearing his question, Saiki felf himself freeze. 'No... Toritsuka was just messing with him. It had to be.' He convinced himself. "Don't tell me that you've got your psychic abilities back?!" He squealed, shoving himself towards his friend. 'Why do you look so happy?' Saiki grimaced.

"For real?! Is this the resurrection of Saiki the Psychic?!" There we're almost tears escaping his eyes by now. 'Shut up! Shut up! Get lost!' Closing his eyes shut, he now found himself in a new area. It was like he had awoken from a bad dream, as he found himself in the living room of his house.

Now staring out the window to his backyard, Saiki allowed his shoulders to relax. 'I'm... home...' He sputtered out, hand to slap himself gently on the cheek. 'Great. I was just dreaming.' He smiled to himself, eyes closed in rest. "Hey, don't scare me like that." Kuusuke frowned. "I almost spilled my coffee because you teleported here all of a sudden.".

'Kuusuke?! What?!' No resting for Kusuo. "So you really are getting your psychic abilities back." Kuusuke hummed, placing his cup of coffee on the table in front of them. 'No, I was just dreaming.' It was really no use trying to convince himself and his brother at this point. "I told you to get some rest." Kuusuke cooed. 'I did! It wasn't what you think!' Kusuo begged, still on the ground. 'I did not teleport!'.

"Well, it's good that you have your abilities back." Kuusuke began, "Because I want you to do me a favour." To this, Kusuo immediately rejected. This would go all against what Kusuo had wanted in the first place; peace. "I'm currently-" - 'No!'. Kuusuke got the hint. Surprisingly, he smiled a little at the fact. Maybe his little brother was growing, and he deserved to.

"Right... You've already sealed your abilities." Kuusuke restated. 'That's right.' It's the truth Kusuo wanted to believe. 'No more playing hero. I've become an average human being.' Kusuo firmly stated, the hands beside his body, balling up into fists. 'I will live my everyday life peacefully.' He promised himself. "Right." Kuusuke crossed his arms, nodding at his brother. "That was your dream, wasn't it?" He chuckled.

"Well forget about it." Hands behind his head, Kuusuke was now on his way off. "I will try figure out the problem on my own. Alright, I'm going to do my best for your peaceful life." He hummed, by the door. 'The problem?' Kusuo questioned, raising a brow. "That's nothing. I just got a request from the government. It'll be covered on the news soon." He shrugged it off.

Then, the channel that was on Teruhashi's (creepy) brother, and his drama of a detective, had abruptly changed. 'BREAKING NEWS' it displayed, camera crew and the news reporter scrambling on screen to get the news out. "This is a breaking news story!" The man exclaimed, eyes scanning at the papers. The screen transitioned to a bright yellow-red ball, speeding down at earth. "The government just made an announcement, that a gigantic meteorite is heading down to Earth! A warning has been issued to all of Japan.".

Kusuo, for what felt like the tenth time, froze. "I repeat, a gigantic meteorite is heading..." The words faded out in his mind. "They told me to do something about it. Isn't it a very absurd request?" Kuusuke joked, "We only have two hours left." God knows why he was brushing it off so easily like that. "But don't you worry Kusuo. I will try figure it out on my own.".

'But how?' - "Hey Kuusuke." Out came their rather in a robotic suit, clearly too big for him. "Here is our saviour." His head turning to watch over his shoulder, his father was clueless about the situation. "Well... I have to put this on as told. What is this anyway?" Kuniharu questioned with a delighted smile. What he thought was new attention from his 'loving' sons, was just them using him as a puppet.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now