O35: 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙣!

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saiki kusuo
The chit chat around the class was beginning to grow louder and louder. The class was full, yes, but there was one particular seat empty; y/n's. If y/n hadn't called him earlier about being sick, Saiki would've been apart of the chit chat too. 'Kuu-chan~ I really don't know what's going on... Is this what humans call 'being sick'? Help me, it feels like I'm spinning in circ— *cue vomit sounds*' - 'You're disgusting.'.

That's right. y/n had felt sick for the first time in her lifetime, and everyone was worrying about it. "y/n isn't here today..." - "I heard she has a cold..." - "Is she okay? I'm worried..." - "I'm so listless today..." The crowd of boys and girls were all moping, drooping on their tables and seats. "I feel so out of it if I don't see y/n's face..." - "Me too. It's like a holes open in my heart..." Everyone was starting to complain. 'So she's still popular, huh?' Saiki didn't want to admit it, but he was just as worried for the girl.

"y/n is suffering under a cold and we can't do a thing to help!" - "We're powerless!" - 'Hey. Isn't this an overreaction?' Again, Saiki wouldn't admit a thing. 'Is one person being absent enough to kill all your moods? And can't you take Teruhashi instead?' Towards the side were Kaidou, Mikoto and Nendou, who all had their moods dropped too. "It's kinda boring today..." - "It's like a movie without its heroine." - "Who's supposed to eat lunch with me now...?" - 'You guys too? What are you doing?' Saiki silently judged.

Teruhashi entered the room, already feeling the tense atmosphere. "Good morn—" - "Oh... It's Teruhashi... Hey..." Expecting a swarm of teenage boys at her feet, the bluenette was instead greeted with depressed students. 'What? Is my presence really not enough to make them happy?! What happened?!" She frowned, storming off to her seat. 'Maybe that's the real effect of an angel.' Saiki stared.

"First period is self-study..." As school started, the mood was still down. "The teacher is depressed too..." One had mentioned. 'Forget it. I'll ignore them and study.' Saiki told himself. "Hm... I wonder with y/n will be here tomorrow..." Mera sighed, stomach growing with hunger. "What?! Of course she'll be here!" A student responded. "You never know with colds. If it's a bad one, she might not be here tomorrow." Chiyo butted in thoughtfully. Now Saiki really couldn't focus, Chiyo was semi-right after all. 'It's okay. I'll visit her after school then.' He told himself.

"No wait, how do we know it's even a cold?" Kaidou spoke up, mysteriously. "Huh? Isn't it?" Another inquired. "Couldn't it just be some guy assuming she was out because of a cold?" Kaidou placed emphasis on 'assuming'. His one, single sentence now caused an uproar to the class. "Y-You're right. Where did I hear about it?!" - "Shinji told me!" - "No, I heard it second hand too!" Everyone's panic level started to rise. 'No. It's a cold.' Saiki confirmed. 'I checked it just now with my clairvoyance.' It was y/n, lazily draped across her bed with the fan cooling down her over-heated body. Wasn't the prettiest look, but she was still gorgeous to him.

"Oh yeah, it might not even be a cold." The class was still in that discussion though. "Yeah! I just assumed she was absent because of a cold!" - "It might be a family thing or something!" - "So she'll be back tomorrow!" Now the classroom was happy, thinking maybe the situation wasn't as serious. 'Geez. Should it really matter to them if she's sick?' The only person obviously not happy was Teruhashi, who couldn't understand why people were giving y/n so much attention.

"That's pretty optimistic of you." Kaidou called out, interrupting the cheerful mood. "But if she doesn't have a cold, she could be sick with something much worse!" - 'Why make this worse?' Saiki felt himself die a little inside, knowing what was about to break out. "She might not ever come back in the worst case!" Kaidou kept dragging it on, making everyone break in a cold sweat. "Wh-WHAT?!" Everyone now circling his desk, Kaidou heard nothing but screams. "Don't say ominous things like that!" - "Yeah! You shouldn't say that about y/n—" But right then, a certain four-word phrase appeared in everyone's minds.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now