O46.5: 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙁𝙞𝙖𝙨𝙘𝙤

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saiki kusuo
The group were lively as usual, all extremely excited for their trip to Oshimai. On the bullet train, more than half of the noise was created by solely them. "We're almost at Oshimai!" Teruhashi pointed out, looking at the digital screen displaying the stops. "It went by quick." Aren smiled, looking out the window. "Right?" Teruhashi enquired. "I'm getting excited." Chiyo piped in next, y/n nodding her head in agreement. "I'm starving, I want to get to the food right away." y/n clapped her hands together, everyone agreeing. "Hey, there's a huge mountain. Is that Mount Fuji?" Nendou asked dumbfoundedly, now shaking his friend who was unresponsive; a travel sick Kaidou.

"Hey, you listening runt?" Shaking Kaidou did'nt make him feel any better. "Don't shake me, I'm gonna die!" He choked down a vomit threatening to release into his bag. "Thats Oniyama!" An enthusiastic Hairo pointed out the window. "Man, what a surprise though. Who knew Hairo knew so much about Oshimai." Aren praised, Hairo immediately responding, "Yeah, my relatives are there so I visit often.".

The group continued to converse; Kaidou still sick, Chiyo worried for her crush, the group all speaking about their excitement and plans, and there Saiki was, tiredly resting his cheek on his fist. 'Good grief. They're so rowdy and we're not even there yet.' He sighed, annoyed at the noise level. 'When are they not, but it's what makes them fun.' y/n smiled, placing a hand onto Saiki's one that was placed the armrest. 'Fun, but still just as annoying.' He spat. 'You're just worried about the volcano, aren't you? Lighten up! We have lots to do before it occurs, so let's have fun until then.' Saiki couldn't help but to give into y/n's beaming smile. It was just a little too contagious. 'You're too convincing sometimes, it's scary.'.

'I shouldn't have come either way. But they said they would cancel if anyone couldn't come.' Saiki closed his eyes, trying his best to shut the noise out. 'Felt guilt trippy, didn't it?' y/n snickered, now watching the view out her window. "Where's Mera, by the way?" - "Chisato couldn't make it." - 'One person couldn't make it? What? That's unacceptable.' This news made Saiki's aggravation come right back. "How come? Is it a cold?" - "No. She can't afford it." Her reasoning not being quite surprising, Saiki let it off, 'I guess I have to accept it.'.


Finally, the group were at Oshimai and ready to begin their endless activities for the first day. Right out the train station they saw beautiful statues, tall buildings, and banners advertising all sorts of activities. There were many recognisable structures spotted around, even the famous Oshimai Skyport TV Tower (though the name might've been a bit much). "Let's drop off our luggage at the hotel before we start." Chiyo suggested, all of them making their merry way onwards.

Though everyone was merry - go - lucky, Saiki couldn't help but to only focus on the Owari Mountain. The great calamity that was set to trigger a chain of eruptions. "Oi. We don't have to work out everything now. We might as well use this time to relax, right?" y/n ran back to Saiki, who was standing behind, staring at the mountain. Grabbing his hand, she dragged him onwards. If there was one thing that could bring himself calmness throughout chaos, it would be y/n's voice. Maybe her soft hands as well.

Arriving at their hotel, they were wondering if they could leave their luggage before check-in time. Mid conversation, they were interrupted by a familiar voice, "You guys are late.". "Huh? Chisato, why are you here?" They all looked towards the unexpected Mera with surprise. "I heard you couldn't come Mera." Teruhashi spoke, confused, but happy nonetheless. "I said I didn't have the money. I didn't say I wouldn't go.". The girl had spent the previous week hitchhiking rides, all on her way to Oshimai. She had met lovely people, from couples, elderly and middle aged workers. Everyone was pleasantly shocked, but y/n quickly pulled her friend into a hug. "Well this is perfect! Don't worry, I'll shout you to an ice cream today then!" She cheered, holding a thumbs up. "Oh! You're too kind!" Mera immediately burst into grateful tears.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now