O22.⁷⁵: 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙧

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saiki kusuo
Okinawa; It's the westernmost prefecture in Japan. It's one of the leading resorts in Japan with its beautiful surroundings, cultural heritage and tourist spots. "On your left is Cape Manza" A voice rang through the speakers of the bus. "It is one of Okinawa's popular tourists spots." Everyone was looking out the window, staring out at the blue sea.

Located behind Nendou and Aren, and right beside Kaidou, Saiki had to deal with constant, annoying chatter. He was hoping to also sit next to y/n as he did on the plane, but his two other friends were quick to occupy that seat. So y/n was stuck in the seat behind him, but she had Aiura to talk with. As they both had powers to work with, the two quickly grew close. It wasn't like Aiura would get close with Toritsuka any time soon, so a new girl in the 'Psykickers' was comforting news for her.

'I hope this three-day trip goes smoothly...' Saiki rested his head on a fist, speaking to y/n telepathically. 'Hm, I'm sure we can find fun things from it.' The girl responded back, sitting beside Aiura with her head on her shoulder. They were in a fitted, comfortable position; one in which Saiki was jealous of. "Woah! Cool! It's green!" Nendou pointed outside the window, sitting on his knees on his seat. 'So far it's been nothing but sea.' Saiki paid no attention to his friend, which was now leaning out of his seat, towards him. "I wonder if someone is dumping some paint out there. Right pal?" He questioned.

'Good grief. Well it isn't Nendou who's only excited.' Saiki stared out the window, craving for more peace and quiet. "Alright Okinawa! Crank up the heat!" Hairo, from a few rows across, stood up from his seat, sweating profusely. "You're sweating like crazy Hairo!" The group of boys around him chanted. 'Exactly my thoughts.' y/n snickered. 'He's like a machine, I swear.' Aiura commented. 'Everyone's really excited and noisy.' Saiki simply stared at the red-head, who seemingly poured more sweat.

"Ta-da!" Chiyo pulled open her button-up uniform, which revealed a cute, yellow bikini top. "Hey! Don't take off your clothes here!" Teruhashi jumped, shocked at her boldness. "It's okay! I'm wearing a bathing suit underneath!" She assured back, brushing  it off. In front of them, Mera was drooling at the menu she held. "Soki soba, Aguu pork, Goya champuru, Red bean soup..." Her eyes scanned the page, excitedly reading out all the things she planned to eat.

'Good grief, Kaidou is about the only one who's quiet.' Saiki rolled his eyes. 'We should make a 'good grief' counter for Saiki.' Aiura snickered, hearing him say the phrase for the tenth time that ride. 'Don't you dare.' He snapped back. 'Or what Kuu-chan?' y/n countered protectively. 'Is she your girlfriend now? Why are you so protective of her?' The pinknette grumbled. 'Yes we are in love~!' Aiura grinned, wrapping an arm around the other. 'Oh shut up with this nonsense.' Shifting from his original position, Saiki crossed his arms. 'Someone seems jealous!' Aiura pushed. 'Shut it before I break that crystal ball of yours.' - 'Kuu-chan!'

"Hey runt! You've had your nose stuck in that book in the entire time! Look outside, we can see the sea!" Nendou slung himself over the seat, reaching to pat his head. "What is it about?" Aren then asked, leaning to try peek at the pages. "You are sure kashimashii," Kaidou finally closed his book, gazing out the window. "Oh, this is indeed a chura sea." - "Chura?" Both Aren and Nendou had a dumbfounded look on their faces.

"I'm gonna open the window a little." He leaned over, pulling it up. "Oh! It's ippee achisan!" He announced, smirking. 'He's showing off, isn't he.' y/n yawned, only understanding a few phrases here and there. "Oh? Ippee who?" You could see the question marks pop at the side of his head. "Oh! I know that speech!" Chiyo included herself into the conversation, "That's Okinawa dialect, right?" She asked, forgetting that her shirt was still unbuttoned. Once he realised this, "Chimu dondon!" He yelped, a furious blush coating his cheeks. "I forgot my clothes!" She squealed, rushing back to her seat. 'Poor Chiyopipi.' Aiura sweat-dropped. It mainly chaos around them, with Saiki, y/n and Aiura to watch and commentate.

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