O38: 𝙅𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙅𝙪𝙙𝙜𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨

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y/n l/n
e/c eyes bore into the 'perfect, silky smooth' skin of the one and only, 'Teruhashi'. Today she was starting to feel brave, and y/n had noticed it. Teruhashi was attempting to continue to converse with Saiki. If possible, befriend him, and even further, win his heart. Oh, how oblivious she had been to Saiki's true feelings. y/n had to tirelessly watch the girl awkwardly attempt to even get Saiki to look her way. Though, Saiki was used to this behaviour and simply gave short, boring responses.

'Good grief. How long is this supposed to keep up?' Saiki mentally asked, looking away from Teruhashi's face, placed a tad too close to his. Gripping the lid of her lunchbox, y/n simply ignored his rhetorical question. 'I really wonder too.' She grumbled too herself, opening up to see her own homemade sushi. 'Hold on. Don't eat without me yet. This thing needs to leave first.' Saiki hastily said, pushing back his seat to get his lunch from under the desk. 'Take your time.' y/n shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh? You're eating now? H-How about..." Teruhashi began to speak, acting as if shy to 'make a new friend'. 'Don't you dare.' - 'I swear-' Both students thought at the same time. "We eat lunch together!" Teruhashi smiled, before realising her mistake. "A-As a group of course!", 'Crap! Did I make it too obvious? My fans will start attacking him now, oh no! Well, at least he's been blessed with this invitation, he'll never stop thinking about it now!' Teruhashi boldly stated, waiting for a response.

Saiki turned his head to look back, as if to get an answer from y/n instead. She let out a deflated sigh, speaking up now, "Hey, Teruhashi, if it's a group, can I eat with you guys too?" She asked, wearing a small, get sweet smile. "Of course you can!" She responded almost too quickly, through gritted teeth. 'You've made the demon mad.' Saiki watched, now standing from his seat. 'Well, I guess angels and demons don't like each other.' y/n joked, standing along.

They all moved their desks towards each other, inviting their usual, large group to sit; Nendou, Kaidou, Aren, Aiura, Chiyo, Hairo and Mera. "We should sit together like this more often!" Mera smiled, though it seemed to be more towards the various lunches they had, rather than them. "I agree, the more the merrier!" Hairo nudged, before going back to eating her food. "But how do I know you guys aren't apart of the Dark Reunion trying to plot something against me..." Kaidou muttered under his breath, gently nibbling on bread he had. "What did you say?" - "Oh! Uh, nothing! Really!".

Whilst everyone was busy conversing and getting to know each other, there were three silent students; Teruhashi who was adamantly staring into Saiki's soul, Saiki who regretted this decision, and a more-than-usual angered y/n. "You okay buddy?" A gruff voice appeared. "Huh? Oh, yeah, of course! I'm just not too hungry so, here Mera, take it." y/n answered, not too convincingly. "Are you sure?! Seriously?!" Although she asked, Mera was already across the desk, grabbing after her lunchbox. "Yeah, no worries." y/n chuckled back, leaning back in her seat.

'What's wrong?' Saiki asked, gently nibbling on a snack. 'Nothing.' y/n shrugged mindlessly. 'You're a terrible liar.' - 'Just stressed over homework, that's all.' - 'As I said, you're absolutely horrific at lying.' The two continued with their mental fight, though it appeared as if they were just sitting normally. Saiki wouldn't let her down-toned mood get brushed off so easily though. Where was his usual happy-go-lucky-yet-also-annoying y/n? Though he would hate reading minds, Saiki felt his biggest disadvantage was not being able to read y/n's at all. 'Can't you remove any mental barrier you have?' Saiki sarcastically asked. 'What if I told you I just don't think at all.' - 'Please don't. I don't want to think I'm dating Nendou.'.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now