O15: 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧'𝙨 𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩

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saiki kusuo
A New Year came around and most people were feeling festive. Going to shines, celebrating at home with loved ones, etc. Saiki, of course, wanted to be left alone (for once), but that planned failed as his parents were yelling at the TV and y/n was over for another lunch. It was as if she was now their daughter. 'I feel like I'm getting replaced by you.' Saiki asked, both high-schoolers chilling in his room. "Woah wait-" She lifted herself off the bed, staring at him with wide eyes. "Did you just make a joke?!" She slapped both hands on her mouth dramatically. 'Oh shut up. And get off my bed, you're always on there.' He stood up from his seat and grabbed her ankles. "Hold on– don't tell me you're gonna pull me off!" She shouted, gripping onto the bed as hard as she could.

'Watch me.' He deadpanned, already slowly pulling her off. "But it's so comfortable!" She groaned, rubbing her face into the blanket. 'I don't care.' She was now halfway off the bed. "Don't you love me?!" She cried dramatically, the blankets being pulled off with her. Saiki suddenly stopped, his grip around her ankles getting tighter. 'Love is subjective.' - "That's what people who are in denial say." - 'Shut up.' With one last tug, y/n face planted, luckily with the blanket below her. 'You're going to get my sheets dirty.' He sighed, crouching beside her.

y/n turned her head, off from the blanket, sticking her tongue out. "Dumbass." She spat, rubbing her forehead. 'I thought you weren't supposed to feel pain.' Saiki frowned, brushing a few fingers backhandedly on her forehead. "Awh~ Is Kuu-chan worried for me!" She teased, standing up with the blanket. "And well... I basically have a few abilities and limits as a normal person, after all I need to blend in. But major things, won't effect me as much as a human. Get it?" She explained, tossing the moderately heavy blanket back onto the bed. 'Are you... immortal?' Saiki then asked, bringing himself back to his seat.

"I assume so. I already told you how I do have an ending period, so I guess I don't die until then." She shrugged. Their conversation ended when Saiki heard a few thoughts. He recognised the voice. It was none other than the blue-haired beauty, Teruhashi Kokomi. "I'm assuming you don't want to see her...?"
y/n raised a brow, knowing exactly what was going on in his head. 'What do you think.' He rushed out of his room, and down to intercom machine. 'You're silencing it?' y/n followed right behind him, hands on her hips.

'I'm not letting her ruin my New Years.' Saiki finished, turning back to her. 'Are you saying I don't ruin it?' She cooed, jokingly latching onto his arms. He quickly shook her off and made his way off to stand by his parents. '...Just not as much.' - 'I'll take that as a yes.' - 'I didn't say that.' - 'But you hinted at it!' - 'Shut up before I change my mind.'.

Outside, Teruhashi was practicing how she would greet Saiki, and how she would ask him out to go to visit the shrine.

"Happy New Year, Saiki!,
'T-Teruhashi! Oh... Happy New Year!',
I was going to visit the shrine for New Year's. Want to join me?,
'What? M-M-Me? That sounds great!',
Okay, perfect!"

Every time she imitated Saiki, she would told two fingers up to represent his 'hair clips'. 'This is giving me a headache, are you gonna say yes?' y/n nudged the boy. 'She won't ask if she doesn't know I'm here.' He felt a little proud of his plan.

Teruhashi rang the intercom, but there was no response. Only complete silence. Inside, his parents continued to burst out into laughter. With nothing in return, she frowned. Her only chance at getting with Saiki, failed. That was until a taller figure appeared by her. "Is there something you need from that house?" He asked. Both Saiki and y/n's heads whipped to face eachother. 'Where did he come from?!' They sprinted to the door, opening it right up.

"Look, there he is." The male smirked. 'I knew it.' Kusuo grunted. "You shouldn't avoid a girl by pretending to not be home- Oh! y/n I finally get to see you!" It was Saiki Kuusuke, the older brother of Kusuo. y/n managed to speak to him a few times, whenever he would choose to appear on their television screen. Teruhashi's mood dropped, seeing y/n right beside Kusuo. 'What is she doing here...' she thought behind a wicked smile. "You should come in for now." Kuusuke lead Teruhashi in.

"Kuusuke, you're back!" Their father beamed. "Hello Mama!" The eldest son replied, somewhat ignoring his dad. "Happy New Year!" Teruhashi bowed to both parents. Kusuo and y/n stood behind her, with crossed arms. 'Well I guess we're dealing with this now.' y/n pursed her lips together, eyes glancing up at the other. Kurumi screamed with delight, "Happy New Year, Kokomi!". Turning his head to Kuusuke, Kuniharu questioned, "Why are you here together? Do you know eachother?". "She rang the intercom outside, so I invited her in." He responded with a shrug. "Wait, the intercom?" - "Oh, we didn't hear it at all. I'm so sorry!" Both parents apologised, a shocked look on Teruhashi's face. 'Can I call this karma?' y/n snickered. 'You're stuck with this too.'.

'I found out something big.' Teruhashi was thinking in her own little world now. 'I had no idea Saiki had a brother! But for some reason, he seems like he might be hard to deal with.' She inspected. 'Oh, speaking of siblings...', "Is Kuriko here today?" Teruhashi asked aloud. 'Who the hell is that?' y/n asked, confused. Kusuo flinched, 'Oh, right. I completely forgot. The last time I turned into a girl, I passed myself off as my sister. This is bad. I didn't tell them about this.' He was in trouble, and y/n had trouble suppressing her laughs. 'I thought you were smarter than that Kuu-chan.' - 'And I thought you were nicer than that.'.

"Kuriko?" Kuniharu scratched his head. "Oh. Oh! That Kuriko!" He seemed to get the idea. 'Dad figured it out.' Kusuo let out a breath of relief. But instead, he pulled out a small dish with chopsticks. "Here, it's Kuriko!" He announced. 'Don't take it literally.' Saiki grumbled. "No, I was talking about Kusuo's little sister." She waved. "Eh? But Kusuo doesn't have a sis–" Cut off by the eldest son by shoving the kuriko in his mouth, Kuusuke took over.

"Oh, Kuriko! As in, our sister, Kuriko!" He smiled fakely. "She's studying abroad right now. You know her?" He lied smoothly. "What, really?" She asked, over the dad's choking. "Yup!" Kuusuke nodded happily. "Oh, was that it?" Kuniharu sweat dropped. Kusuo's face dropped into a sort of angry expression, y/n only rubbed the back of his shoulder. 'Could've gone a lot worse at least.' She shrugged.

"Where is she studying?" Teruhashi asked. "P... Paraguay?" Kuniharu choked out, out of nervousness. "P-Paraguay?" Teruhashi repeated. 'Shut up already.' Kusuo begged in his mind.

"By the way Kusuo, y/n, I got you guys New Year's money." Kuusuke clapped his hands together. 'Nice, in more ways than one.' Saiki nodded. "Really? Thank you! But... I didn't get you anything in return." y/n smiled, feeling bad. "No worries, I really don't need it anyways!" He assured, pushing the pocket of money into her hands. "Thank you Kuusuke!" She bowed graciously. "Ah~ How polite." He smiled right back.

"Here's some for you too." Kuusuke presented it to Teruhashi, who refused profusely. "What? I can't accept this..." She muttered. "Don't hold back. I've got about eight billion yen in savings." He nodded, bragging. "Oh, okay..." Teruhashi was blank faced. 'She totally thinks he's joking.' Saiki observed. 'I would too...' y/n responded. "You too, dad." Kuusuke finally went to his father.

"Now, now. There's no need to play the good son." Kuniharu blushed, rubbing his nose. "What do you mean?" He cut off. "Give me my New Year's money." Kuusuke held a hand out to take his offering. "What? You don't need it, do you?!" He yelled back. 'I wonder how long they're going to drag out this joke.' Teruhashi tried smiling through it all. "Hey, I'm still just 19!" Kuusuke reasoned.

Teruhashi then felt a gentle poke on her arm. She turned to see Kusuo motion for her to come out. 'He.. He invited me!' It felt as if her whole world changed completely. 'Saiki invited me to go visit the shrine for New Year's! This means an 'Oh...', right? I can take it as an 'Oh...', right?' She was too busy being excited, whilst Saiki tied on his shoes. 'Don't.' Saiki stood.

"Wait for me!" A female voice called, coming closer as she ran down the stairs. y/n made it to the bottom, huffing slightly. "Sorry, I had to get my bag from Kusuo's room." She apologised, placing the strap on her shoulder. 'S-She's coming too... She was in his room... They've been... hanging out...' All colour was lost in Teruhashi's face. 'Did I blow a bad fuse?' y/n awkwardly moved past her, putting on her own shoes. 'Whatever, lets just go.' Kusuo motioned with his head. "Wait! Where are you guys going?" Kuusuke's head appeared from the corner.

'Not him too...'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now