O34: 𝙈𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙮 𝙈𝙞𝙭

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y/n l/n
Nothing but a loud yawn to start the day. Lazing around was the best thing to do on a lazy Sunday; that was y/n's opinion as she had such a busy life. To confirm though, she loved helping out others, but y/n would take any opportunity to just relax and stay limp. However, a loud stomach grumble was going to ruin her original plans. 'Crap... I still haven't gotten up for breakfast...' She cried silently, rolling over to the cooler side of the bed. The lingering hunger wasn't leaving any time soon, but neither was the laziness.

A few minutes later, and y/n had given in. 'Let's make cupcakes today!'; was the only motivation for her to get up and going. 'I might be able to help someone along the way anyways.' She told herself, whilst getting dressed. She was sure to write a to-do list on a loose piece of paper, scribbled on with half-assed writing. 'What else do I need? Hm... Right, I'll get more decorative items.'.

Off on her way she was, taking in the warmth of the sun. 'It's pleasant today.' She told herself, ignoring her surroundings as she stared at the ground. 'Does Kusuo like cupcakes?' She asked herself, still mindlessly walking. 'Whatever, I'll make him eat it anyways.' She shrugged, turning the corner into the supermarket. Thankfully, it wasn't too crowded, only the usual customers inside.

Entering in with a charming smile, she waved at workers, who immediately fell head over heels for her. 'Wrong attention- wrong attention- go, go, go!' She scrambled around, running off to the baking aisle before a employee could flirt with her. 'Whew.' She sighed, peering around the corner. 'Sorry, but I am reserved!' The girl hummed to herself, firmly nodding her head.

'What are you doing?' - "ACK-", 'Don't scare me like that you idiot!' Right behind y/n, was the person she was supposedly 'reserved' by. 'Is someone stalking you?' He questioned. "No." - 'Then why were you positioned like that?' - "Shut up." y/n was embarrassed to say the least. "Anyways, what are you doing here?" Saiki didn't have to respond for her to figure out. She looked down at his basket to see a pile of coffee jellies. "Ah, no surprise." She nodded, Saiki doing the same. 'What about you?' He asked back, noticing that her basket was empty. "I'm baking! Well, I'm hoping to." She answered eagerly.

'Baking?' The two started to walk down the aisle together, y/n slowly picking out was she needed. "Mhm! I had a sudden urge to make cupcakes. And I need breakfast for myself anyways." She shrugged, having a difficult time choosing which brand of icing sugar she should take. 'Oh.' Saiki's response was pretty bland, after all, he wasn't too interested in something like baking.

"Well...?" y/n said, catching Saiki's attention. 'Well?' He said back, not understanding her message. "You're not gonna ask...?" She said slowly, placing a small bag of flour into her basket. 'Please don't act like I can read your mind.' Saiki glared, offering to hold her basket for her. "Idiot, you're not gonna ask to bake with me?" She grumbled, watching him carry the two baskets. 'Why would I?' He frowned. "You're seriously a psychic but have no social cues. It'd be like a date!" She finally answered, shoving his shoulder.

'O-Oh. A date?' Turning to face the other way, Saiki tried his best not to lose his composure. "Gee, Kusuo, you think after a while you'd get used to this." She teased, reaching over to pinch his rosy cheeks. 'Go away. Get caster sugar.' He huffed, walking off. "Still shy after taking me all the way to Europe? Someone seems bad with emotions." She snickered, continuing to tease him. 'Is this not bullying?' - "Not if it's with love!" She gushed dramatically. 'Shut up.'.


Entering into the house, the two quickly pulled off their shoes, before changing into slippers. "Let's get started!" She squealed, already rushing for the kitchen. 'H-Hey! You're gonna trip!' Saiki worriedly called out, running after her with two bags in his hands. "Okay, Saiki, I need you to do an important job for me!" y/n ordered, pulling out bowls and utensils from her cupboards. 'Which is?' He washed his hands, drying them after. "Melt the butter, please and thank you!" - 'Wow. Really important.' He sarcastically mentioned, taking the bowl of butter from her.

She started folding ingredients together, before reaching over to add in eggs. 'Don't crack the shell in.' Saiki warned. "I'm not, you need to trust me a bit more." y/n stuck out her tongue, cracking open the first egg. "Oh-" - 'You cracked the shell in didn't you?' - "Heh... Could you help take them out?" From the start things were already getting chaotic. But it was impossible to go a day with Saiki, without something crazy happening.

'What's next?' The psychic asked, throwing away the egg shells. "Can you get a cupcake tray out for me? It should be in that cupboard. No- the one to the right. Yeah. That's the one." Getting it ready, Saiki took the initiative to line the tray with patty paper. "Thanks Kuu." She hummed, ready to fill the tray with the mixture. 'Not yet, you need more milk in there.' He inspected, moving the tray away from her. "Huh? What do you know about baking?" She glared, trying to reach the item. 'Enough to know there's not enough milk in there.' He snarkily remarked.

Petty, y/n flicked the mixture-covered wooden spoon at Saiki, making the mixture splattered all over him. There was a small silence, only the sound of y/n slowly backing away. 'I've made a mistake...' She admitted to herself, placing the bowl down onto the counter, ready to sprint off. In a flash, before y/n could even move, Saiki had thrown the other block of butter towards the girl. "HEY! Not the butter!" She squealed, ducking behind the corner. 'To think you chose a psychic to play this game with.' He had a dark aura around him, as if he was ready to risk it all just to get his revenge.

"Take this you psychic!" Before he could think, a handful of flour was pegged right at his face. "OOF!" And down to the floor he went. Getting up as quickly as he could, Saiki reached for the closest thing there was; the icing sugar. "W-Wait! We still haven't used that–" The ingredient was right back at her face this time. 'Blame yourself for this!' Saiki bellowed, rapidly tossing handfuls of icing sugar towards the girl. "Fine then! Take this!"


That afternoon, a whole bag of icing sugar, half a block of butter, two thirds of the flour, sprinkles, and even a quarter of milk from the jug had been wasted.

They never finished making the cupcakes.


a/n I am very sorry for the inconsistent posting 😼😼😼 I am fr trying my best I PROMISE QJJZJS
again, I'm still trying to do all the requests, but this one made me really hyped to write, because I'm actually baking cupcakes tomorrow for school^^ and it was a fun concept that I couldn't pass on.
this chapter was requested by Magicattus3 ^^

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now