O26.5: 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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saiki kusuo
Nothing was more exhausting than having to now deal with this. Kusuo hid himself in the bathroom for a moment, brushing his teeth before going to bed. It wasn't as if this would be the first time spending the night with y/n; so why was his heart racing so much? It wasn't like the usual, he felt like throwing up. Except all that would come out is his heart.

Exiting the bathroom, he slid open the door to reveal a girl with messy h/c hair. "Yo." She threw up a peace sign, before going back to fixing up her futon. 'Good grief.' - "Oh! That's been you're eleventh 'good grief' this evening, not bad Kuu." y/n nodded, puffing up her cheeks with a hand on her chin. 'And why do I like you again?' He glared, walking over.

'Why are you sleeping so far away?' He realised that y/n had pushed her futon much further than it was before, almost now at the other end of the room. "Huh? Oh, I thought you'd like it better that way." She simply shrugged, patting down her blanket. 'No.' He frowned. Using his powers, in one swift motion the futon moved directly beside his. "Woa-Hey! At least give me a warning." She grumbled, reluctantly walking back.

"By the way, you're grandpa is so funny." y/n snickered, stretching out her arms with a yawn.


"Oh, that's right. We bought you a gift. I hope you like it!" Kurumi pulled out a blue paper bag from behind, placing it onto the table. "y/n also brought something, if you don't mind." She ushered for the other to show her gift. "Right! Uh- I just made some cookies, that's all!" y/n gently slid over the box towards the elder. "They're really amazing! It's her famous recipe!" Kuniharu encouraged.

"Mhm! And I bought castella." Kurumi then slid her box over. "Dad loves it, right?" Kumi held both boxes in her hands excitedly. "Oh he does? I'm impressed you remembered that. And thank you for the cookies, we'll really enjoy it, I can tell." Kumi grinned. "Of course I would!" Kusuo shook his head though, eyes adverting from them, back to the wall.

'Stop it already. He'll get emotional again.' And there Kumagorou was, crying again. 'To think Kurumi picked out a gift for me... To be honest I rather dislike castella, but the though alone brings a lump to my throat!' He silently cried of happy tears. 'And that girl! Cookies? She'll be the perfect wife for Kusuo. It'll be so cute to see him happy...' - 'He really thinks that highly of you, huh?'.

It was then decided for the group to eat. To cut things short, Kumagorou prepared to see his grandson giving him a dish of castella, cookies and tea. He even cleaned up as much as possible, which was impressive for his age. Though, in the end he was greeted with Kuniharu, which he scared away pretty easily. It took some begging, and coffee jelly offering, but y/n dragged herself and Kusuo to greet the grandpa. Catching him in an embarrassing position, the tsundere was quick to play it off. Kusuo walked out the first time, leaving the grandparent alone. But soon after, he walked back in with his own plate of food; 'This time I'll be the one to show affection.'. That was after, with some more coffee jelly bribing of course. It may have, or have not helped that y/n sat on the far end awkwardly, feeling like a third wheel in the silence.


Turning off the light, Kusuo then slid under the blanket, letting out a relaxed sigh. "You know, I really can't believe you admitted to being a tsundere." y/n laugh-scoffed, keeping her voice as quiet as possible. 'I didn't mean it like that, I didn't mean for it to slip out at all.' He huffed, turning so that his back was to the girl. "Whatever, you know what you said. If I remember correctly. You said; 'What a hopeless old man...'" She put on her best impersonation of the boy, which repulsed him. "'You have a longer history of being a tsundere than me' and then blah, blah, blah, the rest isn't as important." y/n snickered, quickly slipping into her futon as well.

'First off, I don't sound like that.' Kusuo turned over, his head barely popped out of the blanket. 'Yes you do.' y/n yawned, mirroring his position. They were both lazily staring into each other's eyes, heads tucked under their blanket. 'Second, I said I'm not a tsundere. What's so hard to understand?' He stared back at her with an intense gaze, almost as bad as his grandfather's. 'Yeah yeah, whatever. You'll keep saying that, but we both know that isn't true.' y/n rolled her eyes, which slowly got more tired as the time went by. 'It's okay to let go of your pride sometimes Kuu.'

There would've only been minutes now, until they would fall asleep. Both students felt their eyelids slowly falling. Slurring out, the exhaustion couldn't make Kusuo think straight. 'You know, you're the only person I can see without my glasses...' He mumbled, rubbing the bottom half of his head into his blanket. "Hm?" With her mind blank, and throat dry, y/n wasn't even positive she heard his words right. 'You're really pretty. But you're also stupid. And stupidly pretty.' He didn't mean for his words to sound as emotionless as it did.

'Really? Well I think you're stupidly pretty too.' She offered a cheeky grin, before shifting in her bed. Smacking a hard, unexpected kiss on his forehead, y/n hurriedly shoved her head back into her blanket before he could react. She even turned away from his, curling into a little ball. The sensation lingered on her moistened lips; his warm forehead, with the few strands of hair in the way.

'Good... grief... You may even be worse at showing affection than him.' Kusuo was thankful for the dark, as it hid his burning face. Pulling his arm out from under the sheet, the psychic wrapped it over the girl, pulling her right into his chest. "Ooft... ouch Kuu-chan..."

'I... love you. You stupid, stupidly pretty idiot.'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now