O47: 𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠!

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aiura mikoto
"Man, he's always so bossy." Complained a purple haired psychic. "If you don't like it, don't come." Mikoto spat back, annoyed to be stuck alone with the other. The pair alone was never a good idea. At 3AM, the two had arrived to the Saiko Hotel, finding themselves a hotel room to temporarily stay at.

saiki kusuo
In the pitch black, a line of light barely peeking through the curtain, there was Saiki, making his way to the door. He passed by all the other boys who were fast asleep, Nendou falling off his bed. 'Good grief. They're finally asleep.' Saiki frowned, 'You'd think they'd be too old for a three-hour pillow fight.' He scoffed. 'All I heard last night was Chiyo's blabbering about Kaidou. What an odd unexpected pair honestly.' y/n responded telepathically, yawning in the process.

Exiting the room, Saiki finally teleported suddenly into the room where Aiura, y/n and Toritsuka were waiting at. "Finally!" Toritsuka groaned, first to complain. "Don't make us wait after making us come to a place like this at an ungodly hour!" He cried out. "I'm seriously sleepy, tomorrow morning..." Aiura muttered, eyes barely open. "Besides, how could you leave Aiura alone with someone like Toritsuka right now?" y/n snickered, to which the boy fell into shock. "What's that supposed to mean?!". Saiki ignored their antics, 'Let's begin the meeting.'.

Saiki had already attempted to destroy the time loop once, again with Aiura and Toritsuka's assistance. However, suppressing the eruption in one area would only cause another eruption elsewhere. This was the fatal flaw. So he used Aiura's power to predict the new location and would send a clone of himself, all suppressing the eruptions as they changed locations. However, Saiki got hungry, and they failed. Thus, setting them back another year.

But this year was surely different, as now Saiki had a new plan, and now, a new partner.


"Man, last nights pillow fight was intense!" Kaidou beamed, all of the boys walking towards the buffet for breakfast. "Aren's triple pillow throw was mind boggling!" Kaidou said in awe. "What about your dream pillow boom?" Aren countered, "That was pretty nasty.". "You guys had a pillow fight?" Hairo asked, interested in their conversation. "Yeah, after you went to sleep at eight." Nendou answered. "Oh, where's Saiki?" Kaidou asked, before arriving at his answer.

There he was, already at the buffet, with a coffee cup in his hands and an empty plate in front of him. The group shared their 'hello's' and asked about his whereabouts last night as they didn't see him. But there sat a worried Saiki, or rather, Toritsuka. Previously, Saiki had requested for the boy to stand in for him, pretending to be him whilst he dealt with the volcano. His goal was to make sure they were no where near the volcano. And if they got suspicious, all he had to say was, "G-Good grief...". It hurt Saiki to know that's all it took to convince them. "Oh, well, let's go get breakfast too.".


"You sure it's safe to let that idiot act as your stand-in Saiki?" Aiura sweat dropped, looking at one of his many clones. 'He's an idiot, but he can get things done. It should be fine.' His clone with wavy hair said. "Why can't one of you just stand in?" Aiura questioned. 'That would be more suspicious.' This time, a clone with slanted eyes and a high pitched answered, 'Clones are unstable. It would be dangerous to interact.'; Tareo was his name. 'Besides, we need as many clones as we can to prevent the eruption. It was a prudent call.'; Debao, one with bunny teeth. "Well if Debao insists..." Aiura and the clones were off to their first destination.

"Say, what do you think the danger rate of this is?" y/n jokingly asked, hovering over the opening of the volcano with the real Saiki. Saiki had gained a suggestion from his brother, that instead of suppressing the lava, he should instead send it somewhere else. Somewhere else like space. It was a bizarre concept, but about 9 clones, including Saiki himself were enough. 'I've had enough of this. We'll get this done now.' Saiki sighed, arms crossed.

The heat waves were getting to the girl, making her, and her wings feel sticky. "Do we really need to be standing right here, by the way?" y/n muttered, looking over to the other. Silently reaching out his hand, he offered it to the other. Confused, she took it, holding his hand tightly. Immediately, she began to feel cooler, "Wow~ There's so many powers I still don't even know about." y/n laughed, making Saiki blush just a little. Emphasis on 'a little'.

It felt like time was ticking by a little too slowly, the two teens just simply hovering over the volcano, bound to explode any time soon. "What time is it supposed to erupt again?" She questioned, pulling out her pocket watch to check how much longer they'd be waiting. Staring down at the item, Saiki's answer had become a blur, his voice sounding muffled to the Angel. "Oh. Okay." She nodded, not even taking in what the other said. She closed the pocket watch by balling her hand into a fist. Shoving it back into her pocket, she turned to Saiki, with the biggest smile she could muster.

Furrowing his brows, he questioned, 'What's up?'. "Ah, nothing. Just a little nervous to be honest." She sheepishly laughed, moving to hold his hand with both of hers. Floating closer, she pressed a warm kiss on his cheek. "But you're making me feel better so, thank you." She muttered, dropping her head into the crook of his neck. Flustered at the sudden action, Saiki mustered up his best response;

A 'Good grief.'.


the next chapter won't be a continuation of this storyline just yet. more like an interlude ?
just a heads up, so don't worry! it will continue right after

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now