O22.²⁵: 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙨 & 𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨

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y/n l/n
Located at the airport, all the students were waiting around until their flight to Okinawa. Saiki was leaning against y/n, a sad look on his face. 'It was good Mera could come but...' It was the tenth time he whined that day. 'I already told you it's okay! We can still see each other even if we're not in the same group, idiot.' As Saiki leaned his head on her shoulder, she pushed her shoulder upwards.

The previous night, the infamous, perverted Teruhashi Makoto visited Saiki to 'ask' about his trip with Kokomi. After a few threats, accusations and more, Makoto handed the strawberry-head his flight ticket. At first, Saiki considered telling the manager about his secret trip, until he saw a familiar face walk by. It was none other than Mera, holding her gigantic fish on her back. Being able to group up with y/n was amazing itself, but if Makoto were to join, it would only ruin the trip. Killing two birds with one stone, Saiki gave the ticket to Mera; which resulted in the groups being changed back.

'I'm sorry...' He apologised again. 'This is so out of character for you. Stop sulking.' y/n's words didn't get through to him though. Not only did he feel bad about leaving y/n, the plane would now be delayed due to a typhoon. "What shall we do?" Hairo asked their teacher who stared down at his wrist watch. "This is bad..." He muttered.

"Due to a typhoon, the flight to Okinawa scheduled for ten o'clock has been temporarily suspended at this time."  The woman over the speaker announced. 'Our school trip is already at it's climax.' Saiki's eyes fluttered up at the TV screen which read 'Okinawa flights temporarily suspended'. 'This sucks...' y/n sighed. If it were to be any other situation, Saiki would've been happy, and ready to go back home. But it wasn't. It was clear on y/n's face that she was ecstatic to visit a 'new' area with her friends, and spend time there. After hearing the news, y/n's face dropped, causing Saiki's heart to drop too.

Only ten minutes ago, all the students were expressing their joy, all jumping around, talking, etc. After the news, everyone broke down into silence, all in a pit of sorrow. They were all in the depths of despair. Mera, who finally got the chance to go overseas, was now unable to. Chiyo, who previously showed off all her snacks she was going to eat on the plane, was now eating them with a blank expression. Kaidou pretended to not care, inviting Saiki to leave and not go, but his eye bags told that he was too excited to sleep last night. Even Aiura was grumpy, as she planned to try make money in Okinawa with her fortune telling. Aren, in his head, was grumbling, 'I'm gonna fight that typhoon if it doesn't go away...'. Nendou... He reacted much different, and in a more inappropriate manner in which y/n could not explain. For context, he pulled down his pants and made a weird poop joke.

"Excuse me, if the flight gets cancelled, will we postpone the trip?" A student asked. "No, it'll be cancelled." Mr Matsuzuki responded, which caused a frenzy. "What?!" - "You may not care, but we've been looking so forward to-" A student was shaking the blank faced teacher, until an item fell from his pockets. It was a deck of UNO cards. "UNO?!" - "I want to go too... but it's out of my hands!" He turned away from them, crying out. Everyone started crying out, after him. 'This is cruel.' Saiki observed. 'I don't blame them. I feel the same.'

"Don't give up guys!" Hairo then called out. "It's not like the flight has been cancelled!" He tried pushing his own energy onto the others, but it was obvious behind his facade he was also sad. "One, two... Sun, don't give up!" He chanted, looking outside the window. "Hey, why aren't you doing it with me?!" He jumped around at the other students, but they were too glum to respond and join. 'To think they aren't even responding to Hairo... They must be taking it hard.'

'Good grief, even I can't stand to watch this.' He stood up from the seat, eyes gazing over the students. 'Come with me?' He asked, a hint of begging in his voice. 'Let's get this over and done with then...' y/n scrunched up her face, standing up with him.

Suddenly, the typhoon now disappeared, showing up on the TV screen. "Hey! They said the flights on again!" A student called out.  "They said the typhoon suddenly disappeared!" Another informed. "All right!" They all were back to being cheerful, jumping around. "We can go on the school trip!" Even those who pretended not to be excited, Kaidou, we're beaming with excitement. "Oh! Saiki, y/n! Where have you been?" He asked, "Hm? Aren't you kind of wet?" Both students were drenched in water, but with a few quick magic tricks, they were back to being dry,

The two students teleported to the scene of the typhoon, using their powers to knock it out. It was a quick and easy job, but it didn't stop y/n from messing around. "Saiki! Look out!" She called out. Just as he turned around, he was hit by a ball of water by y/n. It became chaos soon after that. But now they were back, they were more ready than ever.

'Now let's go on that trip.'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now