O16: 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 𝘼𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩!

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y/n l/n
School was over and the iconic duo were on their way home. They headed into a convenience store to quickly buy some drinks to refresh themselves. As they were exiting, y/n felt the urge to open the pocket watch. Saiki noticed this, and nudged her as she took the item out of her pocket. 'Are you helping someone?' He asked, leaning over her shoulder to see the results. It was a compass, pointing towards the direction ahead. 'I guess so.' She shrugged, now walking.

'Do you need any help?' He asked, walking right behind her. 'Maybe, but you should help me back in general.' y/n clicked her tongue in annoyance. 'For what?' Saiki shared the same amount of annoyance. 'Teruhashi, your family, Yuuta- although, I do love him so I don't mind.' She listed, holding up a number of fingers. Saiki didn't respond, he knew she was right. 'Whatever.'.

Then, more than familiar voices crowded into his head. 'It's all over for me... This is really it...' He croaked out. 'You think this is the person we need to help?' y/n sweat dropped, hearing the same things her friend did. 'I wish I had been born a piece of seaweed. Then I could just sway in the water watching fish pass by...' He continued. 'He's got it really bad...' Saiki trudged, unhappy with the situation. 'Swaying, swaying, swaying...' The voice sang. 'Right, let's get this over and done with!' y/n attempted to lighten the mood.

They stopped by a man on the floor, tipping over his bottle of wine. He had green hair, wore a white and purple suit, and was clearly drunk and out of it. The compass on the watch disappeared. 'This is him.' y/n confirmed, but Saiki wasn't having it, 'Never seen him before. I'm gonna go home now.' He turned on his food, ready to drag y/n back with him. "No! C'mon Saiki, I can't just leave him." y/n was instead the one to grab his wrist and hold him back. 'Then can you do it yourself?' He looked to the man, before her, and then the direction he was walking in. 'I'll buy you a coffee jelly.' Saiki didn't need time to think. A coffee jelly d̶a̶t̶e̶ with y/n? 'Deal.'.

Finally, the other male realised as they walked over towards him. "Ah- Master!" He jumped to Saiki's feet, in which he backed away. Goodness! To think you'd appear me at a time like this!" He cried, latching onto his waist. "You... Know him?" y/n snickered, watching the stranger show his affection. 'No!' He swatted the man away. 'Wrong guy you dope!' He lied through gritted teeth, watching him jump back into a bow. "Master I beg you! Please take part in my magic show as my assistant." Saiki shook his head almost immediately, pointing over to y/n. 'Use her instead.' He gestured. "W-What?!" y/n jumped. 'You're supposed to help, aren't you?' Saiki blankly stared. "I... I guess so?" y/n shrugged. She had never helped in a way like this before. It was usually just helping someone pick up their needs, or preventing a car accident.

"Is this your assistant Master?" The stranger then asked, still on his knees. 'No.' He responded back, annoyed. "Your girlfriend then?" He continued to ask. 'No!' He spat back, fidgeting around. The question still would irk him. "Well then, if you can help, please do so!" He bowed back down, forehead to the concrete. "S-Sure thing then. I'll do what I can." y/n spoke gently, bowing down to help him back up. Saiki observed, his eyes softening. 'Good grief. You better buy me two coffee jellies.'


The three were now located in a bar for magicians and comedians. Nakanishi Kouta, who y/n finally learnt the name of (though he had a stage name she could slightly remember), was waiting behind the curtain as the host called out into the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen! The illusionist you've all been waiting for, seen on 'The Miraculous Magic Show', will show you some of his new tricks tonight! Chouno Uryoku!". The room went dark for a bit, until the spotlight landed on the magician who was facing backwards. He spun around with a smile, "Amazing!" He beamed.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now