O32.5: 𝘽𝙞𝙜 𝙆𝙪𝙪

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saiki kuusuke
"Mr Saiki." A male called out. "Do you need something, Jamie?" The blonde responded. The other proceeded to hold up a stack of papers neatly pressed together by a paper clip. "The thesis you let me copy— I mean, that you gave me advice on for great evaluations from the professors. You really are a 100% genius." He praised. "Jamie, I'm not a genius. Just an ordinary man." He simply responded back, head dig into a book he was speedily reading. "Someone who makes all of modern science and common sense pointless...".

"Now that's a genius." On the other side, the Saiki family and an additional y/n, had just landed on Europe land. All of them sported beaming smiles, with a limp Saiki in a wheelchair. "Okay, we're here! The Saiki Family in... London!" Both Kuniharu and Kurumi were extremely excited, already jumping from place to place to take pictures. "The Saiki family, and me." y/n joked, quickly throwing up a piece sign as the camera was directed towards her. "What do you mean? You're already family to us!" Kurumi snapped a pic of the now-blushing girl. "Oh... Thanks...?" She muttered bashfully. "Did you hear that Kuu? She says I'm family!" y/n giggled a little too excitedly to the boy. 'Good grief. We came here to fix me, but look at them.'.

"Honey, take a pic of me here!" - "Oh, you are so handsome! You look like James!" Kurumi squealed, watching her husband lean against a telephone box. "Who's James?" y/n scratched the back of her head. 'Hey.' Kusuo glared, trying to catch their attention. 'We're here to see him so that my control device will be fixed. Did you remember to bring it?' He asked, directing it towards his father. "Of course! We're not here to have fun! Definitely not!" His father hastily responded, his books of 'Getting around in London' almost falling out. 'That's not what it looked like just now.' Kusuo grumbled.

"Okay then! Let's go to Cambridge!" His father pointed out, both parents looking determined. 'Sorry Kuu, but they're definitely going to have fun instead.' y/n snickered, being the one to push his wheelchair around. 'Good g–' - 'Yeah, yeah. 'Good grief', I know. But c'mon, they don't get this often. Let them be.' She interrupted. 'You're too kind. Sometimes it's annoying.'. Walking around, the parents took more pics of each area, eventually buying merchandise. They bought cheesy, tourist shirts with the British flag and 'I <3 London' on it.

'Hey! We aren't here to have fun.' Having enough of their antics, Kusuo finally bursted out, 'Hurry up and get on the train so we can head to Cambridge already.' His father, realising his mistake, had a scared look on his face, sputtering out, "I-I know!". Strolling him further, they were happy to see themselves enter another entrance. "See? We got on!" Kuniharu hummed merrily. 'Finally, good grief. Wait, why are you laughing?' Beside a tired, limp Kusuo was y/n with her usual cheeky snicker.

It was because however, that entrance wasn't to a train but a largely sized Ferris wheel. 'HEY! This is the London Eye!' Kusuo yelled out, trying his best not to move around. One wrong move and the whole structure would fall apart. "Wow, what a wonderful view!" Kurumi admired, not realising her son which was now standing. 'Forget it. I'll go by myself.' - "Woah! Kusuo! We're this high up! If you can't control your powers, we're goners!" The father rambled. 'You're the one who brought me up this high! I'll just get y/n to help me!' Kusuo countered. "Wait, wait! Okay! Let's go to see Kuusuke then!" Heart racing, Kuniharu feared for his life.

'Seriously... I didn't wanna see him to start with, you know.' Kusuo finally sat back down, his right hand loosely holding y/n's. "Sibling rivalry, huh?" She joked softly, "Don't rip off my hand, yeah?" - 'You're making me think about it.'. "Yahoo!"

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now