O40: 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥!

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saiki kusuo
— friday, 3:15pm
"Don't forget everyone! Next week, Monday, we will be holding parent-teacher meetings. We will be discussing grades, academic performances, class participation, and so on and so forth. We have sent a letter to your home address in reminder for your parents also. It is compulsory for all parents to be here. If not then, please tell them to contact the school to reschedule personally. Thank you, and have a wonderful week everyone!" The teacher announced, waving everyone off as the bell rang. As spoken, in a few days, parents would needed to be brought into the school to talk to school staff. Most students groaned, not wanting their parents to find out about their failing grades, others were wary, not knowing what to expect. But, there was one girl who was panicking the most.

'What am I supposed to do?!' She cursed, waking out the school, along the pink-haired psychic. 'You have the weekend to think about it.' He responded casually. 'Well I'm still gonna be with other things and tasks, and two days isn't exactly enough time to get some random pair to adopt me.' She huffed, turning the corner. 'Get my parents to do it for you then.' Saiki suggested. 'Aren't you supposed to be smarter? They know who your parents are already.' y/n mentioned. 'Okay, so who even registered you for this school? You would've needed some form of signature and confirmation to come here.' Saiki questioned.

Eyes widening, y/n remembered important details. 'God gave me temporary parents! I can just ask him to find me another pair.' It was like a lightbulb clicking in her head. 'You can just ask him for that stuff?' Saiki raised a brow, opening his house door for her to enter in first. "I mean, wouldn't hurt to ask, right?" She shrugged, slipping off her shoes at the entrance. "Well you better ask quickly, I'm sure he had other errands to do before making fake parents." Saiki snickered, closing the door behind them. "Don't rush me, I'm stressing out over this enough." y/n stuck her tongue out towards him, which received a glare back. "Whatever. Do you think we have any coffee jelly left?"


y/n l/n
—saturday, 12:34am
"Okay." She shook her head confidently, walking around her room. "I can do this. All I need to do is ask God for a pair of fake parents for the day, and I'll be good." She told herself, walking to the side of her bed. Sitting down comfortably, y/n held her hands together, closing her eyes. "Dear Mr... Lord... Almighty, God," She began, "if that's what I call you..." She added, to which quickly received a response.

"What is your request, young one?" Their voice echoed in her head. "I need temporary parents, again. For Monday, next week." She spoke aloud. "What is this request fulfilling?" They further questioned. "It's a parent-teacher meeting, something compulsory. I just didn't want to seem suspicious in not having any parents." She tried keeping her answers brief and professional, but then again, she was technically a teenager. "Your request shall be fulfilled. Goodnight." And then, it was done. All y/n had to do was wait. "Amen? Or, thank you. To be honest I'm not sure what to say. Okay, you're not responding anymore, I'll just go.".

—saturday, 9:00am
'KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!' Loud, basically banging, woke y/n up from her peaceful slumber, once in which messed up her hair, had the blanket half off the bed, and drool on her pillow. "I-I'm coming!" She yelled out with a hoarse voice, stumbling from her room. 'It's the weekend, who's even here? Couldn't be Kuu. He'd just teleport in.' She rolled her eyes, brushing down her hair.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now